
Cherry (BL)

BECOMING THE LUNA SIDE STORY 1 Jaxon Colt is the Head Beta of Crimson Pack and he actively breaks the record for being dense with every one of his actions, this doesn't change even with the two Head Warriors fighting for the Head Beta's attention. Who will cave in first? And when he finally realizes, who will he choose?

Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
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99 Chs

Chapter 13

"If I find out that you did anything to him, we're sparring." Virgil threw over his shoulder, before making his way out.

Ian sighed in relief, turning to the other two werewolves in the room. "Thankfully, that's over, I hope you've learnt your less…" he started to say.

Only to trail off when he got a good look at what was going on.

"How dare you tase me, you little fucker." Darian tackled Leon as soon as Virgil was out of earshot.

"Why the fuck was Cherry in your bed?" Leon spun them around so he was on top.

"I told you… he showed up in the middle of the night…" Darian caught a handful of his hair, tugging on it to dislodge him from his position.

"Of course, that makes so much fucking sense!" Leon spat sarcastically at him.

"So… anyway… I'm off." Ian muttered, making quick his escape.


Virgil took his time making his way to his apartment, he could have just as well taken Jaxon back to his but even after ordering Leo and D to stay away from him, he highly doubted that.

Taking Jaxon back to his apartment was like leaving a treat in clear view of puppies, they were definitely going to go after him.

And also, he was worried.

Who knew that Jaxon finally getting some sleep would be this terrifying?

But really? How hadn't he woken up yet?

It was one thing if he was left on his bed but apparently he had been carted around like a pushie.

With a worried look, he glanced down at Jaxon who just tucked his face closer, still fast asleep.

Yup! Leo and D had definitely done something and he was going to get to the bottom of it.

Or on second thoughts, he had seen Jax downing glass after glass of wine the night before, was that why he was out cold this morning?

"V?" Hayden perked up when the front door swung open, getting from where he had settled in on the couch to watch cartoons. "You're back alrea… huh? Is that Jaxie?" He asked when they came into view.

"Yeah." Virgil whispered. "I'm going to keep him in one of the spare rooms, please keep an eye on him."

"Sure." Hayden whispered back an agreement.

This actually made more sense than Virgil coming back in so early from work, he went along with them to help open doors for his mate to carry Jaxon through.

After tucking the redhead in, Hayden hung off his mate's arm as they made their way quietly out of the room.

"Is he alright?" Hayden asked in concern when they were back in the living room.

"I hope so." Virgil muttered, kissing Hayden's forehead. "I just needed to keep him out of reach from Leo and D."

"Oh." Hayden murmured. "Need me to get Dream?"

Virgil thought briefly. "Actually, you know what, please do." More kisses. "I gotta run now, I love you."

"Love you too!" Hayden called after him.

Well, well, well... He thought to himself, hopefully this wouldn't turn out to be another situation like his, Virgil's and Dale's because they were going to end up hiding Jaxon a lot more often.


Jaxon woke up slowly, feeling disoriented and confused.

Where was he? This wasn't his room.

Sitting up slightly, he tried to make heads of where he was.

What time was it? Hell, what day was it?

The last thing he remembered was rolling into bed, slightly drunk… oh no! Slightly drunk?

What had he done this time?

He shot fully upright, almost scared to fully wake up and instantly regretted the action, his head aching slightly.

How did he even get hungover from just two glasses of wine?

This was exactly why he stayed away from alcohol, no matter how little of it was present.

The drapes were drawn so he could not tell what time it was but his inner clock told him that it was definitely not bright and early.

A soft knock rapped against the door and he glanced at the door to see Hayden poking his head in.

"Oh, hi, Jaxie, you're awake." Hayden beamed when he saw him sitting up, he had been coming occasionally to check if the other was all good.

On reflex, Jaxon gathered the blankets higher up around his neck. "Hay? Where am… am I at your apartment?" He stammered, surprised.

Hayden chuckled nervously, he was still yet to get the full information so he didn't exactly know what happened.

"Yeah, Virgil brought you here in the morning, something about Leon and Darian carrying you around…"

Jaxon just kept muttering 'what the fucks' under his breath because… what the actual fuck?

"Wait, you said in the morning, what time is it now?" Jaxon asked almost fearfully.

Hayden's smile turned nervous again. "Well… um… a little bit past 3."

The blankets dropped from Jaxon's hands. "I slept the whole day?" He demanded with wide eyes.

"I… ye…" Hayden started to reply.

"How did I manage to sleep the whole day?" He pulled on his hair, throwing the sheets off to get down from the bed. "I can't believe I left the entire day's work to Alpha Virgil…" he started to scold himself, looking like he wanted to head over to his office right away.

"Oh no, I can't allow that." Hayden hurried over, stopping him from getting down. "You're under my care for the rest of today and I prescribe bed care for you." Hayden said with a vaguely threatening smile.

"W-what?" Jaxon mumbled, at a loss for words.

But Hayden was already tucking him back into bed. "Just wait right here while I get a change of clothes for you, preferably something high-necked to hide your hickies right? Will do." Hayden continued right on without waiting for his affirmation, gracefully sweeping out in designer clothing and a floral vanilla scent.

Jaxon remained frozen in a spot, blinking up into the ceiling and quiet for a good long while after Hayden left before realisation hit.

His cheeks colored up brightly, both of his hands crawling up under the blankets to touch his neck.
