
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Starting as a god

Bob, now Rob from now on, opens his eyes to see a room unknow to him, then he starts to recall the whole reincarnation thing

"I hope manifesting a quirk unique to Rob can do what i think" Rob says, hoping that the whole thing worked... if not then it doesnt matter because he is just gonna have a random quirk a live another quiet life

In his new life, Rob is the son of Norman Wilson and Aiko Takanashi, His full name being Rob Wilson.

His father has a blonde foreigner appearance, while his mother, for some reason has a normal japanese woman... except for her white hair, which she passed to Rob.

By the way, his father Norman's quirk was called 'Hercules', which gives him superhuman strenght. Also his mother's quirk is just named frost, as she can control and generate ice... but not water for some reason, only ice, which is weird because when her ice melts it just dissapear

Now Rob is only a 1 month old baby, so he is having a hard time adapting to a baby life... which is not very interesting, as he sleeps most of time, making his parents to worry, thinking that he has some late birth problem.


*1 Year later*

Rob is finally able to walk, so he can now pass time walking instead of doing nothing, he even started to talk as he is desperate to say something, making his parents think that he is a little genius baby, as he can almost formulate complete sentences.

As a random fact, the first word rob said was "Finally!", shoking the couple

*2 years later*

Rob can now walk without falling and is able to speak fluently, making his parent shocked and proud of his learning speed

*1 year later*

Tts finally the 4 years mark, where kids in the world of my hero academia mainly manifest their quirks. This is a very special day for Rob, as he will test if his theory was right

Rob was alone in his room, saying that he was anxious to his parents a about this and wanted to be alone. That was just an excuse he said in the case something weird happens

While Rob was waiting, he suddendly feels something bad within him, like having stomachache, nausea and wanting to go to the toiled at the same time. This continues for 10 minutes before stoping.

Rob was shocked about this, as he doesnt feel anything different.

Just for making a try, he though of a floating flame... and it appears in front of him, making him shocked and eager to try more.

He started to try many things, from summoning all the elements, flying, teleporting, telekinesis, even harming and healing himself.

Rob now is completly sure his bet paid off, as he has the quirk of being omnipotent. How does he is sure about this? Because after trying many things, he has a feeling that he could do anything.

"Now that im omnipotent i can have a chill and relaxing life... not that i will be going full edgy villain nor full justice hero, i just want to whatever i want without making me a genocidal or psyco person"

He starts to relax and is thinking about how to explain to his parents that he is basically a god

"What is the worst that can happen? i can just tell them the truth, i can literally go back in time if this doesnt work... But before that i need to think of a very important question"

"Because i am omnipotent i can technically make me omniscient, shall i do it?... Nah, life will not be fun being omniscient... i think i would just kill myself on the first day if i really do it"

After finishing his testing he exits his room and see his two worried parents

"My Rob, how it was? Do you have a nice quirk? Even if its a normal or functional one its okay... even if you dont have anything we will still love you" Said a very worried Aiko

His father was silent, but his worried look says everything

"Well... um... how do i tell this..."

Seeing his awkward face, his parent where even more worried

"Just tell us, we will be able to do something even if its a weird or non functional quirk" His father said with concern

"em... mother... dad... i think i became a god" Rob says to the shock of the duo

"What?" "What?"

"Well, i can do anything, from the weirdest quirk to the strongest... i just dont know how to control my powers yet, but i can show you a little" Rob says as he start to summon water, fire, earth, air. Then he started to fly and to many things other quirks could do

The parent duo is completly shocked by this. Then, as a normal parent would do, they started to worry about him being taken by the goverment.

