
Chimera in Another World(Dropped feel free to use if you wish)

Kain knew he was special, it wasn't because he was born rich or became rich due to luck. It wasn't because he was an excellent martial artist or fighter of some sort. No, he was born with something unique something only he had. Anything he ate he absorbed their traits and any other abilities they had. Coming back from Africa after an illegal hunting trip his boat was caught up in a fierce lightning storm. As the ship rocked back and forth he could feel it slowly breaking apart. As a lighting bolt flashed before fully breaking the ship he closed his and grew angry. Angry knowing that he could never taste everything his world had to offer, never knowing how powerful he could've become if he had more time. As he opened his eyes however he was not greeted with death, no he saw trees and mountains with strange-looking birds flying overhead. Seeing this he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, overjoyed knowing that he had a whole new world of delicacies to enjoy, to gain more power, to become the strongest in existence.

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Summoned Heroes News

After that brief encounter, Kain made his way back to the adventures guild hoping to do a few more quests before nightfall. On his way inside he passed by a couple of the partying adventures probably doing jobs of their own. Entering the guild he saw that it was almost completely empty with only the male lizardfolk clerk remaining and maybe a few passed-out adventurers. Kain smiled and approached the questing board seeing a few strands of paper still stuck to it.

Taking a quick glance he could see a few E-rank quests remaining, and even then there were only a few about monsters. He sighed taking a look at the only two monster remaining ones. One was once more about a couple of goblins and a hobgoblin nest nearby, leaving him the other one which was about the city sewers more specifically investigating a monster in them. Kain took eh quest bringing out his adventures badge which immediately sucked it in and headed out.

Walking through eh city streets he could see people of all varieties, some were the regular humans he was familiar with. Others were more like that lizardfolk clerk he saw earlier with a few variations between them some had horns others had more draconic features. Other resembled typical fantasy races he was familiar with, like dwarfs, elves, and even beast folk. Although they resembled their beastly counterparts more than humans their only humanoid features were their basic shapes and thumbs.

Kain couldn't help but mentally salivate at the variety displayed before him, each one was a new organism he couldn't wait to eat. Taking the quest out Kain studied it more closely trying to figure out the exact location he need to go to. The only info he could find however was a crude drawing of a map of the city with an x in what looked like the center. Sighing he went in what he assumed was the direction of the city center. Walking through eh crowd he could hear the citizens talk and gossip over various rumors some of his beastly forms others just weird monsters popping up.

The only that interested Kain was the rumors of a "hero" appearing or at least the potential summoning of one. It was the most popular rumor going around with people of all ages talking about it. The rumors spread were about the emperor summoning a hero to defend the continent from a ruthless demon king. Essentially a typical isekai story, yet this confused Kain for a variety of reasons. The first was the fact was the multiple transported individuals that for right now counted three including Kain himself. Next was the rumor itself, while the most prominent rumor was only one hero being summoned there were variations o this as well. It was only one small difference but it was big enough to warrant worry, multiple heroes's being summoned.

The only thought going through Kain's head was simply.

"This is going to get more annoying isn't it."

While he wasn't a heavy reader on the subject of isekai he understood enough that those transported typically had boost given to them. This could come in a variety of forms, on one hand, they might have a system to help them grow unbelievable strong, on the other hand perhaps they were given special talents or skills by a god or goddess of some sort to survive the world or in the heroes case save it. For Kain it was different, he wasn't given a special talent nor was he greeted by a god or goddess when coming to this world.

"Of course, my original ability alone is enough for my goal."

he reached the center of the city and there were four other pathways leading to various parts of the city alongside a large spiral spike in the center. In front of the spike was a board with various papers on it, not unlike the quest board. Approaching it he saw various notices and pieces of news and one that confirmed the rumors he's been hearing about and cemented the fact five hero's in total were summoned. Seeing this he grew a tiny bit interested instead of frustrated.

"Well if the world throws you lemons you make lemon aide, or in this case a five-course meal."

Then his mouth curled up into a vicious smile with a bit of drool falling out, feeling a bit drop to the ground he quickly wiped it off and went back to his neutral face. Putting the news to the back of his mind he took out the quest making sure he was in the right location and sure enough he was. So he began looking around trying to find something related to his quest, and he eventually came across a manhole, and in the center of it was the exact same x as the crude map had.

"Of course, one of the few interesting quests, and I have to go into the sewers."

Slapping his hands he lifted the manhole cover upsetting to the side and slowly climbed down the ladder trying his best not to puke. Once h reached the bottom he shifted his eyes to the hobgoblins electing to use their night vision. Then he started shifting the rest of his body, he started with his lower body turning it into a humanoid alligator with a long tail. He then formed his chest area into the armored bears with the urchin spikes on his back making sure if anything tried to sneak up on him they would get a nasty surprise. Then he shifted his arms into two large gorilla arms with the armored bear skin on the fist. Finally, his head was transformed into a dog's head with the skin and horn of the armored bear.

With his transformation complete he started his search hoping to come across a new organism or creature. 20 minutes into his search he began hearing voices around the corner he came across and hide trying to make them out. There were 3 in total and all of them were males, with growing curiosity, he peeked around the corner making sure not to be seen. His face widen in surprise at the people he saw, which was quickly replaced with a vicious face and a drooling smile.


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