
Childhood friends: who says we can’t date?

“Do you know how long we have known each other for?” Su Jin asked the man standing opposite her. “16 years, 3 months, 3 hours....” Yu Ren paused before glancing down at his watch, “45 minutes and 23 seconds.” Su Jin has long been used to his precision and didn’t even blink at his answer. “Precisely! 16 years, 3 months, 3 hours and whatever minutes...!” “46 minutes and 13 seconds now.” Yu Ren interrupted her. “Gah! My point is, since we have known each other for so long! We definitely do not suit each other!” Su Jin practically roared, annoyed at getting cut off. “But it is because we have known each other for so long that we should date.” Yu Ren answered with his usual non expression. “Why do you even want to date me? What do you like about me?” Su Jin asked. “I like everything about you.” Yu Ren replied with a ‘isn’t that obvious’ look on his face. Su Jin palm practically itched when she saw it. ‘Must not slap him. Must Endure!’ “Everything? What do you even know about me?!” Su Jin was so frustrated that she wanted to throw something at his face. “You are 24 years old, your height is 163 cm and your weight is 52 kg. You think you are fat but I don’t agree with you. You love the color blue and....”Yu Ren started answering mechanically, repeating everything he knew about her. Su Jin was so confused and just listened to him droning on and on. Until he said, “.....and your cup size is...” That was when she woke up and ran towards him. ‘Stop! Stop! Shut up before I kill you Yu Ren!’ This is a short story about a man pursuing his childhood friend.

Imagine163 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Just pursue you then

Su Jin grad started spinning as soon as she heard Yu Ren's question. She truly has no idea about what's going on.

'Why is he suddenly saying such a strange thing?'

Su Jin let out a big sigh before gently massaging her head.

"Yu Ren, what is the matter with you ah?"

"I like you so I want to date you" Yu Ren said simply.

"Yu Ren, we have been friends for so long, this is too strange. Has mom been pressuring you to date?" Su Jin asked and thought about how much his mom wanted him to have a girlfriend.

"No. It's because I want to get married." Yu Ren said.

"You want to get married? What's that got to do with me?!" Su Jin rolled her eyes.

Truth be told, even though Yu Ren is often expressionless, a lot of women chased after him because he is handsome and smart.

Additionally, his software company is about to be listed in the market as well.

"I want to get married so I have to tell you. Since you are marrying me." Yu Ren replied.

"When did I promise to marry you?!"

The more she talked to him, the more her head spins. This man was truly being ridiculous!

"Tell me then. What must I do for you to date me?" Yu Ren looked unhappy as he said those words. He was truly feeling confused.

"What date? You think dating is easy? You haven't even pursued me!" Su Jin yelled out.

Yu Ren nodded lightly, "ok I will pursue you then."

"Haven't you been listening to what I have been saying the whole time? I said we are friends! We can't date!" Su Jin clutched her head as she tried to explain to this dimwit.

"You said I have to pursue you. So I will pursue you. Enough of your arguments." Yu Ren said as the medicine started taking effects. He was feeling incredibly drowsy.

"Hey Yu Ren! Stop! You just can't...." But it doesn't matter what Su Jin says as Yu Ren already drifted off to sleep.