
Cherry (BL)

BECOMING THE LUNA SIDE STORY 1 Jaxon Colt is the Head Beta of Crimson Pack and he actively breaks the record for being dense with every one of his actions, this doesn't change even with the two Head Warriors fighting for the Head Beta's attention. Who will cave in first? And when he finally realizes, who will he choose?

Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
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99 Chs

Chapter 14

Few moments later, Jaxon was back in bed, all cleaned up and watching Hayden bounce in with a large tray of food.

"Dream left only a couple hours ago, we didn't realise you'd sleep this long." The Luna of Crimson Pack said with a sweet smile. "I'm glad you did though."

"Thank you." Jaxon mumbled, maybe it was because it was Hayden but it was actually soothing to have someone show concern over him.

He was also grateful that Hayden had made no more mentions of the traitorous spots on his neck which were thankfully fading, he also knew that the Luna wouldn't tell anyone else.

"Want company? Or I can just leave the TV on for you or if you would rather eat in the quiet?" Hayden inquired carefully.

"No need to bother yourself, I'll eat quietly, I'll need to be on my way soon anyway, I must have imposed on you, taking up most of your day."

Hayden blinked in surprise at this. "What? No…" he was about to tell Jaxie that basically he stayed at home all day and did nothing and it was nice to have someone to look after but Jaxon did not let him.

"Thank you, Hay, I'll make sure to come visit often." He smiled.

Hayden scratched his head nervously. "I'd like that, I'll leave you to your meal. Come along, Apple." He added to his cat who was already hopping on the bed to keep Jaxon company.

Apple just meowed at her owner and tucked herself closer to Jaxon's side.

Hayden shook his head in a sigh. "You don't mind her company, do you?"

"Not at all." Jaxon reassured, petting Apple who purred against his hand.

"Great." Hayden chirped, going out.

Jaxon fell back against the pillows that Hayden had personally stacked up for him, it felt weird being taken care of, he was usually the one doing it, the one looking out for others and fixing everything by himself.

Snapping himself out of his thoughts, he started to eat up, he had stayed a whole day away from work, undoubtedly leaving it all to Virgil and Ian.

He needed to get back.

It was already quite late but he could put a couple things in order before the time that Virgil mandated he close for the day.

Honestly, it wasn't his fault that he sometimes got carried away while working only to end up sneaking to his apartment well past midnight.

That means, he couldn't return back to work after dinner unless it was an emergency.

He ate peacefully, head empty with nothing but Apple peacefully purring by his side for company.

Everything would go back to normal right? Nothing would change, nothing had to.

He couldn't remember for the life of him what happened after he went to bed the night before, not till he woke up here in the Alpha's apartment.

This was exactly why he stayed the fuck away from alcohol, even though it made him drop dead asleep.

After eating, he gathered up the tray and made his way outside, Apple was already asleep, all curled up on the bed.

"Thanks for the meal, Hay!" He called to the other who was somewhere in the living room, sneaking into the kitchen before he could stop him to do the dishes.

"Jaxie!" Hayden hurried into the kitchen as well.

Jaxon gave him an eye smile. "I'm already doing them, you didn't need to get up."

Hayden just walked over and firmly nudged him away. "That's not going to work on me." He tsked at him. "There's fruit salad in the fridge, you should take some with you."

There was no saying 'no' to the authority in Hayden's voice so he just did as was told. "Thanks again, Hay!" He waved, making his way out.

He had made sure to go back into the room he woke up in to grab his clothes, what he was wearing then was fancy pajamas from Hayden, no surprise that the top half had a really high neck.

He made his way to his apartment, he still had no clue about how he got to Virgil's apartment and Hayden's explanation hadn't quite made anything clear.

He sure wasn't eager to hear the entire story cause he knew it was definitely him doing something crazy.

Cleaning up in his apartment felt refreshing, he got out of the pajamas which smelt new and was now undoubtedly his own, trying to return it back to Hayden wouldn't be worth the effort, he would just end up getting more expensive items.

He had been down that road, far too many times to not be cautious.

After changing into something more suited for being seen in, he locked up and made his way to his office.

He should check up with Virgil first.

He instead changed directions to the Alpha's office, knocking timidly.

"Hi." He chuckled nervously, peeking his head in.

"Jax?" Virgil perked up at his presence. "You know you didn't have to come in to work today." He told him in a stern voice.

"Yeah but I felt better," Jaxon countered, walking in. "Plus I slept the whole day."

Virgil gave him a blank look, knowing that there was no convincing him to just leave. "Sure." He muttered dryly.

"Well, the plumbers came in today and all of the broken heaters were fixed as well as Yvonne's apartment..." Virgil filled him in on the happenings of the day.

Jaxon listened intently, making mental notes but he was still curious about the events of the earlier parts of his day when he was still out of it.

"Oh?" Virgil raised a brow when he was asked about it. "Apparently, according to Darian, you showed up on his front door late in the night…" Virgil rolled his eyes like he had a hard time believing it. "...and somehow Leon caught wind of it and snatched you that's when I found you."

Jaxon just gaped throughout the entire explanation, how had he slept through all that?

"I'm pretty sure it was just them messing around but I was quite clear when I said you weren't to be bothered while you slept so I grounded them from you for a couple days." Virgil gave him a rare reassuring smile that was mostly teeth and honestly a little bit upsetting.

Jaxon could barely wrap his head around the Alpha's words, was it possible to be grounded from a person?

"If they come within miles of you, I'll know and I'll hurt them…"

"Ah! V, you don't have to…" He started to protest, waving his hands.

"Too late." Virgil cut him off.

Ian made an appearance at this point. "Oh, hi, Jaxie, wasn't expecting to see you here…"


Jaxon closed up early enough, he didn't like everyone worried over him, it was just a little bit of sleep and perhaps food he had been lacking, he could fix that.

He retired to his apartment, it was weird going a whole day without Leon or Darian, or the both of them.

He hadn't realised how much they had become a part of his life but from the looks of things, he wouldn't be seeing them for a few days more, he hadn't even been able to change Virgil's mind about grounding them.

It wasn't entirely a bad thing for them to be absent, he could put himself and his crumbling composure back to order so that everything could properly go back to the way it was.