Rob could tell their worry and he already has something in mind to resolve this very easly

"Mother, father, just tell the goverment i could do anything, when they come to grab me for testing, i will go to meet their leader. I think i can just make him approve my existence with a little work"

Even after what they saw of him being able to do almost anything, they were still worried, so his father is going to accompany him

*Three days later*

The goverment received Rob and Norman with a respectful and also very wary stance, they also has a team of quirk users surrounding them

They brought Rob to the testing facility, making him do many things, like create elements, move object, etc. To the point they tested him with almost all of the facility tools

The scientists were shocked to see that what the Wilson's wrote was true, his quirk is like that of a god. They sent the file to the high govement and waited for a ultimatum

*The high council office*

This is a place where the most powerfull mens of the country decide all important things, here is the president, prime minister, and many other important politicians.

"Now, next on the list we have a so called 'God' quirk, please see the next files" The president said and the secretary started to give each man a file, in which is all of Rob information and result of the test

"Now we need to decide how to treat him, as an ally or like a potential nuclear bomb" The president says and put a serious and solemn face

Many of the politicians were shocked and dubious of such 'God' quirk, but they know that for this file to reach here, means that its all true.

"President, i think we need to carefull tread this path, we need to have a friendly relationship and not to angry him" Politician A said

"Although i would like to say 'Eradicate him' to remove a potential threat... if what is in this file is correct then its going to be very difficult" The minister of defense said with a sad face

The people on the round table started to discuss, many were in favour of having a friendly relationship, as they had no other choise. Some were neutral and wanted to see the kids behaviour first. And last, were the one who wanted to remove him as a possible threat, being the least as they were just stubborn, trying to look for a way to bypass his quirk

Suddenly a portal appears at the center of the room and a kid emerges from it

"Hello you all, i think you were talking about me, so i came here to have a chat and offer my humble opinion" Rob says as he watches the very shocked people around him

"Quicly call the gua-" A man was shouting when he was stopped by the president "Stop!"

"I think this is the first time we meet, Rob Wilson, i am the president of this country, and i will be glad to hear what you have to say"

Rob smiles at the president, as he is an intelligent man who has the better of his country in mind, not caring about talking like a equal with a mere 'kid'

"Well, i know about my power and i can tell you it can do much more than what they informed you all, so i have a nice proposition... How about we just mind our lifes? I mean, i dont want to dominate the world, destroy it or something like that, i just want to live a happy and chilling life."

The men around the room were silent after hearing his words

"So, you are saying that you will not do anything as long as we dont bother you? its that it?" The president asks Rob while having a weird face

"Yes, i just want to have fun and live a normal life"

"How do we know if you are speaking the truth?" A man witha militar uniform said

"I know your concerns... Then i can show you, that if i wanted i could simply destroy the world" Rob snaped his fingers and every man in the room saw the end of the world coming. The country started to fall, the contitent to shake and the earth to crack... Then all of it rewinded until nothing happened

All of the high politicians where having cold sweat, even the president was scared of his vision

"You... showed us a vision of the end of the world... you can really do it?" The president started to calm and asked

"That was not a vision, i just destroyed the world and the rewinded it in an instant" Rob says with a smile to the president

Now the president is having the creeps and is getting really scared of rob. After thinking for a while he sigh and says

"Okay, we will not do anything to you or your family, just... please control yourself and try to not destroy the whole city in a fit of anger"

"Sure, thanks for being cooperative! By the way, you are a very good president, other people would had not done this because of pride or stupid things like that. Now then goodbye!" Rob says as he open a portal and hops in

The entire room is in silence... after a while the president starts to talk

"Mark the file of Rob Wilson as Maximum importance degree. Say to every people on the govement to just ignore him. We dont have to favour him or be his subordinates, just ignore him and dont do anything stupid"

All them nodded and waited for the next file to discuss... as for Rob file?



Rank: Cant measure

Importance: Deity (Just created for Rob)

Restrain Measure: Nothing, just ignore and dont provoke him

Emergency Measure: Nothing, dont let this stage reach

Possible Consequences: City destroyed if mild. World end if harsh

Confidential: Secret not secret. Can tell without consequences, just dont make it public.