
Chocolates and Marshmallows

As the expansionist human kingdoms invaded the Fae nation, surrounding all fronts, and forcing the elves and fairies to defend their homeland. The elven Queen Delphinia and Queen Dorthana, having no other choice, used their combined magica to transfer their homeland to another reality. Abandoning their Mother. But the human armies got tranfered with them. Unfortunately, that was not the real problem as a howl of pain and agony was heard seemingly throughout the land. "NOOOOOOOOOO!! MY HOUSE!!"

Abel_Malusay · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

The Familiar Unknown

Nooooo!! My House!!!

Kash wailed to the heavens, his arms raised to a first. Blaming fate and its unforgiving phenomenon it threw towards.


His arms fell limp from the weight of sadness and head faced downwards. Looking at the ground, bits and pieces of hardword lay infront of him. Shattered visage of decorative porcelain doll, a ribbon torn to shreds, and a chunk of cented candle.

Trembling mechanical fingers reach for its creations. Traced the edges, damages from a sudden great force that smashed them all to scraps. Rubble and broken wood blocks roll by, scrapping the ground close to his knees.

Kash head looked around the destruction. Absorbing every bit of info he could get to why it happened.

"Why of all places in the universe... Why mine?!" He spoke quietly, still in disbelief. The wind blew and no birds nor animals screech and chirp. Only the sound of dust and debri crashing on each other as the morning winds pick them up.

"I'm sorry Kash but i must inform you that my surface scanners and the high orbital satellites have detected unknown artificial structures far north of your cottage. As well as a large concentrarion of heat signatures and movement. Its unlikely to be natural." Poe said, i bit remorseful in its tone.

--- Recreational Platform---

A blue panel appears beside Kash. The surface presenting the zoomed out view of Michael's current vacinity. Dots and blocks in bright red with an "unknown" marker above them.

"Where's the pond? The chocolate hills? The river?" He spoke in his mind.

"That is also a concerning news Kash. The terrain that used to be in the location changed. New species of trees and animals are being detected."

The map changed. He been here long enough to recognize slight differences in the generated terrain. Accurate to the real word from multiple scans on the surface by satellites. Heck! He pretended to be amphibious in those areas for fun.

Thus also finding out it was a bad idea but that was a story for another time.

"Its gone..." He said softly

"What the hecks going on?!" He stood up up hurriedly, his tone urgent. He saw an unfamiliar edge of an unknown forest. He just nothiced the shadows looming towards him as the sun slowly crosses the sky.

"Da@#! Those are thick and tall a@# trees. and they're... glowing?

"No known radiation found in the new territory. High concentration of the unknown elements is present in the area".

"Collect data and samples of the unknown element and deliver it to UE." Kash ordered


"Further info gathering indicates a sudden appearance of heat signatures in block formations surrounding a likely burning structure due to the increase temperature and carbon build up detected in that area."

"Show me live footage!"


Another blue panel appeared next to the first. Kash examined it. His eyes slowly squinting and head tilting to the side.

"Is that... A castle? And..."

His face leaned forwards. Using his thumb and index finger pressed together infront of the panel, he separated them and the panel zoomed in further.

"A fu@#ing catalpults?!" He continued, bewildered with the bizzar sight."

He moved the live map more. Pinching it to zoom out and saw more structures, away from the first bizzar sight. Doing so, he saw even more structures. Unknown yet so familiar structures.

"Are these some sort of fortifications?"

"Most likely Kash. What actions should we take?"

Poe asked, it could do it on its own but even this was bizzar to it and doesn't have any protocol regarding an alien environment just suddenly appearing.

"Follow UE protocal regarding unknown phenomena and anomalies. Contact all related branches of United Earth. If this is an infestation in disguise or something. Contact military leaderships and ask for assistance. Remove fire power restrictions. They can cause property damage as much as they want for all I care."

---He actually does care about it but it wasn't the time to put humanity in great danger. Being the cause of death of human lives doesn't sit well with anyone, right?---

He crossed his arms as he spoke commandingly. Straighten his back with eyes sharp. Not missing a beat as he ordered the preventive measures needed incase if the anomaly is more than he himself can handle.

