
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Growing up and entering school

Rob returned home with his father after the whole thing was over. Norman was shocked at how easy it was to leave, he tough that they will prevent them from leaving, trying to lock up Rob or something like that, but they left very easly.

"What did you do, son?"

"Nothing much, i just had a friendly chat with the president and some friendly politicians about me. Dont worry, i didnt harm them nor control them" Rob answers with a smile

"Okay... as long you are safe, son" Norman says as he ruffle and pat his son head

Rob just smile at the show of affection, thinking 'Well, its not bad to be a kid sometimes'

While they were talking, they goes to the living room, meeting a anxious Aiko there

"How was it? Is the goverment locking him up?! Are they trying to control him?!" Aiko asks many questions about the wellbeing of Rob

"Dont worry, Rob handled it and now he is free from the goverment" Norman answers with a smile to his wife

Aiko let out a relieved sigh after hearing that, asking the whole story of how he did it.

Rob tells them about his talk with the people in charge and his parents were shocked at how easy it ended

"It seems the president is not an arrogant man, its good he didnt choose to be stubborn" Norman says while rubbing his beard

"Now we can go back to the relaxing lifestyle we had before knowing about Rob quirk" Aiko smiles at the two of them


*Time pass*

its been 10 years since Rob awakened his quirk.

Nothing much has changed, and the high politicians let out a sigh of relief after they saw this, as Rob really told them the truth... he did nothing at all.

Although to the outside world Rob did nothing, in the Wilson's household, things are not always calm.

"Rob! please stop flying to other planets so early in the morning! You are gonna catch a cold!" An somewhat angry but amused Aiko said to a sitting Rob in the sofa, watching TV

"Cmon mom, i cant catch a cold at all! i just wanted to take a nap at the sun core!" Rob answer Aiko while having a chill time watching TV

Aiko sighs at Rob, it has not been the first time something weird happen.

While Rob was growing up, many strange and inconceivable things happened.

At the age of 5, Rob was trying his teleport when the whole house was teleported to mount everest, making the sleeping couple awaken in shock

At the age of 7, Rob sneezed and an earthquaky started in japan. He was scolded by his parents after that

Many funny and strange things happened while Rob was growing and learning to control his power. Nothing life threating to the family, but they really make a fun story to tell someone. 'While my son was trying to teleport, the whole house teleported to another continent!', those are some of the stories the Wilson household can share to their neighbours.

At the age of 12, Rob finally controlled his powers to the full so no accident happened again, making his parents glad and somewhat sad, as they were having a little fun with them.

Now Rob is 14 and already qualified to enter the UA High School.

His parents, Norman and Aiko are saying goodbye to Rob while saying some warnings like: 'Try to not destroy the school', 'Dont go transforming your classmates in animals', etc. Just normal warnings to a new high schooler

Rob is calmly walking to the school, as for why not teleporting or flying? Because, why not?

"I will finally met my first group of anime protagonists... im excited to see how this will go" Rob smiles

*Time skip, UA School, class 1 A. Changing to first peron POV*

"Now please introduce yourselfs to your classmates" The teacher eraserhead said with a sleepy voice

"Hello, im Izuku Midoriya, and im gonna be the greatest hero in the world!" An excited deku is introducing himself

Woah... thats a very anime like introduction. you tought inside

"Okay next, you the kid with the white hair" The teacher pointed to Rob

"Hello, my name is rob and my quirk is being a god, pleased to meet you" you say and then sit again

There is silence in the class... before bakugo scoffs (Of course its him)

"A god-- HUH?! do you really think of yourself so powerfull?!" Bakugo ask with a generic japanese yankee voice

"Well... yeah, i can do anything and i dont mind to prove it to you" Rob smiles as he answers bakugo

"Oh yeah?, then destroy this whole school in an instant!"

... Rob remains silent gazing at bakugo

"Are you an idiot? why would i destroy the school? in fact, why would YOU want to destroy the school, arent you a hero?"

"What did you say?!" Bakugo gets up from his chair and is about to start a fight

"Please kachan, stop fighting with your classmates" Deku try to stop him, trying to make peace between you two

"So, do you want me to prove it? okay" you say and snap your finger... Nothing changes and everyone is looking at you

"So, bakugo... try to use your quirk"

"Huh?! What are you talking about?!" Bakugo asks and then try to use his explosion quirk

Nothing happens....

"What?! What is happening?! Where are my explosions?!" Bakugo asks in shock as he keeps trying to make an explosion

"I removed your quirk so i can prove it to you. Take it back" You then snap your finger again and bakugo makes an explosion... inside the classrom...

*Sigh* 'Now i need to call the repair team... again...' Eraserhead tought while watching the no so complete classroom

While Eraserhead was having sad thoughts, the whole classroom started to gasp your powers

"So... so... you can... like... do anything?" Mineta asks while gazing around

"Yeah, do you need something?"

"Can you give me a sexy girlfriend?! no wait, a pervert girlfriend! no, a..." Mineta says and you started to ignore him the moment you heard his first sentence

Some of the girls in the class are glaring daggers at mineta

Deku started to look at you and gained the courage to ask

"Um... rob, c-can you do anything? then... can you make me a great hero?"

"I can, in fact make you a second all might... but its that what you want? having an instant power up and gaining fame without doing anything?"

"i..." Deku is at lost for words, thinking that what you said was true, that if you make him a second all might without effort, his dream will be hollow

"Now please look here, lets start the class... after we wait for the repair team to mend the classroom" Says Eraserhead and the continue to sleep, waiting for the repair team

'This is going to be fun, i think... lets see if i can make all might realize the cruelty of the world, and that somethimes, a villain in prison is not a good thing to do' you thought while gazing outside the class... because of course you got the corner seat near the window

Again, try to correct me if i have errors... it can be in the personality of the characters or in grammar. Im open to all critics

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