
Chocolates and Marshmallows

As the expansionist human kingdoms invaded the Fae nation, surrounding all fronts, and forcing the elves and fairies to defend their homeland. The elven Queen Delphinia and Queen Dorthana, having no other choice, used their combined magica to transfer their homeland to another reality. Abandoning their Mother. But the human armies got tranfered with them. Unfortunately, that was not the real problem as a howl of pain and agony was heard seemingly throughout the land. "NOOOOOOOOOO!! MY HOUSE!!"

Abel_Malusay · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Diplomacy: First Step to Conflict I

Year: 2215 USY

Location: Kasuy system, Cygnus Constellation.

Planet: Chocomallow, West continent

Time frame: 6 days after anomalous event.

---Priority Target of Investigation---

"Leader, I do recommend to have assult drones with you on this task. Also a skin..."

Poe reminded Kash, concerned of his choice of being alone using Michael. Passing giant glowing trees with large roots anchored to the ground. The bodies of the woodland giants are composed huge spiralling tree trunks. Similar to having several wires and twisting them.

"Believe me Poe... I want to have drones accompany me but the situation is too... complex. On the matter of using Michael, lets go with an honest approach. Beside, their english speaking fantasy humans. I thinks they've seen sh@# weider than this." Kash said while shaking his head and pointing to himself.

He doesn't want to do this either. But he rather not have billions of humans going againts him for not taking the proper steps.

"Is the UE informed of my actions? I feel like walking into the forest of Paradise Island... But more magical." Kash descrided his environment.

The area he was in has glowing lights and sparkles all over. Like the ones he saw in photoshops and fairy tales books for kids.

"Yes, you are executing the order to make contact with them and stablish a line of communication and conflict prevention. Due to being the legal owner of a system, you have full authority of its resources and its matters but you are still required to abide to the EU laws or we'll face Civil Forfeiture."

"And the massive paperwork and legal battles involved in it... So no. Im a good citizen." he added.

Unsuprisingly, The UE are monsters when finding faults on somebody and his somebody who has a system worth of reasorces.

"No infestion detected, right Poe?" He asked to confirm.

"Yes, Kash. My information is not wrong"

"Sh@#! I wish you were wrong when I need it. No offense." Kash admitted, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. Guilty of his words.

"None taken Kash, I'm surprised they ordered you to do it than send a representative. The military was suprisingly on board of having you do it." Poe commented him of the oddity it discovered.

---Flash Back---

"What?!" The shocked seemingly echoed throughout the bridge.

"What do you mean no assistance is coming?! Haven't I submitted the evidence??"

Kash spoke loudly infront of a monitor. He wore a grey t-shirt with the UE symbol on the front. Black summer shorts with four pockets and blue Duralite slippers.

He furrowed his brows and ran his fingers through his black hair, pushing it back in frustration. His eyes narrowed at the man on the screen.

"Yes Mr. Paulo, assitance of the level that you requested is not necessary. Though the evidence you gave us is concerning but its threat level isn't a cause of worry."

The man on the monitor wore a dark blue busuness suit with a red tie. On his left collar was a pin, logo of United Earth. The man's look of western origin with brown hair and blue eyes.

He was straight faced. His voice was solid and firm, aura of professionalism surrounded him. He looks at Kash, gauging his reactions.

"But... It doesn't... sigh... Fine" he responded in defeat.

"Ok... ok... Can you at least send a representative or experts for my "situation" Mr. Smith." Kash requested, emphasizing a word.

"Unfortunately Mr. Paulo, that can't be done. I must inform you that the UE's scientific, political, and the military branches has carefully assessed your current circumstances and determined that deploying experts at this time would not be feasible. However, they gave you the order to stop the conflicts of both factions and educate them of our laws."


Kash recieved an official order with corresponding documents referencing laws and legal terms. One of which would state that he acts as the delegate for the UE.

"You freakin serious?!"

Kash spoke in disbelief. Eyes wide and his mouth slightly opened. He opened the folder and speed read the 25 page document. At the very end of the documents are the termed and conditions as well as the seals of approval.

The military having also added fancy words that only mean "we're to busy, have him do it" . Taking all the info for several minutes before looking back on the screen.

He fell back on his chair. Closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He didn't respond to him and pondered his current situation. He would have to handle this problem on his own and had to tread carefully to not break any laws concerning the Rights of Sentient Existance.

Then he risked asking a certain question.


"Can I blow them up?"


Mr. Smith gave Kash a raised eyebrow and an incredulous look. He smiled and responded.

"Really?" Knowing it was a horrible idea

"Well... Worth a shot..."

Mr. Smith transitioned back to his professional demeanor. Fixing his tie and straighten his body as he sat on his chair.

"In all seriousness, Mr. Paulo, we need to approach this situation with caution and consideration. But do keep informing us of the matters of the system and the visitors. I do advise you to seek advise and guidance with us and other professionals."

