
Cerian’s Dawn

In a world filled with magic and races unlike any other, Adalynn is an ordinary doctor and apothecary, determined to live a fairly normal life. However, secrets, long since hidden, find their way to the surface and a past she never knew she had, will change everything for Adalynn, when a stranger from another planet crashes through her front door, turning her entire life upside down. With everything changing will Adalynn be able to maintain any form of normalcy, or will she ban together with Saber, an assassin spy charged with protecting the future queen of the Opherin Kingdom, as he fights against time and the corrupt Griffi ruler bent on enslaving all of Zenith. Follow along with Adalynn and Saber as they navigate through everything, in the first book in the Cerian Series.

Stormie_Foxx · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Six


Peaking around the shelf I sighed softly. It was clear that no matter what I had wanted this man was going to keep coming back. I couldn't deny that part of me was kind of excited as I wanted to perfect my potions so that I could inject them without harming innocents, however another part was a bit upset.

After all this man had just carted unconscious bodies into my store and anyone could come in and see them which would in turn fall back onto me. It was this fact that made me realize, despite whatever my answer was the day before, I needed to get him out of site and fast.

Standing up I made my way to the door to my cellar as I spoke.

"Well, I'll be, here I thought maybe you were dead. Either way though you can't be here cause someone might see."

Opening the door I continued.

"You can use the cellar, but you need to be quiet I cannot be having people getting suspicious do you understand?"

Walking over to him I sighed again seeing that he had 5 bodies, and each out was out cold and tied up like a rabid hogs.

"Well, I was gonna say there are two chairs down there, but this might complicate things a bit for you."

He shrugged at me, and I wanted to yell at him, however before I could he spoke.

"Don't worry I have a few ways of making myself right at home."

With that he turned and started to roll the cart to the door. Once there I couldn't help cringe as he tossed the unconscious bodies one at a time down into the cellar. As if these people meant nothing to him. I mean I get that they probably don't but how could someone care so little that they would essentially push a complete stranger down a flight of stairs.

"Well, that's one way to do it but you could have been a bit nicer. I mean geez."

With that he turned and started to roll the cart to the door. Once there I couldn't help cringe as he tossed the unconscious bodies one at a time down into the cellar. As if these people meant nothing to him. I mean I get that they probably don't but how could someone care so little that they would essentially push a complete stranger down a flight of stairs.

With that he turned and started to roll the cart to the door. Once there I couldn't help cringe as he tossed the unconscious bodies one at a time down into the cellar. As if these people meant nothing to him. I mean I get that they probably don't but how could someone care so little that they would essentially push a complete stranger down a flight of stairs.

He completely ignored me as he continued to toss the last two into the cellar before speaking.

"Now wasn't that a nice fall you bastards?"

With that he pushed the cart out of the way and against one of the shelves before heading down into the cellar. As he did, I quickly started to make my way around the shop to grab a few things. It was clear that he wanted these men to hurt as much as possible, but I couldn't just stand by and let him do that as a healer.

Once I had collected a few things I made my way back to my desk quickly grabbing a book from my desk and skimming through it as I yelled out to him.

"You know I am open right now so please for the love of the gods please try and be quiet, that cellar isn't soundproof."

"Or wait did I do that, you know what scratch that, everyone already thinks this place is haunted, so they'll just think it's the ghosts."

At that exact moment he yelled back up at me and I sighed.

"Your test subjects are eagerly waiting for you but save the last one for me, I have some business with him."

I know what I had initially said but now was my last chance to change my mind. Did I want to help him torture these men? I mean on one hand he had said that they were bad men, and it would help me make sure that truly innocent people didn't get hurt when injected with my potions, yet on the other hand this man clearly was not a good man himself so could his word be trusted when it came to these men.

As if on que one of the men in the cellar started to scream and curse at Saber.

"Fuck you, all you had to do is what you were asked and none of this would be happening, but you clearly had no spine. It was just over a dozen worthless royals, and we would have had everything we wanted thus you would have too."

"Yet here we sit; your insolence has cost us everything so you must be eliminated so that they do not find out. Now let me go and lets finish this you beast."


As the man yelled at me, I couldn't help but find my anger and frustration building. How was it that these men were so brainwashed by their leader into thinking that what they were doing was right. Without missing a beat, I took out one of my daggers and threw it straight into the man's leg.

"We are finishing this here and now so shut up or I will make you."

The man instantly went silent and nodded as tears ran down his face and blood began to drip down his leg and onto the floor. Walking over to the man I sat down in the only other chair in the room.

"Now listen to me carefully, you will answer my questions truthfully if you wish to live to see tomorrow. What is your name and why were you in the woods?"

"My name is hard to pronounce for a dog like you."

Growling I punched the man in the face with great force, breaking his nose and causing him to spit out blood. I knew this was gonna be a bit difficult with the fact that these men worked for a rather corrupt man who had wanted my people to do unspeakable things just so that they may continue to do as they wished but never had I expected them to be so disrespectful when the situation was not in their favor such as this.

"In your tongue my name translates to Jackson and isn't it obvious why we were out there. We were told to end you and after last night we had hoped we would find your worthless corpse out there."

As he continued to yell at me, I caught the sound of the door slamming. It was clear that this was bothering her, but I needed to get to the bottom of it if I wanted to protect her and the other Kingdom, so I had no choice but to continue.

"So, you're telling me that you were the reason my kill got interrupted with a long sword to the chest. Did your leader happen to tell you what shit storm into which you were walking into."

Standing up I growled softly and whispered to myself in my native tongue. As I did the room began to fill with a darkness that not even candlelight could break through. Jackson blinked around the room and began trying to yell at me, however, no sound came out.

"Nice trick huh? You see my people have an ancient magic that surpasses any known today, and this is one of my favorite spells."

"It's called the Abyss of Forever Night and its essentially a blackhole in the sense that you can scream al you want cause nothing can penetrate it."

As I finished the spell there was a loud explosion and I sighed softly looking up at the door. I had completely forgotten about that part, and I knew that she was not going to be happy about it. To my surprise she didn't say anything for a few moments, so I let myself believe I had gotten off scot-free and turned back to the man just as the door opened.

"Hey, are you like dead cause I am so not dealing with it if you are."

A soft giggle would be heard before she continued, and I couldn't help but smile. She was such a weird one yet everything about it was adorable.

"Adalynn you idiot, a dead guy is totally not going to respond to you, you know cause they're dead."

"Um, I'm not dead but Jackson here sure as shit is brain dead right now."

I could hear her soft huff and laughed softly to myself. I got under this woman's skin, and I knew it yet for some reason she was still dealing with me and acted like she didn't care only to turn around and say some shit that clearly meant she was angry with me.

"Well, I'm glad you and your new friend aren't dead but like I said I'm not dealing with the dead bodies so if you kill him you take care of it."

"Oh, and what did I say about explosions in this building. Unless you want to die don't go blowing things up down there cause up here I would very much like to live thanks."

With that she closed the door again and I let out another laugh.

"First off there won't be any bodies when I'm done with them as you gave me a potion to fix that plus I have other secrets too."

"Second off I'm not blowing anything up down here woman or we would all be dead already from what you said, so calm down would you."

Realizing I'm still not at full strength I head to the stairs deciding to take a break, only to find that the room begins to spin as I make my way up it. Reaching for the door the world begins to fade out and just like the night before I fall into the door flinging it wide open as I fall unconscious.