

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 44 "Incomprehensible Strength"

"This... How is this possible!!!?" Elders were scared out of their minds.

The spear has the power to kill a defier realm expert? Who doesn't deem the thought of dying as scary?

Forget about spear the force with which the boy threw the spear;

'A base building realm cultivator, what bullshit. Have you ever seen a base-building realm killing a symbol refiner, Much less a defier?"

"Don't let go the shield around you, master this isn't going anywhere we got to...!"

The senior-most elder warned his junior elders and was going to suggest a retreat to Yin Wang but when he saw the fury on his face he found it better to shut his crap.

"These fucking turtles....having quite a fun in their shells. Then I will annihilate you from the inside."

Yin wang was furious that none of their attacks was effective even after so much loss from their side.

He then ordered in a murderous tone

"Send them signals to act!"

"What!!! But sect master if they blow their cover now then we would never be able to infiltrate their ranks again"

The elder tried to reason with his sect master, but

"You fucking want to die first."

Seeing the bloodlust from his eyes the elder gave in.

"It's okay. We wouldn't be needing spies to infiltrate the black deity anymore. From today onward there would either be only them or us."

The senior elder explained the reason behind the sect master's decision.

"Alright." That elder took out a flute from his space ring and blew it as hard as he can.


The odd screeching voice caught everyone off guard. Especially when the only thing that can be heard at that time was the cries of the burning disciple.

"What was that?" Disciples from the black deity could not understand the meaning behind that.

Suddenly the boy shouted;

"Bao An!!!"

"Huh!!!" Elders were surprised by the sudden change in the boy's behavior

But at that time an unexpected voice sounded on the battlefield,

"Sister Liu what are you doing!!!?"

Su Ling controlling the formation asked in a shocked tone.

He barely managed to stabilize the formation since the girl who was also a core disciple, standing next to her let go of the formation. He had twice the burden now.

The female core disciple standing next to him apologized with sadness in her eyes.

"I am sorry."

She thrust the sword towards Su Ling aiming straight at Su Ling's heart.

"Stop her!" The 9th elder shouted but his hands and all nearby disciples' hands were tied by supporting the formation.

Su Ling being the supporting core of formation did not have any energy to spare and protect himself.


Everyone heard the sound of a sword piercing the ribs.

No one had a free hand at that time.

Only the young master was not integrated with formation but he was supporting the spear wall against constant assault.

'How could she do that. Betraying him at such a crucial moment. He even saved her life on multiple occasions before, so why now....'

"A spy! She is a spy."

The girl pulled out the sword.


Su Ling spatted out a mouthful of blood.

He was on his knees now.

His hands were continuously shaking now but he didn't let go of the formation. His heart got stabbed. He was bleeding nonstop.

But he can not let go off the formation. Since he was supporting core along with the 9th elder, if he falls now the formation would collapse without a doubt.

"What is she doing? Why is she not finishing him?"

Yin Wang asked, observing all happening inside the formation.

The girl didn't kill Su Ling. She just needed to slash one more time and Su Ling's head would be separated from his body.

At that time the formation would be completely destroyed. This girl was their trump card and they did play it well.

But it looked like living in the Black deity for a long time she had produced some unnecessary feelings for this place.

The girl pulled out the sword and didn't look back at Su Ling she walked toward another core disciple ready to chop his head off,

"Don't even think about it!!!"

Bao An came out of nowhere and pressed her toward the ground with all his might.

Surprisingly the girl didn't put much resistance. Even though she was a core disciple she was only a step behind the elder but she easily gave up.

Bao An was late. The girl wasn't the only spy Blair end had planted. He got caught up in cleaning that mess.

"Its time to wrap up I think"

Seeing the late arrival of Bao An and critically injured Su Ling, the normal teasing smile the boy always has was gone.

He pointed toward Su Ling and sent a thread of refined chaos energy to protect his heart.

Su Ling felt warmth around his heart. The pain and exhaustion were lessened to a large degree.

"Fucking bullshit." Yin Wang after seeing his trump card going down so easily erupted from anger.

But at that time the boy walked out of the boundary of defense formation.


"Young master what are you doing get back inside."

Both disciples and elders were surprised. The boy had just left the protection of defense formation. He could now die as easily as squashing an ant.

On top of that, he was not wearing any protective armor or anything. Just a thin shirt.

"Good good so you want to die that badly."

Veins were popping out of Yin Wang's face.

Yin Wang could not ask for anything better. The main culprit of Blair's end demise was now out of his shell.

Even if they cannot get their hands on the black deity's treasury, he would make sure to kill this boy.

The boy got out from the sect's wall and stepped on the black spears wall which was badly damage now.

He was still the same, the only difference was that his usual smile was gone, replaced by a much more maniac one. And his yellow abyssal eyes were replaced by blood-red color-filled to brim with bloodlust.

The boy kicked off from the wall and lunged towards the elders and sect master who were miles away from him.

'It looks like he cannot fly'

Seeing the boy with his shallow cultivation and incomprehensible strength, Yin Wang decided not to give him any chance to attack.

Yin wang flew toward the nearest mountain.

