
Chimera in Another World(Dropped feel free to use if you wish)

Kain knew he was special, it wasn't because he was born rich or became rich due to luck. It wasn't because he was an excellent martial artist or fighter of some sort. No, he was born with something unique something only he had. Anything he ate he absorbed their traits and any other abilities they had. Coming back from Africa after an illegal hunting trip his boat was caught up in a fierce lightning storm. As the ship rocked back and forth he could feel it slowly breaking apart. As a lighting bolt flashed before fully breaking the ship he closed his and grew angry. Angry knowing that he could never taste everything his world had to offer, never knowing how powerful he could've become if he had more time. As he opened his eyes however he was not greeted with death, no he saw trees and mountains with strange-looking birds flying overhead. Seeing this he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, overjoyed knowing that he had a whole new world of delicacies to enjoy, to gain more power, to become the strongest in existence.

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

First Quest and New Monster

Kain looked over the quest board and immediately saw several postings of various strong-looking organisms. He held in his drool and he could feel his stomach growling he looked down trying to find any interesting E-rank quest that seemed promising. He found one near the top that listed monster missions about goblins and a hobgoblin as well. Kain grabbed it and looked it over making sure to note any interesting details about them. He smiled and thought about several possibilities the goblin species could present to him.

Grabbing the poster, he felt a shaking in his pocket and pulled out the adventurer's badge and saw it shaking. It had begun moving once more forming a clamp on one end and it sprang for the poster grabbing hold of it. Then it devoured the poster leaving no trace of it behind. Kain stood there flabbergasted for a minute before he shook himself out of it and walked out of the guild hall unnoticed but the various adventurers around him. The only one who noticed him leave was the lizardfolk clerk who still shook a bit even after he left.

Kain made his way out of the city, waving goodbye to the guards he met earlier with only the male guard waiving him off. Once he was clear of the city and anyone who could see him, Kain dipped into the forest and took out his adventures badge. He began studying it trying to figure out where the request went or how it disappeared. He pressed on the E shape and immediately the request was spat out as though the badge was a living creature.

He studied it trying to find the location he needs to go to, and found out that it was nearby and only 20 minutes by foot away from the city. Seeing this Kain smiled bringing out the folded map and making sure he was going in the right direction. 20 minutes later, he came upon a deep dark cave with a few spears sticking to the side alongside a few animal skulls hung on them. Sniffing the air he could smell a faint metallic odor and he couldn't help but smile and began shifting. He began growing an armadillo back shell covered with urchin spikes. Then his arms formed into mantis shrimp claws with the same muscles. He transformed his legs skin and chest area into the armored bear's skin alongside his face.

Then for one final measure, he started growing six more eyes much like an arachnid, and began wobbling his way into the cave. As he wobbled in the stench became stronger, and a few more broken weapons were present as well. It didn't take long to find the first goblin, it was a short green humanoid with two dark eyes and no pupils at well and was well suited to dark environments. The goblin saw Kain and stood there puzzled for a minute before he charged forward spear in hand.

Kain waited for the goblin to come closer and it leaped towards him with a menacing scowl on his face. Kain immediately launched his claw forward killing the goblin instantly even separating the upper and lower bodies. Seeing the goblin was dead picked up the upper half first and transformed his face into a large snake and devoured it whole alongside the lower body. Kain went back to walking, finding a few more goblins on his well as well but nothing too crazy. The only benefit Kain saw from them was their small size, agility, and eyesight but other than that they were completely useless to him.

He eventually reached an intersection one leading down a pathway of weapons and small animal skulls with the other only being a few crude spears but with much more blood. He sniffed the air and smelled a much stronger odor coming from the cleaner section. Feeling curious he started wobbling down it with a bit of drool strolling down his mouth.

Behind Kain, a much large more dark skin goblin came out with a large club embedded with spikes held in its right hand. It smiled and made its way down the other hole following Kain.

Kain eventually made it to the end and saw a large pile of skulls either animals or a few humanoids with armor hanging off them. He began laughing manically having to steady himself so as to not tip over.

"So that was your plan."

Kain then began shifting once more removing his shell and replacing his skin with the armored bears. Then he began shifting his muscles around making his body bigger and bulkier by using the troll's muscles. His hands remained with mantis shrimp claws and he turned around watching the rest of the tunnel. Eventually, he began to hear a chittering sound as a large object slid against the ground. The hobgoblin revealed itself to be twice the height of the goblins with equally thing bodies and just as black eyes. IT had a smile on its face but it quickly disappeared after seeing Kain, and then it began to shift its body around growing its muscles and becoming bulkier than before.

It roared out charging forward with its club held up high ready to slam down on Kain. Seeing this Kain began jumping left and right like a boxer ready to pummel the opponent in front of him. The hobgoblin swang its club nearly hitting Kain and dented the ground and taking a few spikes with it. Seeing his chance Kain swang his left claw taking the hobgoblin's left arm completely off. It screamed out in pain and quickly swung its club to the side as it hit Kain he was pushed back a bit but remained unharmed. In response, Kain went straight for its face killing the creature instantly.

Seeing the result Kain smiled grabbing the rest of the hobgoblins body and shifting its head into a snake again eating it whole while trying not to choke. He grabbed any body parts remaining and ate them walking out of the cave and killing any remaining goblins on his way out. He made sure to keep one of the hobgoblin's hands and a few goblin's hands to serve as proof.


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