"Yeah yeah... thank you Mr. Smith"

---End Flash Back---


He put his hands on his head then clenched his hands into a ball and raising them to the sky. Frustrated on the fact there were better options. Options better than him.

"We're pioneers Poe, not government employees or some sort of ambassador. This was supposed to be a venture that would set us up for life. My future kids would benefit from this too."

He ranted the misfortune his currently expereincing. He would have to convimce them, relocate them, assist with humanitarian aid if possible.

"This is going to be more work"

"I believe you love work, Kash"

"My work is where my interests are!" He retorted.

"Blowing things up is one of them?" Poe countered, its voice sounding amused.

"I-I uh... Uhm... Ok, thats on me" he gave up.

Him suggesting blowing them up without consideration was all on him. That way of thinking would put him in a coffin after the peace loving community of UE rips him apart.

"Also your dating life is still uncertain to me Kash. No records have shown any success of you "getting it on" with someone."

Poe then showed graphs, time frames, and events of his failures in the dating world.

"Ugh! Your supposed to be my ally. But your hitting me right in the feels!! We haven't even started the job let!"


"Sigh... Any updates on the inhabitants of this forest?"

"Yes, the "knights" are doing relatively better but are now facing shortages on food, suffering from diseases and untreated injuries. They haven't attacked the "elves" for those reasons."

"Well that sucks on them, they don't have their country to support them anymore. It will be fatal but these guys have resolve fight and the other faction is fighting a losing battle"

"The satellites and Eye Spies are seeing large numbers of the elves moving out of their tree homes. Heading South west, Spring Domain."

"Took them long enough... Keep an eye on them and send a drone to speak to their leaders"


"And here we are..."

Kash announced to Poe, spotting the stronghold and kept walking towards it. Makeshift walls of wood stuck on the ground and a large wooden gate. Wooden spiked barriers semi circled outside the gate and knights with thick wall of metal and flesh as guards.

He then heard them from a distant.


"Oh... They went into a defensive."

He saw the knights scrambling to formation. Their sheilds raised and spears forwards. The archers behind them and on the left and right flank.

"Ready the bows!!"


The archers pulled back their bow string. Loaded with metal tipped arrows angled skywards. Ready to rain down on the possible enemy. The ones on the watch towers aimed their sight at the newcomer.

Kash stopped with his hands behind his back. He stood up straight and sweeped his gaze to all of the knights. He looked down for a moment to converse with Poe.

"Poe, do you follow?"

"Yes, Kash"

"Increase voice volume"



*Smack! Ow... Oi..*

Kash heard this and took note of it, though he wasn't sure why the guy got smacked on the head. But one thing is certain, many fantasy novels have are wizards that can conjure or create an entity to do certain tasks. In his case, combat.

"So they can use heavy units huh." He thought.

*Detected rising levels of unknown element behind the walls*

"Oh sh@#!!" He panicked a little and swiftly took action





*Caw... Caw... Caw... Caw*

"Uhmmm... HELLO?"

None of the knights spoke a thing. They were all looking at each other with wide eyes. Some narrowing their eyes and tilting their heads. Murmurs erupt from the ranks but all of them still kept their guards up.


Kash heard a deep booming voice from behind the walls. He waited for him to come out of the wooden gate.


Out came the gate was a large bearbed man. He held a mace on his right hand and wore a shiny silver coloured armore. He had a symbol of two griffons etched on his chest plate and a dark blue cape on his back. His helm, compared with the other knights of plain well fitting helmets, his was more elaborate with designs of wings and wavy features.


Kash shouted loudly to the large man relative to the other knights. He saw him look Kash from head to toe and place his weapon againts his shoulders. With a serious he slowly walked, passing the other knights who gave way to him.

"Sire! You mustn't! That thing may—"

The knight's words was cut off as the man raised a finger at him and gave him a stern look in his eyes. He clammed up and hung his head low.

The large man then looked back towards the newcomer and proceeded to walk to it. His feet shifted a bit faster. The wizards chanting within their territory have glowing mystic circles above their heads. Some formed ice spikes and others are arrows made out of fire infront of the circles in mid air.

The bearded man than stood infront of the mysterious golem. He was 10 steps away from it and he could see its features.

"Greetings golem, I am Lord Bryn Dawnhammer. Commander of the Thunder knights. To whom Im I speaking to?"

"Yes!" Kash cheered in his head.

"Greetings commander Dawnhammer..." Kash said politely and bowing forwards slightly. His palm on his chest and the other extended to the side.

"Its a pleasure to speak to you and a relief to know that both of us speak the same language however we might call it by different names. But that isn't why I seek to you and your men. I am a delegate of my government and we have... Uhmmm.... Felt! Your presences for a long time now. This also includes the other faction you are in conflict with."

Kash took out a device and showed it to the commander. The commander took a glance of the flat circular tree stump looking device with narrowed eyes.

"And what manner of trinket do you hold Sir?..."


