

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 45 "An Ice Cold Beauty"

"Everyone disperse!"

This time it wasn't Yin Wang who ordered rather it was the unison cry of elders who saw the gigantic mountain flying toward them.

It is quite funny how easily one's loyalty changes when he sees his reflection in the eye of death.

That's what the elders did. Abandoning their sect master at the first sight of danger.

The support provided by the elders to Yin Wang was halted.


The sound was loud enough to tear everyone's eardrums.

It was as if instead of a mountain and a person, two mountains had collided.

The shock waves were strong enough to send a few weak disciples to the ground. But wasn't the sect protected by defense formation? So did their legs gave up because of fear? That was something they themselve did not know.

No one looked at them nor sneered at them, all were looking toward the broken debris of mountain falling from the sky.

The mountain was crushed into pieces. The dust-covered the whole area so no one knew about the fate of Yin Wang.

"Is it finally over?"

Someone regained his wits. If this cannot kill him then they don't know anything else could.

"I don't think so."

9th elder replied. Although elders from the black deity hope it to be end, but they were not so optimistic.

Soon the dust settled down and they saw a human silhouette within it.


A hoarse voice sounded from within the dust.

It was Yin Wang's voice.

Hearing it poured the cold water down on the optimistic disciples' heads.

He survived?

How the hell can someone survive that?

When Yin Wang came into view his whole body was bloodied. Few of his bones were broken and chunks of meat were gone from his body from several areas.

"It looks like you enjoyed it a lot."

The boy still had that blood-red eyes and maniac smile.

Yin Wang took the direct hit. Surviving it was no less than a miracle but most of the credit went to his already perfected physique.

"You son of a bitch. I will fucking ki....."

Yin Wang cried in anger and threw a punch toward the boy but his voice was frozen midway.

"I don't think so."

A voice sounded at that time which was so cold that it almost froze the soul of the listeners.

Yin wang himself was frozen midway. The mage elder who was trying to heal sect master Yin wang, his spell was also frozen.

The flames which were burning on the ground were all frozen.

"A domain!!?"

9th elder, who had some knowledge about it, was aghast.


A power belonging to the person when he breakthrough from the defier realm and enters [Soul Dipper realm].

Every person had a domain of different ability.

In the whole of the Black Deity Sect, only sect guardians had this ability. Even sect master being only a peak defier realm did not have it.

"Who is it!?"

Since the domain was cast at a wide area it was relatively weak Yin wang broke out of it with some force.

He was afraid. He was afraid of a soul dipper realm expert appearing so suddenly.

Although He had killed a soul dipper teal expert before. His father. But at that time his father was at a critical juncture of cultivation and he could never have guessed a sneak attack from his own son.

This time, things were different. The unknown expert was antagonistic toward him.

'This is bad.'

"Don't hide like cowards. Fight like a man." Yin wang again billowed trying to lite out the newly arriving expert.


Yin wangs cry was answered by the boy's laughter. The boy said;

"Why do you think a woman would fight like a man."

The boy pointed towards the upward.

There she was....A woman.....wearing the white dress....floating in the air.

One look on her face could mesmerize anyone.

Her skin was as if jade. One would think a hundred times before touching it fearing that a touch would leave a spot on that perfect skin.

Her face was beautiful to the point of being perfect. Devoid of any kind of emotions, it gave her the look of an ice-cold beauty.

All disciples were captivated by her beauty.

Elders were not doing much better.

Even Yin Wang's heart skipped a beat. But he soon restrained himself.

"Who are...fuck!!" He was in midway asking the newly arriving woman's identity when she took out an ice sword and lunged toward him.

"Damn it!"

Yin wang could not do anything other than cursing and crossing his arms in front of him as a final attempt to defend himself.


The ice sword halted when it collided with his crossed arm. Sparks went flying as if two metals were colliding instead of an ice sword and bones.

Yin wang's skin and flesh were torn apart but his bones strengthened by the saint's bull physique was strong enough to stop the weapon.

The newly arriving silver-haired woman was not putting full force behind this attack since she had to constantly suppress all the elders using her domain which was a feat on its own.

"How the hell have I offended you?"

Yin wang billowed being pressed downward continuously.

His world energy was being frozen inch by inch.


If things go on like this he could lose his life here.


His question was met by silence and an increasing force from the ice-cold beauty.

"You do look like you are enjoying this."

At that time Yin Wang heard the accursed voice of that boy.

The boy was standing right behind him. How did he get there? Yin wang didn't know, nor he had time to think that.

One thing he did knew was that this seemed to be the end of the line.

None of the elders got near to help him. Maybe they really were being suppressed by the domain or they simply didn't want to help. At the end of the day, he was all alone.

The boy made a clawed gesture with his hand and plunged it into Yin Wang's back with all his might.

After getting crushed by a mountain and being under the attack of the woman, also most of his worldly energy inside his body was frozen, Yin Wang could not put up a good defense this time.

The claw tore apart his back and came out of his chest.

When he looked down he saw it. A hand sticking out of his chest holding something.

It was his heart. Beating last of its beats.

The boy pulled back his hand and dig out his heart along with it.

The last of the strength Yin wang had, disappeared completely.

The woman slashed her sword downward which passed through Yin Wang's body like cutting tofu.

Pin drop silence. It was as if the whole world came to halt. Everyone was looking at the sky without taking even a single breath.

"Ha....haha" while laughing softly Yin wang turned toward the boy very slowly.

Even elders from the blair's end were watching him silently.

"The more I look at you.....the more I like you.....even until the very end it makes me think....what a tiger...like you...doing...with these cowar...."

Yin wang could not finish his last words. His eyes closed with a smile on his face.

"I don't know....."

The boy replied without a smile this time. It was as if the answer came really from the depth of his heart.

The boy grabbed his one hand but the second half of Yin wang's body fell, leaving only half of the body in the boy's hand.

The woman had slashed downward cutting Yin wang's body into two halves horizontally but she did it with so much smoothness that even after that he was still able to speak up a few more words.



