
Chocolates and Marshmallows

As the expansionist human kingdoms invaded the Fae nation, surrounding all fronts, and forcing the elves and fairies to defend their homeland. The elven Queen Delphinia and Queen Dorthana, having no other choice, used their combined magica to transfer their homeland to another reality. Abandoning their Mother. But the human armies got tranfered with them. Unfortunately, that was not the real problem as a howl of pain and agony was heard seemingly throughout the land. "NOOOOOOOOOO!! MY HOUSE!!"

Abel_Malusay · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Nuevo Mundo


A distant voice echoed in the dark empty void. There, queen Dorthana is susspended and motionless.


Slowly gaining conciousness, she faintly heard it but not sure if it was her mind playing tricks or she's dead.

"I Cannot see? Im... Floating?"


"Who goes there??"

*Dorthana... My child...*

"Great Hilda?! Mother?! I knew i was correct. You came with us. We—"

*No... My Child...*

"Wha—, Mother... Please... Dont speak such things."

*But its true my child. You know it too.*



*Sob* *sniffle* *sob*

"Mother... Im sorry *sob* w–we f–failed. We c–could not stop them. We—*

She cried and her chest felt pain. A great ache in her heart broke her walls and she became more vulnerable


*Hush now child... Mother is not disappointed. You and your little sister made me proud. What kind of mother would not be pleased with the dedication you two showed to save your family. Our people. It's I that should apologize.*

"M–mther... Please... *Sniffle* dont say such things... *Cough*"

*But it is the thruth my sweet Dory. A mother's duty is to protect her children...*

A warm glow envelope the queen. Soothing her as she listens with watery eyes.

*For countless years, I struggled with our foes alone. A mistake I made which they exploited. I did not seek help sooner and many of my children recieved unfortunate fates. Now... I shall join your fallen brothers and sisters to repent. A price I payed for the fool I was.*

"Mother! Don't you dare call yourself that!! You only did what you thought was right!

We were developing at that time. We should have acted as well...we...we..."

She denied her mothers claims. If it wasnt for her. They would have perished long ago but she couldn't continue.

*My fears has caused alot of suffering...Now I pass the responsibility to you and your sister once more. I love you both with all my essence. You did not fail for I failed to do my duty, to act upon what should have been done.*

"We love you as well mother..."

"Take care of your sister... Our people...

My last gift is a message, a message from this new realm I requested for sancuary."


Welcome trvelers to this realm unknown.

Knew weavers of fate, new seeds to be sown.

Be warned, you are not alone.

But rejoice, your path is known.

While they had to walk through burning coal

And build their roads from sticks and stone.

You are not alone.

Smile, for you can see the light peak.

While they still play hide and seek.

Be warned, there are more than two.

Through storms and thunder, they know it too.


We... are not the only ones, mother?


Her mother did not speak. The warmth became cold.




Queen Dorthana!

---The real world---


The queen flew her eyes open and saw six white robed indivials. Three each on her side with palms glowing green and streams of magica flow to her body. They all stared at hwr in shock with wide eyes and open mouths like a fish hasping for air.

"Queen Dorthan!! Honored healer! The queen is awake!"

One of the healers called out. Her voice echoing in the wide spacious room they are in.


The door flew open. Hurried steps approached the queen and her caretakers.

He wore white with flowing patters of leaves and stems made with embroidery. His robe reaching above his ankles. Dark circles below his eyes and a crack on one glass of his spectacles.

"Falon..." The queen said weakly.

He bowed, lowering his head and bending his body slightly before standing up straight. He reflected a smile of relief to the queen regaining consciousness.

"My queen, it pleases me to see you awake. How do you feel my queen? Does it hurt anywhere? Have... you experienced a nightmare?"

"What do you mean?"

He took a clean cloth from his side pocket and lightly wiped the cheeks of of the queen. He kept a warm smile towards her.

"Your eyes are damp queen Dorthana and your tear flowed streams to the bedsheets below you."

The rest of the healers kept quiet. They shake and quiver. Eyes shut tightly and their skin ashen. The queen saw this and knew they did not rest for her to heal.

"Where's Delphinia?"

Falon's brows raised and he stepped to the side. He pointed behind him, another bed where the other queen lay resting. Deep breaths and an ethereal glow coming from her. Only two caretakers attended to her with their palms glowing green.

"Let my caretakers rest, that is command"

She took the cloth and wiped her tears herself. The healers jolted and some backed up a little. Surprised that the queen can move.