"Yes, Sir Mikael"

"This trincket you see is similar to a book or tome. It will show you knowledge regarding my presence and this *realm* you and your men are in. May I enter your camp to show your people knowledge"


The commander was silent, his eyes look down on the device and back at Kash. His stance was once stiff relaxed a little. He looked up at the sky to see the sun blasting down on top of them.

"Do you feel the heat of the sun?" He asked

"No sire, this body does not feel..." Kash responded. Thinking the question was weird but understandably he was using a Persona Vessel.

"What are you then, I may ask? You seem far educated and well-spoken to be a mere golem."

"To inform you commader, I am actually human. I simply use a technique or spell if you will give me a way to communicate from a vast distant land. My leaders... As I describe them are... cutting costs."

Kash replied to sound convincing to the bearded man and make him relate to bothersome decisions of superiors.

He also wasn't lying that its actually cost effective to just send drones than actual people or make other people on the scene do it.

Like him.

"Cut costs??" The commander asked confusion in his voice.

"Nevermind that sire, will you allow me to send my message? I believe its more important than mere details of me"

The commander looked at me and back at his men. With a raise of his hand towards them, the knights, archers, and wizards look at each other and reluctantly let down their guards.

"Very well Sir Michael, I wish to welcome you to our camp and speak to our leaders and men. Please follow me."

He spoke with a smile and turned around to lead the way. The knights gave way automatically. Their gazes following Kash as he walked behind the commander.

Moments later, Kash walks into the large camp and saw many tents, hanging clothes, men doing their duties, and the lack of proper hygiene that is expected to be seen. However, they still kept themselves well groomed despite the limitations they have.

Kash and the man walked passed following eyes and going through smoke filled paths. They eventually enter the stronghold and saw a large tent with knights holding halberds on each side of the entrance.

He entered the tent and saw aged men, middle age and above, standing on a large rectangular table. A map of the whole forests with cute pieces on top. The men flinched at the unsuspecting sight of a tall figure.

They placed their hands on their swords handles and bend their knees, lowering their stance and slowly backing away.

"Sires! Be not alarmed for I brought a messenger from a far land. He posses no harm, I give you my word"

They heard this and looked at the bearded man. The one sitting on the other end of the table pointed his finger at him.

"You have much to explain to us for bringing a stranger here without our permission commander but for now, i will listen to you."

The slightly wrinkly aged man on the other end shifted his gaze to Kash. Calm and dignified while his rather colorful knights attire bare medals on his chest. The others leaders were stepping away a few steps and stand next to the sitted old man. Straightened their posture and in unison stood apart equidistant. Their peircing eyes focus on the visitor.

"Not gonna lie, these guys have points for cool factor" He nodded and told himself due to being impressed with their discipline.

The man on the other end raised an eyebrow on the stranger's comment but did not bother to ask.

"Please guest, what is it that you wish to tell? Do you desire food and drinks perhaps?" The decorated knight veterant offered with a smile.

"That is not necessary... Sir?"

"Oh, what are my manners. I am Lord Erich Thornhill. Warlord of the Front. These are my commaders next to me and Master mage behind me.


The others werent introducing themselves and their sharp eyes tell that thats far Kash is going to recieve information.

Kash placed the device on his chest and activated the message. The device opened and light shined on the table and 3 dimentional image appeared of a caucasian with red hair.

The elders were awe strucked and eyes widen but didn't made it too obvious. They observed the little man look around him and spoke as loud as anormal sized man.

Sounds of brass and instrument unheard of filled the tent and the small hologram smiled.

Esteemed knight leaders and commanders,

Welcome to the United Earth territory!

As you stand on our soil, know that you're honored guests. Your courage and strength are legendary, and we admire your dedication to protecting your realms.

But it has come to our attention and have observed that you are performing acts that our laws consider a violation of Rights of Sentient Existance.

To put it simply, the killing of the elves...

We cannot turn a blind eye on such acts and ask you to cease hostilities. If you choose to abide to our laws, we shall give to you humanitarian support and resources enough to build kindoms. If holtilities persist, we shall conduct an intervention according to law.

We trust in your wisdom to navigate these challenges with honor and integrity. Together, let's forge a future of cooperation and friendship.

Welcome, noble knights, to United Earth. May your journey here be filled with hope and promise.Stay strong, and may the stars guide you."

The message end and the hologram dissappeared. The men then looked at each other as the bustling of footsteps and banging of hammer and matel from the distant outside was only present.




"Pfft... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha aha aha aha aha!!"

"My apologies messenger, i pondered if you were an infiltrator but now I realise your but a glorified... Pfft..JESTER!!

Ha ha ha ha!! *Bam* *Bam*

Their laughter rumbled within the tent and banging their fists on the table. Kash stood their silent. All nearly bending over from too much dopamine.

Sadly for them, their laughter would soon be replaced with screams and nightmares...


Ok guys took longer, ill be honest... im. not much of an expert in this kind of genre but ive been doing my best to make sense of it.

just a fan of scifi..

I'm new to this and hopefully you guys enjoy my work..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Abel_Malusaycreators' thoughts