"What is he doing?" Disciples from the black deity who were worried about their young master questioned the enemies' move.

Yin Wang went to the base of the mountain and clutched hold it tightly using gigantic hands made by worldly energy.

Gritting his teeth he pulled the mountain upward with all his might.

"Wha...what is going on?"

The ground started shaking. It trembled so much that disciples hardly balanced themselves.


When the tremor stopped the disciples were even more surprised because the sunlight falling on the Black Deity sect was no longer there, replaced by a deep dark shadow.

"Ha....ha..hahaha....Is...is this some kind of illusion?"

An inexperienced disciple drowned in despair questioned whether what he was seeing reality or just an illusion.

A gigantic mountain was floating in the air completely blocking the sunlight. Yin Wang was holding the mountain at its base.

Elders although were not that much surprised since they have seen similar feats before but no way in hell they were ready to take it head-on.

The boy still was jumping forward without any hesitation. Inch by inch he was getting closer toward his target.

"It looks like sect master is really angry this time."

An elder from Blair's end commented.

"We cannot say much about that since he had perfected his [Saint's bull physique]. It provides unimaginable strength to his muscles." Another one added.

[Saint's bull physique]

Highest grade physique available in Blair's end. On top of that sect master had already perfected it.

This alone gave him the strength to fight 15 of the same realm cultivators without batting an eye.

This physique puts quite a toll on one's body but since he activated it now, it only means that he was dead serious about killing the boy.


Yin wang drew all the strength he could from his body through the mountain towards the approaching boy.

"Young master be careful" disciples from black deity cried.

'He needs to avoid the direct hit but...'

Elders thought the only way the boy could survive was to get out of the range but it was all for naught because the boy knew not how to fly and he had already jumped into the air, which made it impossible for him to avoid the upcoming disaster.

When the mountain, tearing through the air carrying billions of kg of weight, was just a few meters away from him;


The boy disappeared from the trajectory of the mountain and appeared on top of it.


"Space control? How is this possible?"

Elders from both sides were baffled.

Very few of them had the idea of the basics of space dao. How could a sixteen-year-old boy know about it.


But 9th elder had more pressing matter on his hands.

The mountain was going to fall in the sect. It would be alright if it were to fall somewhere unpopulated in the sect but it was coming straight toward them.

The defense formation could have blocked it before but now Su Ling was in terrible condition.

The formation could not take even a single hit more that's why the boy had jumped out of formation to attract enemies' attention toward him but that mother fucking Yin Wang was quite shrewd. He understood the boy's attention.

"This is bad"

9th elder was racking his brain to find a solution when he heard a familiar yet unfamiliar maniac laugh.


The boy who was laughing maniacally grabbed the mountain by its peak and said;

"It's quite a nice toy."

'Toy? What is he talking about? Has he lost his mind already?' Elders from Blair's end thought.

But what they saw next was completely out of their expectation.

The boy who looked like he had the cultivation of just base-building realm and could easily be killed by their weakest attack had just done impossible.

"Here catch"

The boy tossed the mountain which weighed billions of kg so easily as if he really was tossing a toy.

Everyone's jaws dropped to the ground. Even Yin Wang himself was tongue-tied.

It was now elder's time to think it as an illusion. Because something like this, even if someone beat it into them, they wouldn't believe it.

They only sensed a minute amount of energy in the boy's body.

This small amount of energy could only belong to the person who was just in the base building realm.

From the looks, the only unusual thing was the dark color of his energy.

They were right up to this point. The boy had a small amount of energy in his body but instead of [worldly energy] it was pure pitch black [Chaos energy].

[Chaos energy] or [untamed energy] was countless times devastating than normal diluted worldly energy.

In the skyless pit, the boy cultivated a mortal body using [nameless physique] for a hundred years.

In the past living for countless eras and having to reincarnate so many times the boy had learned countless unique laws.

Every time each physique gave him a different ability and power.

Before leaving his universe, one of the most difficult things he had to do was to combine all physiques into one, which was also quite dangerous since a single mistake could cause him to lose all of his hard work.

Bringing back all the bodies through the "river of time" was quite hectic.

After combining the essence of all physiques into one he acquired a brand new physique.

[Nameless physique]

He didn't give it any name since it had all the powers of every physique he had learned so far. Giving it a name would only hamper its potential.

Since now he was in a brand new universe, which came with a brand new body and promise of all kinds of untasted physiques, the boy had again chosen to cultivate a mortal's empty shell by [Nameless physique] to accumulate all kinds of physiques.

And the first one was [Sanit's bull physique].

It only took him just a single glance to guess the specific pathway for the flow of energy for [Saint's bull physique].

Remember he spent only a day to cultivate the whole of space origin dao in the skyless pit. Yet he spent almost a night to cultivate [Stone impaler] even then he could not fully achieve the dao in it.

It was because there is a difference in learning dao from a written pattern than finding it out and arranging dao from a weak broken technique.

Using the chaos energy and the newly acquired saint's bull physique the boy had enough strength to throw back some billions of kg weighing mountain.





(Author here:- could not write for the past two days so three chapters today.)