
Chaotic Levelling

You have died That should be a scary statement, right? Trust me, the terror has only begun. {Shut up. Don't ruin my surprise. They'll see} {I'll bring 11 unlucky souls and make them another chance at life. But this time, I call the shots} So here we go. Good luck. Oh, and try not to die... Again 11 people have been killed across different timelines. Without warning, they are transported to a world that exists beyond all timelines and the multiverse. On a planet that has only one of them throughout all of time, indigenous life is already more powerful than all other species across all timelines. These people are then forced to survive, all for the entertainment of the system, but it seems to have an ulterior motive, and no one may live to see the truth.

The1k · Fantasy
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24 Chs

PROLOGUE XI: The spoilt Black


Maids run in and out of the room. I honestly don't see what everyone is making a fuss about; after all, the person I'm going to meet is my flesh and blood. They are treating it like a life-and-death meeting. Well, I understand he is the king, but he wouldn't harm his son just for being lazy, would he?

{ I like stupid people because they are entertaining, but you're on a whole other level.}

{I might pity you and help you to survive}

"Survive? It's just an old man, though; even if he is the king, I'm his son, and I'm old enough to take care of myself and leave the castle to have my adventures," I say with thoughts of doing this plaguing my mind.

I looked up to see that all the maids looked at me as if they had seen a ghost or a walking corpse. I laugh it off, understanding they were mere peasants, so they wouldn't see it from my perspective.

{I think you don't understand your position; your kingdom is in the middle of a generational war with the human kingdom, and your father is under a lot of stress dealing with the aftermath of it.}

The maids had all left, so I could speak my mind without gasps or annoying looks. I turn to the blue panel and say,

The key word there is generational, as in not my problem; I'm not in any position of power to handle that, nor do I want to."

"Plus, I can just go for a few years and come back when I feel like it."

"Why are you suddenly trying to advise me?"

{You're stupid, that means you can't die till you have finished your usefulness to me, but if you're that stupid, it's going to be a headache.}

{Also, just for your information, your father has been sitting down behind you for a while now.}

I tried to move my body to turn around and see him, but my body didn't respond. I seemed frozen in place, and I began to sweat profusely, wondering what was going on.

{Yeah, you're fucked.}

I hear a voice boiling with rage but just managing to keep it barely normal.

"Old man?", Pressure seemed to pile up on my back like I was being weights being placed on me.

"Not your business?", his voice raised, and the pressure increased.

When do you feel like it?" It now felt like I was holding a big boulder, and he was nowhere near high enough to shout.

"You will be going on an intelligence mission tomorrow if you can complete it. You will be free, but if not, you will work as a grunt in the army and be sent to the frontlines." He spoke in a manner that meant it wasn't a debate or something that could change.

The pressure suddenly disappeared, and I turned around to see no one there, but everywhere in the room was destroyed. I came to the horrific realization that he was contemplating killing me but gave me a chance.

{ Wow, I feel sorry for the king for having to deal with you.}

{Better start preparing to go; you no longer have a choice.}

I slowly get over the pain from the pressure, which affects every cell and muscle in my being. I walk through the door and close it without looking back. Servants escort me to my new room, where I will spend my last night in the place I recently called home.