
Chit Chat: The Rebirth Of Love

What was surposed to be a casual chat has now hunted her life. Osima's life never remained the same after having a chat with a surposed stranger who she felt she had met in another life. She must find him but would he recognize her? Karl has always had a free life away from his family control but a meeting changed this decision. For her he was willing to stay back in the country and work for his family. For her he also fought his family in order to give her a proper title only to find out a night before the wedding that he had picked the wrong bride. The woman he had wanted had been so close, is not that he had never felt his heart flutter on the few occasions he saw her, it's just that he had always over looked it. Karl is caught in a conflict between both women, He had to choose between the fiance carrying his unborn child or a familiar stranger.

Betty_Ozemoje · Urban
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47 Chs

Mix up

Karl held Isime's hand and gently led her inside. "Here" Isime pointed to her ward. "That's your ward?" Karl could only ask. He couldn't believe that her ward was right opposite the reception desk. You have to walk past the the reception desk before her ward. Karl decided to point the receptionist to Isime since she appears not to be busy .

He wondered why the receptionist could not be thorough while searching for the file instead he made him look like a jerk who doesn't know what he was say. The hospital was this small and yet they could not manage the date of their patients. He began to doubt their ability.

"This was the patient I was asking of" . Karl told the receptionist. He wanted to see what excuse she would give. If it was due to poor data management, he felt it would be best for her to move to a better hospital. One should not be too careless with health related issues.

" Oh but you said Osima," The respectionist answered. She wondered why Karl would have a problem remembering such a simple name.

"Yes that's her" the receptionist opened the file as if she was trying to confirm the name.

"But what we have here is Isime," the respectionist answered. She had recognized Isime but thought it best to confirm her name with the hospital date.

"Ohh," Karl sigh feeling a bit embarrassed." You do have another name? " Karl asked as he tuned to look at the woman he was holding.

"It is Isime.my name is Isime, I guess you miss the pronunciation," Isime said and smiled looking at the confusion on Karl's face. It's not that she did not notice that he had been calling the wrong name, she just thought it was pronunciation issue.

'How could I have the wrong name resounding on my head all these months and I didn't know it? Karl questioned himself. He felt embarrassed seeing how the receptionist looked at him. "sorry, my mistake," he felt the need to apologize to her.

' How could I be wrong all these months or is it possible there was something missing?' Karl questioned himself without saying a word out. He rather led Isime to her ward and helped her lay down on her bed. Karl felt something was not right but he could not place it.

" Karl why don't you sit a little there's still a few minutes before ward round check," Isime said .She noticed Karl was a bit lost in his thoughts so she wanted to know what it was. She had told herself she wasn't going to act desperate but she won't let him slip off either. "Ohh yes I should probably sit down " Karl find a sit and sat down. There was a bit of awkward silence between the two before Isime decided to take the initiative to say something.

"Karl thank you so much for the flowers I love them a lot" Isime said.

"You are welcome.it was the least I could do " Karl replied. He was happy she love them. He has chosen them without knowing her preference. Seeing the smile on her face as she had held the flowers, karl was pleased he had made the choice. He wanted say other things but didn't know what to say.

He tried to steal a look at Isime but their eyes met and they spontaneously both look away without a word. Karl felt tense and decided to say something to ease the tension. He remembered She had told him about her dog the first time they met so he decided to ask about it .

" Do you have someone taking care of your dog now that you are at the hospital?" Karl asked.

"What dog?" Isime was taken by surprise with the question. She does not have a dog. She doesn't even like dogs. How could he be asking of a dog. Besides she doesn't remember having a dog related conversation with him. 'Could he be mistaken someone for her.' Isime grind her teeth. She didn't know what to say. First he had been calling her the wrong name and now he asked about a dog, she could guess that there was a miss up somewhere but she was scared to clarify. She didn't want to say anything that will send a wrong signal and lose the attention she just got.

so Isime decided to act as if something was stuck on her throat. She caugh and held her chest as if she was having difficulty breathing.

Karl quickly rushed over to help relaxed her back and fetch her a glass of water from the small shelf hung beside her bed.

"Here " Karl handed her the glass of water. Karl felt sorry for her. She must be going through so much pain after the accident . he reasoned. "Should I call the doctor?" Karl asked. He was worried that something must be wrong for her to chock when she was not eating anything.

She nodded, she wanted the conversation with him to end there, this way she would have time to gather her thought. After all she could not cough everytime he asked about the dog.

Karl went out to call a doctor to check her. He wanted to ask her a few questions to clear his doubts but felt it was not the right timing. She must be going through much pains. What she needed now was to rest.

Karl also noticed the strange look on her face when he mentioned a dog. But he could not tell why? There were two possibilities. One he had the wrong person, two she had forgotten all about meeting him and so she was surprised that he knew that she had a dog.

Karl sighed, there was still time, he could not be insensitive. She was sick now, if he mistook her, then they could just be friends he can hang around for a few months, maybe the heavens would give him another opportunity.

Karl sorted out his thought before he got to the doctor's office.