
Chaotic Levelling

You have died That should be a scary statement, right? Trust me, the terror has only begun. {Shut up. Don't ruin my surprise. They'll see} {I'll bring 11 unlucky souls and make them another chance at life. But this time, I call the shots} So here we go. Good luck. Oh, and try not to die... Again 11 people have been killed across different timelines. Without warning, they are transported to a world that exists beyond all timelines and the multiverse. On a planet that has only one of them throughout all of time, indigenous life is already more powerful than all other species across all timelines. These people are then forced to survive, all for the entertainment of the system, but it seems to have an ulterior motive, and no one may live to see the truth.

The1k · Fantasy
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23 Chs

PROLOGUE X: The forgotten lord


"I hope you won't disappoint me," I hear him say as he leaves the hall.

Why has he never spoken like that to me, even though I'm older and work to make him proud? Is it because he was born with more dragon blood than me, or does he just hate me like the rest of my family for being pig-born? I don't know why I'm even hated; at first, I thought it was because I was awkward around every one, then I thought it was because I was born a pig, or like everyone likes to call them orcs, but it's not that either, until today I thought it was because I was the first bastard child, but Elvis is just as much of a bastard child as I am, but I'm older, yet he is called the first illegitimate child. It's not something to be proud of, but acknowledgment once in a while would be nice.

I sigh and turn to leave after Elvis has stood up and left the hall, having spent a minute looking at the hole in the wall again.

As I walked off, my shoulders slumped in defeat.

I reach my room, greeted by the usual words on my door written in red: "You are not needed; JUST DIE" I enter my room, thinking about cleaning it later. My room was the definition of being forgotten; if I didn't clean it myself, it would have been sealed off with me inside and deemed a safety hazard. The walls cracked, water dropped from the ceiling, and the floor, for some reason, was always covered in dust when I left and came back. The maid that is supposed to be my servant never shows up, and I'm pretty sure she is the one leaving the messages on the door since she is probably the only one that knows where my room is. I lay on the floor since I don't have a proper bed. I start to cry and try my best to hold it in, but once in a while, it slips. It's all Elvis's fault if he weren't born after me; if he wasn't born with the dragon trait, I would have at least been acknowledged.

{If you beat him, you might get acknowledged}

"How?" I say with a bit of hope in my voice.

{He is going for the tournament; if you enter and win, everyone will acknowledge you since you will beat the famous dragon-born son.}

I pause to contemplate if that's what I want.

{Your father might give you attention if you do that much}

I wipe my tears and say, "Yeah, I'll do it."


{Notice: The quest has been accepted}

"Wait, I didn't say."

{Title: The Wish of Existence

Rank: B+

Duration:6 months

Pass condition: beat Elvis Lord in the CFF.

Lose condition: lose to Elvis or allow him to win the CFF.

Reward: Recognition and status (maybe your father notices you).

Failure: You will be looked upon with disgust, and those who don't know you will treat you as if you don't exist. Just for being a crybaby, you will receive the curse of presence.

Description: You whined about being alone and have been given a chance to take the spotlight from your brother. Defeat your younger brother in the Cub's First Fang tournament .}

" That's turning my life into a living hell if I fail"

"I'll not exist"

{ Then you better get going}

" To where"

{ A dungeon or the palace training ground, it's better to go to a dungeon}

{Whichever one is better for you}

" But I can't go to a dungeon, I can't kill anything," I say with my voice shaking,

{Well you had better think of something because training isn't going to work}

" I thought you were on my side? I thought you were my friend."

{You know what? Just for you, I'm going to do something}

I see another message sent, and it looks like a video. I touch it, and all I see is an empty room. Then happens a smooth laughter that seemed to be from multiple people, so I couldn't identify the gender, but as whatever in the darkness laughed harder, I began to bleed from my eyes.

"Stop!", I say in a panicked voice.

he keeps laughing harder and blood starts leaking from my mouth I panic and try to tap on it to stop it but nothing happens and the video starts to get louder, and I start to lose consciousness.

He suddenly stops laughing, then it says something with only one word: {PATHETIC}

My whole world distorts; I feel like everything is being ripped from me. I see a single vision of someone being chained down somewhere, and I instinctually say "Mom". I then pass out as I hear a voice as someone busts into the room with a worried expression. Someone did care, after all.