Raise security level to "Trouble Seeker".


*Security level raised to Trouble Seeker*

"If anomaly is recognized as threat level Global. Ramp up the security to Complete Planetary Isolation."

"As you command leader."

"Drone count on Home Base?"

"Approximately 1,450,000"

"Divide the numbers. Assign construction of Suppy Depot, modify both carriers and drones for possible combat scenario. Install drone assult and support combat schematics. Heavy on suppressive fire power, heavy ordinance on stand by."


Shapes and images popped up representing the units that will be assigned and the numbers of the units available for use

300,000 drones assigned to tasks, completion in 12 hours.

"I need a brigate. Im not taking any chances if worst comes to worse. Install command units for each 6 battalions. 2 infantry, 3 for artilliary, and one for logistics support."

The images divided to how Kash said it. Word for word. The silhouettes zoomed across him to their assignment. Together with names above the shapes.

"Possible aerial threats?" He questioned, worrying about a dangerous asset of a possibly unknown hostile entity.

"None of the scanners show any form of flight capable foreign organisms nor aircrafts."

"Allocate reasorces for possible aerial threats. Lets focus on maiming hit-and-run tactics."


"Now constructing Flying Rats"

Deploy Eye Spy for recon.


"Eye Spy deployed"

"Priority on the visible heat signatures. Allocate the rest to investigate the new terrain."

He swipped his fingers across the panel and spotted an unearth section of the unknown terrain. Dark brown crater encircled by spikes indentation.

"Do investigation on this area."

"Yes leader"

"Show live feed of the area."


The live feed was revealed and several burning red and yellow streaks appear on it. Crashing towards the obscure location Kash directed them.

Eye Spy has entered the planets atmosphere.




*Pop* *Pop*

Kash popped the vertebrae of his neck and he turned his head, looking behind him. There he saw Balu lounging on his couch without a care. His head in the arm of the couch and his tongue sticking out. His drooling too. His dark brown fur with shades of red contrast against the light blue of the couch.

"Dang it Balu..." Surprised how carefree the bear was while the other animals ran.

"Stay here and dont follow me."


"I need to go and it may be dangerous so..."

Kash raised his hand forwards and pointed to the ground.

"Stay!" He demanded.



Balu fell back on the arm couch and his paws brushing on his face. He wasnt planning to follow because his feeling lazy. The couch was also comfy and he wasn't going to leave it any time soon.


Shaking his head on the sight of Balu's listlessness, here turned around and jogged to the direction of the detected concentration. Wanting to see up close and personal what his dealing with.

"I swear... If in dealing with an infestation. My plans are going to be delayed or worst, ruined!. But... where did these medieval looking building come from?"

He pondered as he gradually transitioned his jog into a run then entered throught the forest that had an ethereal feel to it. Becoming a blurr to the animals and fallen leaves and twigs parted to give way.

---Eye Spy 02---


The recon drone sizzled and clacked as its shell burned on re-entry. The black void shifted to blue and the earth grew closer.


Its sperical body jutted out thrusters and ejected compressed are. Decelerating and puncturing a cloud.


It angled its thrusters and blasted a large amount of air. Changing its course and it bounced in several arcs before it deployed its wings. Two magnetic ring shaped wings sparked with energy and slowly float itself down on decline towards its target.

*Hissss* *Hissss* *Hissss*

Several more of its kind hopped in the air like skipping stones on the surface of a lake before going to their designated area of investigation. Their singualar eye glowed red and its pupil like lenses calibrated their focus. Protected by a black tinted glass casing over the eye.

*Eye Spy Network Online*

*Activating camouflage*

It started to collect data of its surrounding. The Eye Spy Network sharing data between them. The shell body became vibrant of different colors of the rainbow and changes into dark violet patterns, matching its surrounding. Some time passed and ES 2 arrived and dived into the crowns of the glowing trees.