Falon nodded and looked at the caretakers with a flick of his head. No words were spoken but they all knew theres to denying her command. They stopped their flow of magica and left through an arching door way, passing ornate furniture of chairs and beds. Placed on the sides of the walls to give room for clean beds that the other officials lay unconcious. With healers attending them.

"Is Voron awake?"

"Yes...sigh, he he. It took 8 guards to keep him down to rest. That stubborn tree bark doesn't know whats good for him."

"Call him and the other war leaders. I have spoken to Great Hilda. She... she sends her words to us."

His eyes widen of the news and hearing the queen needed the war leaders to discuss such matters was critical.

"Yes your highest."

He quickly turned around and left. The queen's eyes followed his back and he disappeared. She looked to her left and gazed at Delphinia. A tear flowed down her rosy cheeks, her brows slightly creased. She was a little on the paler side but seems her condition is stable.

Queen Dorthana waited, pondering the message. One circumstance after another. To her own understanding. There maybe other intelligent races on this world. There nation is weakened and requires reorganizing. There was work to be done and she cannot rest yet.

Clanging and clacking of heavy boots and metal guards. Armor shifting and clinking. Their sabers on their hips side and marching without helms.

The war leaders including Voron and Falon came inside. Their personal attendants scrambled gracefully, searched for chairs and took them to use.

They all stood still with heads staring straight forwards, hands behind thier backs and feet apart. Close but far eno the side of the queen's bed. She slowly sat up. Rolling to her side and pushing herself up.

"My queen, let m—"

She raised a palm towards Falon and lowly sat herself up and adjusted her seat. Falon returned to his position, standing next to Voron.

"Please sit, there is many to discuss."

They all sat as she commanded. They looked at each other before one of them spoke.

"Queen Dorthana, what did Great Hilda spoke of when she talked to you?"

One war leader with a purple sash across his upper torso. They are waited anxiously for the queens reply.

"She says she apologize of her failure to us, her children."

"But my queen, its not her fault! Its those monkey—"

Another war leader with a red cape protested together with the others who were also clammering. Denying such words before being silenced.

She raised her palm again at his words and their clammers making them silent. Confused as to why Great Hilda said that to them.

"No point of spouting protest to the one who cannot here it. Let us move forwards with the resolve to continue her legacy and be better."

They all nodded. Agreed to not waste time being bitter.

"Let's begin, reports of our borders... What's our situation?"

She looked at Voron with a composed and serious expression. Voron cleared his troat and spoke.

"Ahem... My queen, the spell was a success and our nation is within foreign lands. Our scouts reported of both autumn and spring seasons on the north and south beyond our borders , respectively. There is a vast sea to our east. Farther from the human armies."

"The human armies?"

"Unfortunately, they came with us. But not all of them. The invading forces came with us. They are currently occupying 7 of our strongholds to the east where the vast sea is close."

Voron looked at one of his subordinates to continue the report. He also cleared his throat but his voice was a little raspy.

"The invading forces halted their advance to our capital and regrouped on our strongholds. Reports say they are not completely themselves, minds muddled. Likely effects from the spell. They have made encampments surrounding the strongholds of south east, middle east and nother east."

"Our soldiers?"

"Recuperating..." A war leader holding his helm on his lap answered.

"Majority of our main forces are recieving aid and our people are assisting us when we requested them due to being short in numbers. Around 7000 of our experienced soldiers are in the defense lines. The 10000 sprouts (fresh soldiers) are under training.

"When will the humans attack?" She asked, slightly grimaceing to the low numbers they have. Againts the human's 100,000 numbers, it wouldnt matter if any of the soldiers are well trianed. So are the humans. They would be swarmed and be overwhelmed.

"It is uncertain my queen, the cunning monsters are taking their time. They began cutting down our forests and hunting our animals."


The queen was silent, only the hums of the magica that the healers are using on Queen Delphinia and the officials are heard.

"The surrounding lands. Is it plenty for our people to forage off on?"

They all looked at one another and faced Falon who raised his hand. His expression serious and smiling as if he was expecting her to ask that question.

"Yes my queen, the lands beyond our forests are rich in plants and fruits to forage. The native animals are.... intimidating."

Falon said with a creased brows and looking on the floor before looking back on the queen.

"As much as i can describe them. Reports say that there are giant wolves and deer. Giant fur coated bulls and large feline predators. But none of them possess magica."

This made the queen tilt her head at his words. A world of large animals but no magica to cause it.

"The animals size?"

"Uhmm... They can be taller than an elf (1.7 meters) and longer then two elfs standing on top of each other. We could not get a clear measure because they avoid the scouts once they are spotted"


Now the queen was more confused. Normally, creatures of those sizes are aggressive, extremely if your presence is known. Then attacking to kill.

