
Chimera in Another World(Dropped feel free to use if you wish)

Kain knew he was special, it wasn't because he was born rich or became rich due to luck. It wasn't because he was an excellent martial artist or fighter of some sort. No, he was born with something unique something only he had. Anything he ate he absorbed their traits and any other abilities they had. Coming back from Africa after an illegal hunting trip his boat was caught up in a fierce lightning storm. As the ship rocked back and forth he could feel it slowly breaking apart. As a lighting bolt flashed before fully breaking the ship he closed his and grew angry. Angry knowing that he could never taste everything his world had to offer, never knowing how powerful he could've become if he had more time. As he opened his eyes however he was not greeted with death, no he saw trees and mountains with strange-looking birds flying overhead. Seeing this he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, overjoyed knowing that he had a whole new world of delicacies to enjoy, to gain more power, to become the strongest in existence.

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Isekai Encounter

Exiting the cave Kain was greeted with the blinding light of the sun and he quickly shifted back to his human. The adventure badge began sharing once more and he took it out trying to figure out what was wrong with it. It spat out the request with a small print mark on it most likely marking it complete. He shifted his lower body into a horse once more and began galloping with a normal upper body back to the city. Five minutes of galloping later he saw the walls overhead and began shifting his legs back to normal.

Approaching the city guards they stood there flabbergasted and confused. The man asked Kain for his badge and he quickly showed him tossing the last remaining from the "Beast Kings" party and entered leaving the two officials confused as he disappeared into the crowd.

He quickly found the adventures guild and entered and saw that most of the adventures were still partying with only a few actually looking at the quest board. Kain approached the clerk from earlier who was surprised but she sighed and held out her hand. Seeing this Kain brought out the request post and handed it to her. She looked down and had a shocked expression on her face as he looked up and down, at the request and at Kain. Putting it down she quickly rummaged around trying to find something. While she looked around she spoke to Kain turning her little office space upside down.

"I thought you came back to quit being an adventurer, not turn in the request so quickly."

Hearing that Kain let out a small chuckle and leaned in looking that the clerk.

"Let me guess it s because of my rags right?"

Hearing that a quick blush appeared to don't the clerk's cheeks and she finally found a small bag with a gold thread line. She got up and handed the small bag to Kain putting the request in a large stack of papers. Taking the bag he started counting the amount and the total was about 50 gold coins, smiling Kain pocketed it. Then he realized something and looked at his clothes, he turned slowly and looked at the clerk with a crooked smile.

"Do you know any places that have good sturdy clothes?"

She sighed and explained where he could find a good clothing store for adventurers and even gave some bonus information about a good inn nearby as well. Kain thanked her and exited the shop with a gigantic smile on his face. The clerk sighed and began putting the complete request pile into a blue bag with the same stamp as well. The lizardfolk clerk leaned in close.

"W-W-Was that the newbie?"

The female clerk nodded and grabbed a stack of request papers with a bag of tic-tacks and began putting them on the board.

"Yeah I thought for sure he was coming in to quit or something not to hand in his first request."

The Lizardfolk clerk simply looked at her with an upset expression remembering the feeling just now and the feeling from back then. Then he went back to work helping out with another adventure while thinking.

"Like I said he's a true predator."

As Kain walked down the busy streets he eventually came upon the store the clerk recommended called "Warriors Clothing" which was filled with various adventurer clothing. Entering he was immediately greeted by a short fat man with a black curled-up mustache.

"Greetings adventure have you come in to purchase something, oh what am I saying, of course, you have look at your clothes."

The man led Kain to several different clothes each one drastically different from the last. One of them was a set of long sleeves and jeans made out of two different reptile monster scales. Kain eventually came across a nice little long shirt that was red with a symbol that even a nonmagical person like Kain could tell emitted mana. It also had a nice pair of long blue shorts with various symbols as well. The sales clerk clearly saw this and smiled stopping alongside Kain.

"I must say sir you have excellent taste in clothing, these fine clothes are good for everyday use and also serve as protection against ripping and tearing and against steel-like weapons."

"It also comes up with an auto wash function."

Hearing all this was music to Kain's ears and he saw that the clothing was 40 gold coins he smiled happily taking out it. Seeing this the sales clerk smiled accepted the cash and quickly put it away in a light yellow pouch. Kain was given the clothes with the clerk's smile still the same as when he entered.

"By the way are you purchasing any armor today at all or are you done with your shopping for the day."

"No, I believe I'm good but thank you for the clothing."

Then he left, leaving a still smiling clerk behind him that still had a creepy smile on his face. Exiting the store he bumped into someone, it was an Asian man with short black hair who was wearing a white undershirt with a black tie and pants. Kain however chose to ignore this for now except he saw a glint of a sword with magical runes inscribed on it. He squinted and face the Asian man with a nonchalant happy smile on his face. The man looked at Kain questionably but quickly ignored him electing to go inside instead of talking with him.

Kain knew instantly what this man was, or more specifically what genre he came from. He was an isekai protagonist or at least had the air of one. Kain knew had to keep an eye on this man because if this was a manga or light novel well he knew what he was. He was the villain, the monster of every story, the man who devoured entire families to keep his secret, the man who would do anything if it meant becoming an alpha predator of the universe, of the gods themselves as well.

"If he gets in my way I'll devour him as well."


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