It immedialy spotted movement. Hiding itselt between the thick branches and bundles of leaves.

"Healer! We need salves and clean cloths!"

"Argh!! It hurts! Please... Urgh.. end this torture"

"Get it together... Healer!! Where is that paste!"

"Here my lord!"

ES 02 shifted to the left. Some individuals holding on there heads.

"Why why why why... I can't hear her! I can't hear her!" A voice repeating in rather confused tone and wide eyed facial expression.

"I feel so empty, i feel empty" A statement coming from a slumped down figure on the floor. Puddle of water below as drops come down the other figure's face.

ES 02 quietly hovered deeper. It saw carved stone structures. Wooden boards and planks on top of huge trees. Rope bridges interconnected with each other. Cobblestone pavement roads, lined with groups of the unknowns. Injured, wounded, supporting bandages. Others missing parts of their bodies.

It records some entities the others called "Healers" on injured unknowns.

*Sob* *Sob*

"W-w-why... c-cant ... hear her? Mother..." One of them cried quietly on a makeshift bed next to others who are unresponsive with eyes closed, but still breating.

Arms over the eyes of the unknown. Tears flow down the cheeks as lips quivered in a frown

*Taking note of unknown "Mother". No other visible older females of such kind*

"Soldiers!!" An unknown in silver armor with a purple cape. The entity has dark complexion, similar to chocolate as the unknown annoced to the collections of "soldiers". ES took note of possible hostile with an organized military structure.

"Those who are available, give aid to the people of the north-west forest. We must reassure them and have them calm down. The truth will be soon delivered by our Queens. Do not lose hope. Do it it for Great Hilda. Dont waste her sacrifice."


ES 02 took note of *Great Hilda* and *Queens*. Several batches of soldiers reported to the "officer" ES 02 designated. Putting the unknown for possible "priority target ".

It remained hidden and observed. Absorbing new information as time passes.

"Oh beard of Ocia!! Why do i feel heavier than before?"


"Would you please go back and rest! You are injured you tree bark!" A cute high pitched voice came from a glowing ord.

The glowing orb of shimmering light, bigger than the size a normal human palm, reprimanded the soldier. The orb held a wooden spoon and smacked it again. On top of the head

"Ow!! Yes my lady. I apologize.."

The soldier retreated back like a defeated dog. Not wanting to anger the glowing ball of light more.

"Hmmp! You better be! You tree bark.."

"Lady Fara, the dish is prepared."

Two new glowing orbs came, sending a message.

"Delightful! Feed them to the soldiers at once."

"Yes, right away!"

They all floated away and left the injured soldiers to recuperate. ES 02 took notice of the the orbs as it saw miniature version of the unknowns but with wings similar to butterflies and dragonflies. Enveloped with glowing special effects.

ES 02 remained observant and out of sight. Watching as the dark skinned soldiers remorse, chatter, and discuss topics unfamiliar to it. The robed fair skinned care takers visit them periodically to apply medication.

---Eye Spy Wolf---

ES Wolf monitored the priority target area. Its red glowing eye spotted the source of the heat signature.

"Those pointy eared freaks! Im going to kill does demons spawn and plow my log in one of them weak elves."

The bulky humanoid figure in armore said to the one behind.

"Well these spawn was weak and we killed him. Oh the gods! You swing the other way?! Ha ha ha..."

The other unknown busted out a laugh followed by groups giggling begind the two thelat were talking to each other.

"Bas#$rd! I dont swing that way!"

"Oi.. would you two clamp your mouths! My ears are ringing bells because of those freaks doing."

A larger figure appeared from a tent carrying a glowing great sword to ES Wolf eye. It took notice of the similar frequency the weapon had to the unknown element present on the planet prior to their arrival.

ES Wolf wolf also note of their features. *Human* with steel armor over padded cloth. Chainmail are worn by some but all in complete set of armor. Others, holding long clubs and staffs with ornate designs. They where thick and long hooded robes with color patterns ranging from different shades of blue and gold stripes.

