
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · Urban
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47 Chs

Have some more

"Have some more, bill on me," Kevin sounded excited.

"You seem to be in a good mood, what are you celebrating?" Karl asked seeing that his friend was in a good mood.

"You remember the deal I told you about?" Kevin asked. He could not hide his joy even if he wanted to.

"The one with AWM?" Karl asked carefully.

"Yes," Kevin said feeling happy that his friend took things related to him seriously. "I got it, I was hoping for two years but they were willing to sign for five years," Kevin said.

"Congratulation man," Karl was happy to hear the news.

AWM Group, is a multinational company and getting a five years contract with them was a great deal. Karl was indeed happy for his friend. So he took the drink that was offered and raised his glasd. "Congratulation my friend, I wish you a smooth collaboration," Karl toast and empty the continent in a single go.

The others cheered and did the same. " I feel that every things is going in the right direction. I got a high deal this time and you found your lost love. How better can it get : the heavens is shinning bright on us." Karl could only frown his brows when Kevin mentioned about his reconnecting with his love.

"What's wrong? you don't look happy when I mentioned her?" Kelvin was curious about why Karl gave such facial reaction. Usually Karl will talk about her with such a sensational smile. Why did he froned his brows Kelvin was lost. He wondered if the two were fighting.

Fighting? How could that even happen when it's had only been a few days since they reconnected?

"Nothing much Kelvin, probably I have been thinking too much lately." He paused and emptied the remaining content in the glass into his mouth and sigh before he continued "It's just that I am not getting the connection like I had with her the first time and after what happened at the hospital today, I don't know what to think," Karl paused again and look at his friend who was listening with so much curiosity in his eyes.

"Could you believe that I found out today that her name is Isime and not Osima? How could I have the wrong name in my head all these times?" Karl complained he felt things where not right.

"Woo... How did you find out? Did she tell you?" Kelvin asked he felt that things did not seem quite right, he was never the type to believe in love at first sight but Karl has said it is many times that he was beginning to believe in fate. He had also experience what love at first sight was a few days ago.

"Yeah, she confirmed it herself but not after making a fool of myself," Karl said and hissed. The more he thought of the situation at the hospital the more he felt stupid.

" But that's not the striking part. I brought up a conversation we had about her dog the first time we met but strangely she appeared lost. It was not what I expected. I mean she had talked about her dog with so much passion that day but who knows maybe the accident may have affected her or she never had a second thought of me after that day. Or do you think I am over thinking things?" Karl asked looking at his friend to know what he thinks.

"The feeling is different, she act different, the name is different, could you have recognised the wrong person?" Kevin asked.

"I have also thought of the possibility but I have been seeing her in my dreams, moreover, there is only a slight different in the pronunciation of her name. I might have heard her wrongly. Moreover she seemed to be in pain when I talked about the dog. Could something had happened to her dog and I brought up the wrong topic? Karl could not place his thoughts.

Kevin was surprised to see his friend in such a state. "I think you are over reacting. You have only met this girl once there can be many miss understanding. Karl the best way to clear your doubts is to spend more time with her. Set up another date with her. That way, you can have more time with her," Kevin paused.

Thinking about another date with her, karl couldn't help but smile. He had longed for a date with her and they were surposed to meet last weekend if not for the accident.

"You are right Kelvin, I should probably spend more time with her. The only challenge now is she is still at the hospital. I will wait for her to recover then I will invite her for a date," Karl was happy afterwards. He hoped Isime would love him back and that he had not recognised the wring person after all that would only mean his love is till somewhere else.

Karl emptied some content into his glass and took a sip. "I need to use the bathroom," Karl announced. He suddenly felt very press after taking the sip from the glass. Karl stood up and felt his eyes dazzling. Everything he sees looked to be at their enlarge version. His feet could barely hold him. He felt one side of his head ache. Karl stood for some seconds to have a bit of stability before he started moving towards the rest room. He tried to walk slowly so that he doesn't miss his step. As he walk pass the entrance of the bar, Karl thought he saw a familiar figure but was not sure who it was so he turned to look but she has turned her back towards his direction. Karl almost missed his step but managed to steady himself and continued moving. He got into the bathroom and eased himself. He fetch some water from the tap with his palm and pour on his face with it. After pouring twice, he noticed he was feeling better although his head still ache.

"I need to go home" Karl said to himself as he walk out of the bathroom and head towards his friend kelvin. He brought out his phone and sent a message to the diver that was appointed to him by his family. He did not think he would have a use for him so soon. After sending the message Karl keot his phone. It was a bit funny, he had gone to pick his prince but ended up drunk.

"Karl" he heard his name. It was a female voice. He was not expecting to run into any one who knew him. When he turned to look, it was Irene.