
Chimera in Another World(Dropped feel free to use if you wish)

Kain knew he was special, it wasn't because he was born rich or became rich due to luck. It wasn't because he was an excellent martial artist or fighter of some sort. No, he was born with something unique something only he had. Anything he ate he absorbed their traits and any other abilities they had. Coming back from Africa after an illegal hunting trip his boat was caught up in a fierce lightning storm. As the ship rocked back and forth he could feel it slowly breaking apart. As a lighting bolt flashed before fully breaking the ship he closed his and grew angry. Angry knowing that he could never taste everything his world had to offer, never knowing how powerful he could've become if he had more time. As he opened his eyes however he was not greeted with death, no he saw trees and mountains with strange-looking birds flying overhead. Seeing this he couldn't help but feel overjoyed, overjoyed knowing that he had a whole new world of delicacies to enjoy, to gain more power, to become the strongest in existence.

Dr_Insane001 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Becoming an Adventurer

As the night quickly passed and the fire smothered out, the first one to wake up was Kain who quickly tore down his tent getting it ready for the "Beast Kings" to put away. He grabbed some of the leftover meat that was still somewhat good and a little cold and ate the rest of it leaving nothing but bones. As the sun rose higher, the other three got up one by one putting their tents away as well. Leo approached Kain handing him a bundle-up map and a few pieces of dried meat.

"This should lead you to the nearest city, we still have a job to do so we can't come with you, also this should help you get in without the badge."

Leo handed Kain a few gold coins and a note in a strange language Kain couldn't understand. Both the priestess and swordsmen approached Kain both giving him a handshake and saying goodbye. Seeing them off and he started walking out of the forest and into the clearing he encountered the caravan the previous day. He looked around making sure no one was nearby and began shifting his lower body into a horse and his upper body stayed vaguely human with bits of pieces of different animals. One of those being a cheetah's skin alongside parts of the armor bears armor and his face transformed into a mixture of horses and rhinos horn.

Holding out the map he saw that by following the main road he would come to a four-way intersection each one leading to a different city. The nearest one was the Felcra Walled City which was hands down the most heavily guarded one. Folding it Kain began following the road galloping full force ahead. Any creatures he encountered on his way, quickly ran away in fear of Kain feeling fear just at the mere sight of him. After 20 minutes straight of galloping, he saw a tall wall appear overhead and began shifting back to his human form, makings rue his clothes were as ragged as possible with the money and note in hand.

He slowly approached the gate and was stopped by two guards, one a thin middle-aged man and the other an equal thin young woman. The man approached first and spoke with a gruff voice that screamed age.

"Badge and entrance fee please."

Kain handed him the coins and the note given to him. The gate guard put the coins in a little pouch and opened up the note and read through it. Stepping to the side he looked at Kain.

"You can get your identification badge at the center of this, just walk straight ahead shouldn't take too long."

Nodding Kain went inside waving goodbye to the guards going back to work. Kain walked through the crowd of people seeing various shops. Some were filled to the brim with people and others were empty and filled with cobwebs. Eventually, he saw a tall white pristine building high above the crowd, almost reaching the sky with various flying animals overhead and a few griffons flying overhead as well. Squeezing through a large patch of people, Kain went inside and saw a massive room with various people walking back and forth, flying overhead each with stacks of paper in hand.

He approached the front desk where a secretary was talking to a giant lizard person in front of him. She handed him a card and pointed west and he went on his way, Kain approached the front desk.

"I was told I could get an identification badge here?"

She quickly nodded and started drafting some paperwork looking at him every once in a while and after a couple of minutes looked back at him with a piece of paper to sign.

"The only thing I need you to do is sign it with your full name."

Kain took the piece of paper and a pencil from the side and sign his full name. Handing it back the secretary nodded and instantly the paper went flying upwards alongside a few others. Near instantly a piece of paper carrying a gold identification badge came down and landed in the secretary's hand. She handed it to Kain and went back to work, writing on various pieces of paper.

Kain went on his way and breathed in the city air putting the badge in what used to be his good pocket. Walking through the streets he saw a few signs written in a language he couldn't understand with a sword and shield next to them. He followed the signs, making his way through the crowd, and eventually reached the Adventures guild building. It was a large wooden structure with a giant dragon symbol overhead with two crosswords in the background. There were two large stone pillars on the side with various symbols carved into them.

Entering the guild hall he immediately saw people of various ages and races either partying and drinking together or looking at a large bulletin board filled with various quest and letter markings on them. He saw a large desk with two humanoids manning it, one was a large green lizardfolk male with light blue eyes. The other was a much shorter woman with dark brown hair and green eyes. Both were wearing white tuxedo-like clothing and black undershirts and were also wearing white gloves as well. He approached the desk and was greeted by the young lady.

"Welcome to the adventures guild my name is Michelle Rosel are you here to appoint a request?"

"No, actually I was wondering how I could join?"

"Are you sure sir, even the lowest rank adventures and parties face life-threatening situations on a daily basis?"

Kain chuckled a bit holding himself back from full-blown laughter.

"Yes, I do."

She sighed and brought out a piece of paper and a circular badge.

"Just sign this and you'll automatically be assigned E rank."

Kain quickly signed and handed it over and saw the badge shift around forming a cursive large case E. Kain smiled gripping the bade and putting it in his pocket alongside the other ones. Walking away from eh counter the woman sighed and the lizardfolk male hearing this leaned down.

"What's wrong?"

She grabbed her temples rubbing them a bit.

"Another idiot came in."

The lizardfolk hearing this caught a quick glance at Kain who was approaching the quest board. He shuddered as he felt a menacing gaze staring back at him as if he was looking at a monstrous predator, the alpha of the forest.

"N-N-No I think h-h-he's going to be just fine."


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