
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · Urban
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47 Chs

Loose guard

Karl had to leave the ward because visiting hour was over but not after Karl was certain that Isime was fine. He had watched the doctor checked her and said she was okay. She only needs to rest.

Leaving the hospital, Karl had some doubts in his mind about Isime. He couldn't tell why he didn't feel the connection he had with her the first time they met or maybe he had put too much expectation on reconnecting to her

Karl sighned as he went into his car.

He decided to call his friend Kelvin to hear his opinion about the situation. He needed to pour out his mind and Kevin was the man for it. Kelvin always know how to see the bright side of things. When ever Karl needed someone to talk to, he knew he could trust Kevin which is one of the reasons Karl had maintained his friendship with him despite not being around for long. Kelvin know when to listen and when to talk and his words always made Karl feel better. Karl dialed Kevin's number the first time but he did not take his call and the second time, he still did not take the call.

"Ha why is he not taking his calls" Karl wondered. He wanted to drop his phone but decided to call for the third time. Surprisingly the call was placed on busy. Kelvin hardly would busy his calls. If he did, it must be for a genuine reason. I hope he's okay? Karl sighned and droped his phone . He felt that he would have to deal with his mix feelings for a few hours .

Just when he put the car to start and about to drive out, he noticed his phone light beep. It was Kevin calling back. He stopped the car and picked up the call. Am sorry for not responding to your call, "the voice from the other said. Karl knew it was kevin talking but his tone was strange. Before Karl could say anything, he was strutted by what the other person said next. "so why are you calling?" Kevin asked and Karl frown at the question.

"What does he mean why am I calling? Why would Kevin ask him such question? . Kelvin would normally not talk to him in that manner." Kelvin, are you okay?" he asked trying to figure out what was wrong with his friend.

" Yeahhh am fine, "kelvin stammered and laugh afterwards. Something was definitely wrong. Kelvin was acting drunk and Karl knew Kelvin well enough that he only drinks when he was not happy and wanted to clear his head. Kelvin is an extrovert and easy going personality. He is usually fun to hang around with but when he is drunk, he will be the dumbest guy karl knew. Kevin was not good with alcohol. He only needs to drink a little before he will be drunk. As Karl listened to how Kevin laughed, he was afraid he was not in a good shape and needed help so he asked him for his location and Karl drove off to meet him.

The last time Kelvin was that drunk, he almost ended up killing himself. He had gone to bar alone to drink, according to him, he only took two shot and did not expect he would be drunk. As he was driving back home, he slept off while he was driving and didn't know when he drove out of the road to hit a truck that was parked just by the road side. Karl wanted to make sure that Kevin was okay which was why he decided to go and meet him. He has forgotten about his own problem. Kevin was in a bar and who knows how much drink he has had? Karl questioned out as if he was talking to someone.

Getting to where Kelvin was he was surprised to see him in the company of other guys. They were playing music and dancing. Where they celebrating something? Karl wondered.

That must be your rich kid? One of them asked Kelvin pointing to him. From his look, karl could tell the guy was also drunk. Kelvin ignored the guy and motion to Karl to come and meet him.

"my man," Kevin tapped on his shoulder. There was pride in his voice. Karl rolled his eyes, he could not understand how the quiet reserved guy turned into someone else after getting drunk.

"I think you have drank enough, let me take you home," Karl did not bother to ask him any question, knowing he was not in his right frame of mind.

"you are to seriously, sit down and join the party," Kevin said as he dusted the space next to him.

"I have work tomorrow," Karl shook his head.

"ahh, just a little, is not like you would be fired even if you don't show up tomorrow," Kevin said. He was drunk so he spoke without thinking.

Karl decided to loose his guard abit. He felt that drinking a little would not be that bad. If anything, he would fall asleep faster. He had so many things he wanted to talk about but the only person who would listen was in his worst state.

There was a saying, "drink and forget your sorrow, " Karl told himself. He was not someone who would use alcohol to avoid his problems but this time, he felt it was just too much.

Isime looked like her but she gave off a different feeling. There was even a chance that he got the wrong name. Things were too messy. It had been six months and no matter how sharp his memory was, Karl knew that he could have forgotten some things, but Isime closely look like her.

"forget your worries, drink," Kevin pour the drink into his glass. Karl took a deep breath, there was no need thinking too much, he picked up the cup and drank the content once.

The other men cheered seeing that Karl was drinking so happily.