
Celestial: The Highest Being

"I was born a celestial being, I was made from power of heaven and earth. I was heaven and earth, no one can stop me from being more then a god." A young man named Ara Starts off his journey in the mortal world not knowing who or what he is, finding his own path to becoming the greatest, yet bringing his friends along with him fighting side by side with his friends until he reaches the very top of the god scales. His sister Fayre knows everything about where Ara is from she knows everything about alchemy and martial arts but isn't strong enough herself so teach Ara yet. Ara and his friends are at the centre of life itself, destined to become higher then anyone, with the bloodline, luck and aptitude of Ara only he will grow to becoming the very best and who knows, he may become someone even the creator of life and death is scared of. All awaits little Ara as he grows older finding secrets, killing evil, defeating Demons making friends along the way only he can become the one chosen by life.

PeachyyPoo · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 14.2: Kosoki Spirit (Part 2)

"Ha wow, you know so little of the Kosoki!

I had told that blasted disciple of mine to write down everything I had said during studies, but clearly that pest did nothing but forget everything I had taught him during Creature studies!

But now he's even written a book to help the younger generation prepare for the outside world with so little information, I thought he could have been useful for when I was gone... Oh, how I am wrong..." The old man slapped his face with his palm in order to facepalm himself in frustration.

"Hold on wait a minute... you knew the person who wrote the book on all the creatures around moho? including the sliver fanged thunder fox?" Ara got excited and giddy as he asked that question to the old man standing in front of him.

"I know him? Didn't I just say he was my disciple? Little wondered you have ears yet you do not listen, you remind me of that disciple what name does he go by now?" Asked the old man.

"He did go by the name of Oji Fuhm, but a few years ago he died trying to merge his spirit with a solia Toad," Ara told the old man the news that went around Moho country.

"A Solia Toad ay... well seen as thought a Solia Toad is immune to poisons I'm guessing he wanted that spirit to make him Immune to all poisons... silly boy, I told him two hundred years ago that a Solia Toads spirit will never merge with a Humans spirit unless the Toad chooses that person..." The old man felt let down because no one would listen to him.

"Hey Old man I'm sorry for the loss of your disciple but wasn't you going to teach me about the Kosoki Spirit?" Ara Couldn't wait to learn about the Legendary Kosoki Spirit.

"Ah yes, well I hope you're listening well little wonderer because from this day forth the Kosoki Spirit has seemed to have chosen you to merge with, trust me I've lived a long time and I've looked after this spirit for close too five hundred years!

This spirit has never in those five hundred years been this comfortable and playful with anyone who has come here, the last person that came here was two hundred years ago!

Anyway, the Kosoki Animal can devour another animals monster core without damaging the creature itself, with that the Kosoki can then rank up, and as you know it can contend against the stardust phoenix, but this is something that you didn't know is that the Kosoki is actually part of the stardust family, the Kosoki is actually an abandoned Phoenix race, so the law of fire is already installed into its mind." The old man had told Ara the important parts of the Kosoki Monster but had not told him anything about the Kosoki Spirit.

"Hey Old man you've not told me anything of the spirit of the Kosoki" Ara got a little frustrated because the glowing white playful spirit in front of him was certainly not a living breathing creature.

"You can't rush precious information especially since I already know your secret to why the Kosoki spirit recognises you..." The old man began to squint at Ara knowing he's putting pressure onto Ara.

Ara began to sweat and get very flustered, "You.. you know my secret?" Ara's face began to quiver.

"Yes I know your secret, it's because you have already merged with a phoenix spirit" The old man had thought he knew Ara's secret but alas he was completely wrong.

"Ah, how'd you find out?" Asked Ara clearly lying to the old man, luckily no one actually knew Ara's secret apart from himself.

"The Kosoki Spirit can recognise one of its own, not only that as a spirit form once merged you will be able to understand all of it's Law on fire whether it's big or small, but you'll also be able to comprehend knowledge 50x faster than any normal cultivator" The old man explained the spirit form but what both Ara and the old man didn't realise is even this Kosoki Spirit has its very own secrets that have never been studied.

"Hey Little spirit, I need your help to get stronger to be able to protect my loved ones and my friends, do you think you could join me on this quest and help me out?" Ara asked the spirit

With that, the spirit flipped and then when straight into Ara, a light began to appear at the back of Ara, he started to float in the air again but this time he was conscious, the huge light got brighter and a mark of a stardust Pheonix feather was now engraved onto Ara's back his spirit began to feel joy and happiness, but what Ara didn't notice is that now his Aura had changed along with his spirit, the Aura he was giving off along with his god veins was on a scale not even recognised by any cultivator but his spirit was now forming to the rank of Legendary without even noticing he was now immune to spirit attacks of people who are below the legendary spirit rank.

"Little wondered I believe our time has come to an end, your new spirit has come together with you, so now you and your spirit shall now fly like a dragon soaring through the sky, I hope the best from you, we shall meet again if fate allows it but for now I shall leave first, goodbye little wonderer, oh if you wish to know my name, then answer this riddle when we next meet, What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?" The old man asked Ara a riddle for him as he walked away travelling into the darkness.

Ara doesn't know why the old man had given him a Kosoki spirit and had helped Ara but he thought of it as a good gesture and will repay the old man in kind the next time they meet, with all that done Ara carried on his travels towards the spot on the map, but the looks of it Ara was a day away, that's given Ara enough time to get back before the deadline.