
Chaotic Levelling

You have died That should be a scary statement, right? Trust me, the terror has only begun. {Shut up. Don't ruin my surprise. They'll see} {I'll bring 11 unlucky souls and make them another chance at life. But this time, I call the shots} So here we go. Good luck. Oh, and try not to die... Again 11 people have been killed across different timelines. Without warning, they are transported to a world that exists beyond all timelines and the multiverse. On a planet that has only one of them throughout all of time, indigenous life is already more powerful than all other species across all timelines. These people are then forced to survive, all for the entertainment of the system, but it seems to have an ulterior motive, and no one may live to see the truth.

The1k · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs



A blue panel floats in a dark place with no end in sight. The room is like a void where nothing can escape, like a prison.

{And then there were 12, well, 11 now.}

The panel shows a woman with a black, long, spear-like spine embedded in her stomach.

"What did I ever do to deserve this, basta.....?" Her voice trails off as her breathing slows until it stops completely.

{The Last of the previous generation has now been killed by experiment G-65-6-26: Predator.}

{Cause of death: overconfidence and faith in the system in essence stupidity}

{Solution upgrade system to K mode.}

{The System will now aim to kill participants and will only help participants when it sees fit.}

{The System will now be given the new software, AHB.}

The void seemingly watching the blue panel speaks for the first time, "Let's give them hell."

"It's all for the sake of ******************."

"Their only use is their death, after all."

And the panels expand into the 11 hologram-like landscapes, each about 5 meters in area,

"Give me a rundown."

{Sky Crest was born to a commoner in the elven kingdom. pure-blooded elf, which has shown great promise in magic and is the catalyst.}

"So she is the catalyst for this round."

{Her known weakness is that she is too soft.}

"Then harden her to be a diamond in the rough."

"Kill her feelings of emotion if you have to."

{Kia Shoto was born in the human kingdom as a noble but with hydra blood.}

"Oh, he isn't dead?"

{shows great promise in the art of running away, which combines well with his excellent regeneration speed but tends to make him give up easily.}

"So a little scout."

{His known weakness is his temper.}

"Piss him off a lot."

{That was the plan.}

"You truly get me, but I still hate you deeply."

{Elvis Lord, born half-bred between an elf and a dragon, shows signs of promise in terms of battle IQ.}

"As to be expected of someone with his kind of soul."

{known but still developing weakness over confidence}

"Oh, that's simple; just don't kill him till after his overconfidence in his abilities exists, then put him in a fight he thinks he will win, then make him lose randomly, but make it look like it was his pride's fault, and problem solved."

{That's a bit complicated.}

"But it's not a problem for you, so deal with it."

{Asshole detected}

"Fuck you"

{ Dante Smith shows immense prowess in all combat-based fields and will do whatever it takes to complete his goal.}

"So he is a danger to his allies if they aren't careful?"


"Hmm, okay next."

{Testuki, born in a poor city in the demon kingdom, has notable intelligence in business but is bad at most things combat-wise due to bodily limitations.}

"We'll just motivate him."

{Azula Mitsu is a bit of a troubled character; lists her parents as the person she resected, and she is born as a homo arachnid type, which is the most hated species in the demon kingdom for unknown reasons.}

"So use her to find out; also, her weakness is obvious; get rid of it."



{Marciano Void shows incredible promise in all fields and has been isolated in a separate dimension to focus. He is a demon lord candidate with a considerable amount of intelligence.}

"Oh, finally, someone with great promise."

{He doesn't have the personality to fulfill this role, though, and breaks down easily under stress, although he has a high sense of duty, so it's alright for the time being.}

"Goddamn it, what's wrong with all of them?"

"Are they having a midlife crisis or something?"

{This is why I advised you not to smoke dark matter before selection.}


"The shit wasn't even strong enough to make me high."

{I swapped it out}

"Fuck, I hate you."

{I love you too.}

"Anyway, we will wait, but if he doesn't change, pressurize him."

{Yeah, so... I might have already...}

"And you wonder why I hate you."


{Ted Black is a special one out of all of them, though.}

"How so?"

{He is the only one who instantly deduced the basics of his reincarnation and has made the most progress toward power out of all of them.}

{He even has a set of magic and skills that fit his character.}

{I have taken a liking to him.}

"Of course you have."

"Anyone annoying to me you love them"

{It is all for my mission of course}

{Kendrick Mckenney is a noble of the elven kingdom who is groomed to kill.}


{And nothing he is groomed to kill }


{Are you still high? You seem slower than normal.}

"Just start the next one; we are almost done. I just need to survive till then."

{Jugo Lord. I may have gone too far with him.}

"****, what did you do?!"

{I may or may not have sent him a voice note.}

{But before you get mad, I only said one word.}

"You spoke. Wait, did you sneak into my shit again and send a voice note with it?!"

{Travis Black is an entitled spoilt brat and is demon royalty.}

{Ok, then nice work.}


With that, the blue panel disappeared, leaving the void alone to ponder his thoughts.

"Damn that shithead."

"Why do I have to deal with this?"

"Jugo will probably be fine", As the voices seemed to relax, a long, exasperated sigh could be heard.

"After all, it is entertainment for you all." The void seemed to stare back.