It flew higher for an birds eye view. Spotting bond fires, large tents, a makeshilft kitchen with unknown produce on baskets.

A clear dirt field outside the brocken wall structures where ES Wolf saw armors on stands, swords and spears on racks, and far from it was horses.

The unknowns were all around the structure. Mainly staying on the center field of the stronghold. Fires crackle and spark from the wood they gathered outside. They were laughing and merry, holding bags with liquids and burnt meat on skewers. They wore more metal compared to many of there large group. The many others are seen to haul stone, wood, rations on some sort that ES Wolf can't identify.

ES Wolf recieved data from other locations of priority area. All similar to what it was already gathered. Except ES Wolf spotted a door on an intact structure. Figures forming a line, possibly a rest room of sort but it did not require further investigation. Re focusing on the strength these unknown could possibly have.

It then notice are the bodies hanging on the large unknow species of trees. Ropes around their nwcks and or feet. Bodies of the same kind piled in a pit next to other pits already blazing from fire being conjured by the robed figures. Glowing lines above and infront of the figures. Heavy smoke rising to the planet. Severed heads on spikes and more bodies tied on crosses.

Lifeless as an unknown species of bird feast on the bodies. The bodies have a distinct feature of having long ears, complexions ranging from dark brown to light and fare skin tone.

ES Wolf saw this and it automatically placed them as hostile. With the evident of killing what are likely sentient lifeforms.

ES Wolfs exterior spherical shell formed small rings on its body and they opened, creating a hole. The holes then shot out mini hover cameras the size of flies and scattered around hostiles large encampment.

Gathering data of the tools they have, numbers present, the food they eat, and constructs they have. The other mini cams examined up close the bodies of the other unknown entity.

Missing organs, headless, bleeding from many of their orifices, and the rest are unrecognizable mush of flesh and fluids.

"Serves these freaks right. Why cant they just surrendered and be our slaves? Dont they know the glory of our United Human Empire?!"

The Eye Spy overheard a conversion of the unknows that are holding water skins and wooden goblets. They walked up to the corpses. Pointing and spitting words of a language similar to their creator's. But they were not the same to their masters.

"Empire" Eye Spy Wolf took note of the unknowns possible capability of having a larger army and vast resources than what is present to support it. The information immediately sent to Poe.

Brother... This is the 6 time you said this. Their dead already... Look at them!" The man in full armor with a bow slinged across the figures body pointed to the crusified bodies.

"We killed them brother. They are weak, why have them as slaves? To think you will entertain such thought."

"Says the man that rammed his log in that long eared freak just a moment ago!"

"Oi!! We had an agreement to not speak of that!"

"Don't matter to me what you did brother. You be a hypocrite or not. My statement stands. They are made to..."

Took a swig on his goblet. The dark red liquid touched his lips and his throat gulped it down before speaking again.

"...Serve us!!"

---Pearl of the East---

Poe stored and examined all the data and information gathered by the Eye Spies. Distributing them to the approaching offensive combat units coming from the north and west of the occupied structure ES Wolf is gathering information from. The support positioned themselves South and East from roughly 3 km. from outside the new lands. East battallion is behind a hill while South battalion is possitioned behind of a mountain.

The information of the new terrain were referenced and compared with different natural biomes of different worlds. None of which are making any matches to the new terrain the sise of the former United Kingdom Ilse.

"Leader, unknown territory consists of confirmed possible hostile and are great in numbers. Roughly over 123,000. Request permission to deliver and add mechanized units for possible engagement.







"What... In God's name is this fantasy BS am I seeing right now?! He said, on his belly under a thick bush. He was far from the stronghold so he was less likely ro be spotted.


Poe was genuinely confused but took note of Kash's words and did comparisons to Earth myths and legends.

Matches show, though few similarities they had, Poe was making progress.

"And are those fu@#ing wizards?!"


well... took me long to write this... not my first language and im just using other scifi shows and movies. some from manga and do a little searches. the names are obvious to the techs fucntion so..

hope you guys enjoyed..

Abel_Malusaycreators' thoughts