"Yes my queen, they avoided the scouts and distanced themselves from them. One of the scouts also spoke that they were being watched by them. As if being jugde but regardless of it, they are still dangerous. They are many creature in this new world that we don't know yet."

"They are not monsters?" She asked

"No my queen, they do not possess any extreme features nor magica similar to monsters but they are no less dangerous as one."

"The environment? I heard this world having both autumn and spring?"

"Yes, its odd but the environment is as similar to the ourside world of our former world."


"Leaders... Order an evacuation. Falon will lead. Voron, assign war leaders to fortify our defenses and keep watch of the vile humans."

She ordered, voice solid and resolute. She has a chance now to take her people to safety in this new world.

Take Delphinia with you Falon. Keep her safe. If the humans attack sooner then we expect. She will lead our peole ifI fall. I thrust her that she will avenge me. Go!

"Yes queen Dorthana!!!"

They spoke loud in unison and stood up. They did not question further. The leaders left while their attendants put back the chairs.

"Voron... Ask your soldiers if any of them would choose to leave their ranks and join the poeple to evacuate to safer lands."

"Yes my queen but I assure you, we will stay and fight with you till ou dying breath"

He took his sword out and held it diagonally. The flat side of the sword placed on his chest.

The queen smirked at his statement. He was brutish. Large, rugged, and more agressive than most elves who are known for their grace. But he was the most diciplined and loyal general she has.

"Then I trust you on how they will be divided. Our people will need protection Voron."

"Of course my queen"

"Lets go..."

She slowly stood of her bed. Standing tall and determined. She saw her golden armor on a stand at the foot of her bed.

"May this former Knight's trainee assist his master?" He offered with a smile. Looking back to his younger days with the queen as his teacher in the way of the sword.

"Thank you... Berry"

His cheeks blushed red when she spoke the pet name she gave him from his trainee days. He was larger than the queen but she has made him fold in more ways than one. This made the veteran laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !"

"You haven't changed a bit master"

--- South East Stronghold (the one were ES Wolf is at)---

"Those unforgivable monkeys... You'll have your day you demons..."

An elf wearing a bandana and cloth mask curse under his breath as he spied on the human encampment. Utilizing a spy glass under the shade of a huge tree. He wore a dirt brown long sleeved tunic. Chainmail over his tunic and wearing a cloak. He was covered in foliage as camouflage.

"Da@# It!"

He quietly cursed with frustration in his voice. Forced to watch the atrocities the humans are doing.

He took a glowing quill and wrote on parchment. Looking back on the encampment with his spy glass and writing on the parchment again.

---Parchment content---

Humans burning elf soldier corpses, cutting trees, hunting animals.

Elve hung on tress, prisoners in stronghold hidden. Eating and relaxing, holding bretheren heads for leasure.

Rations many, maintaining weapons outside walls. Numbers 10,000 in stronghold, 6 watch towers.


He kept watching for any other info he could gather and sent back to the capital. Patiently, he waited and watched the vile exixtances do their filthy actions. One structure where the humans line up made his rage burn like molten rock. Wishing to kill them all. But he was not suicidal to do so.

Suddenly, he spotted something approaching the human encampment while looking for weaknesses in their defenses.

It was leisurely walking towards them, reflecting sunlight which made it more noticeable. Moving his sightd towards the humans, he saw the humans are alerted by their archers on top of towers they built . They made a defensive formation. Taking their spears and raising their shileds. Archers drawn their string and pointed metal arrow tips following the reflctive figure.

It walk closer and closer, the mages were warming up their magic at the unknown intruder.

But then it stopped. The elf scout looked closer at the figure. The sun's reflection making it dificult to see. Slowly a shadow of a tree looms over the figure and revealed a human like figure in silver armor.


"Great Hilda... What is that thing?!"

The scout could not describe what it saw. It wasn't wearing armor, no, its body is made out of it. It has a metalic body with two arms and legs. Similar to elves and humans but not at the same time.

But most of all, it's head had no face.

No face at all.

Just a black void that even the light could not shine upon it. His spine shivered and he had to act fast.

He quickly wrote down about the new development then using a glowing ink. He dabbed the point of the quill and wrote magical symbols.

The symbols glowed and flashed, turning into a bird made of magica.

"Go to capital, make haste and inform the queens"

The bird flew off the branch with a quick movement. The elf went down to get a closer view to see what will happen.

The bird carried the message.

*A silver golem with a face of the Void came to the Silvaren Stronghold. Will continue to watch. May Great Hilda protect me*


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Abel_Malusaycreators' thoughts