
Childhood friends: who says we can’t date?

“Do you know how long we have known each other for?” Su Jin asked the man standing opposite her. “16 years, 3 months, 3 hours....” Yu Ren paused before glancing down at his watch, “45 minutes and 23 seconds.” Su Jin has long been used to his precision and didn’t even blink at his answer. “Precisely! 16 years, 3 months, 3 hours and whatever minutes...!” “46 minutes and 13 seconds now.” Yu Ren interrupted her. “Gah! My point is, since we have known each other for so long! We definitely do not suit each other!” Su Jin practically roared, annoyed at getting cut off. “But it is because we have known each other for so long that we should date.” Yu Ren answered with his usual non expression. “Why do you even want to date me? What do you like about me?” Su Jin asked. “I like everything about you.” Yu Ren replied with a ‘isn’t that obvious’ look on his face. Su Jin palm practically itched when she saw it. ‘Must not slap him. Must Endure!’ “Everything? What do you even know about me?!” Su Jin was so frustrated that she wanted to throw something at his face. “You are 24 years old, your height is 163 cm and your weight is 52 kg. You think you are fat but I don’t agree with you. You love the color blue and....”Yu Ren started answering mechanically, repeating everything he knew about her. Su Jin was so confused and just listened to him droning on and on. Until he said, “.....and your cup size is...” That was when she woke up and ran towards him. ‘Stop! Stop! Shut up before I kill you Yu Ren!’ This is a short story about a man pursuing his childhood friend.

Imagine163 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Out of the hospital

"So, how is it going?" Han Ge asked as he walked over to Su Jin.

"Well, he's feeling better now and will be released today." Su Jin answered cheerfully.

It's always so soothing to see her Han Ge~

"That's good to know. Let's all grab lunch next week." Han Ge smiled softly at her.

"Definitely~~ I don't understand why he is so troublesome. How are you both so different?" Su Jin whined as she pulled Yu Ren's credit card out of his wallet.

She walked to the counter, ready to pay his hospital bills.

"It's just hard for him to deal with things. When he's super concentrated on something, he tends to forget everything else." Han Ge chuckled at Su Jin's expression.

"Yeah I know! I still remember when he was caught up in his stupid game and forgot about his exams!" Su Jin nodded as she remembered about that situation.

At that time, they were in middle school and Yu Ren started playing games for the first time. He was defeated by his classmate and spent the next few days practicing and leveling up.

He was so focused he forgot about his exams. Luckily, he normally concentrated in class and was able to do it.

"Yes, he is a bit of an airhead isn't he?" Han Ge laughed as he reminisced of those memories.

"Hmph, idiot." Su Jin puffed her cheeks as Han Ge ruffled her hair with a smile.

After clearing the bills, Han Ge walked Su Jin to Yu Ren hospital room.

"By the way, has he asked you yet?" Han Ge asked quietly.

"Hmm?" Su Jin was daydreaming and didn't hear his question.

"Has he asked you to date yet?" Han Ge repeated his question.

Su Jin was so shocked she stopped walking and gawked at him.

"Han Ge.....you....you....." Su Jin couldn't complete her sentence and started stuttering.

Han Ge looked at her face laughed out loud.