
Childhood friends: who says we can’t date?

“Do you know how long we have known each other for?” Su Jin asked the man standing opposite her. “16 years, 3 months, 3 hours....” Yu Ren paused before glancing down at his watch, “45 minutes and 23 seconds.” Su Jin has long been used to his precision and didn’t even blink at his answer. “Precisely! 16 years, 3 months, 3 hours and whatever minutes...!” “46 minutes and 13 seconds now.” Yu Ren interrupted her. “Gah! My point is, since we have known each other for so long! We definitely do not suit each other!” Su Jin practically roared, annoyed at getting cut off. “But it is because we have known each other for so long that we should date.” Yu Ren answered with his usual non expression. “Why do you even want to date me? What do you like about me?” Su Jin asked. “I like everything about you.” Yu Ren replied with a ‘isn’t that obvious’ look on his face. Su Jin palm practically itched when she saw it. ‘Must not slap him. Must Endure!’ “Everything? What do you even know about me?!” Su Jin was so frustrated that she wanted to throw something at his face. “You are 24 years old, your height is 163 cm and your weight is 52 kg. You think you are fat but I don’t agree with you. You love the color blue and....”Yu Ren started answering mechanically, repeating everything he knew about her. Su Jin was so confused and just listened to him droning on and on. Until he said, “.....and your cup size is...” That was when she woke up and ran towards him. ‘Stop! Stop! Shut up before I kill you Yu Ren!’ This is a short story about a man pursuing his childhood friend.

Imagine163 · Urban
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6 Chs

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"Xiao Jin!" Han Xi smiled as soon as he saw Su Jin ran in.

She jumped up and gave him a big hug.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" She said after letting him go.

"Yes, the little monkey has truly grown." Han Xi teases her. He still remembers the little girl who used to climb the mango tree in Yu Ren's home garden.

"What monkey! I'm obviously a little beauty!" Su Jin harrumphed before hitting him lightly on his arm.

Han Xi and Su Jin continued chatting about insignificant stuff, completely forgetting the patient that's lying on the bed.

Yu Ren was still expressionless but anyone who's known him for a long time will notice that he's in a bad mood. The telltale sign is his small pout.

"Hmph!" Yu Ren cleared his throat and interrupted their conversation.

Both Han Xi and Su Jin stopped chatting and turned to look at him.

"I'm thirsty." Yu Ren said simply and looked at Su Jin, indicating for her to fetch him a glass of water.

Han Xi laughed softly at Yu Ren's sullen expression.

Su Jin poured him a glass of water before questioning him.

"You! How did you even get gastric?"

"I forgot to eat." Yu Ren replied calmly after swallowing a mouthful of water.

"Are you a baby? How can you forget that?" Su Jin rolled her eyes at him.

"I was busy." Yu Ren said.

"You always say that! Because of you, I was almost scolded by my mom! I had to call your mom to help me out." Su Jin continued to complain.

"You called my mom?" Yu Ren asked and frowned at Su Jin.

"Don't look at me like that! I obviously had to!" Su Jin claimed.

Yu Ren didn't continue and simply nodded.

"Alright, alright, seeing that you are lively, I guess you will be fine soon." Han Xi laughed after watching Su Jin easily subduing Yu Ren. Nothing surprising as it's been that way for a long time.

"Han ge, look at how much he's troubled me and he still dared to blame me." Su Jin acted coquettishly and walked over to grab his arm.

Han Xi patted her head lightly, "What to do? We are unfortunate enough to know him."

"Indeed! Only Han ge understands my pain!" Su Jin blinked happily at him.

"I'm tired, get out already." Yu Ren stared at Han Xi after saying that sentence.

"Alright I'm going to go!" Su Jin thought he meant her and turned to glare at him.

"You have to take care of me here." Yu Ren said simply.

"Haaa! Why me? I have to work tomorrow morning!" Su Jin couldn't help whining.

Yu Ren stared at her before saying one sentence.

"I'll tell mom."

"You are playing dirty!" Su Jin complained bitterly. If he tell her mom, she will directly come to the hospital to hit her.

Han Xi smiled after watching their interaction. 'He's still so childish, at this rate when will the beauty fall in his arms?'

"Alright then I'll go now." Han Xi politely bid them farewell.

"Han ge bye bye see you again ~" Su Jin smiled brightly as she waved him goodbye.

After he left, she turned to glare at Yu Ren and walked to the sofa beside the patient's bed.

She saw his jacket beside and remembered the banana cake she gave him. She took the cake out and started eating it.

"So, what do you say?" Yu Ren asked as he watched her eat.

"Hmm?" Su Jin murmured, her mouth full of cake.

"Let's date" Yu Ren continued the topic as if they were not interrupted in the first place.

Su Jin immediately choked on the cake. 'Why are we back to this?!'