
Celestial: The Highest Being

"I was born a celestial being, I was made from power of heaven and earth. I was heaven and earth, no one can stop me from being more then a god." A young man named Ara Starts off his journey in the mortal world not knowing who or what he is, finding his own path to becoming the greatest, yet bringing his friends along with him fighting side by side with his friends until he reaches the very top of the god scales. His sister Fayre knows everything about where Ara is from she knows everything about alchemy and martial arts but isn't strong enough herself so teach Ara yet. Ara and his friends are at the centre of life itself, destined to become higher then anyone, with the bloodline, luck and aptitude of Ara only he will grow to becoming the very best and who knows, he may become someone even the creator of life and death is scared of. All awaits little Ara as he grows older finding secrets, killing evil, defeating Demons making friends along the way only he can become the one chosen by life.

PeachyyPoo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 14.1: Kosoki Spirit

Ara began to walk through the mist, he had a recollection of Déjà vu, he had seemed to have walked a few hours like he had gone around in circles just walking the never-ending path.

"I'm feeling like I've been here before... when is this mist going to thin out I can't see squat like this im surprised I've not walked into a tree," Ara spoke with a frustrated tone.

*Branch snaps* "Grrrrrr" Ara turned around so quick after hearing the sound of a creature growling at him from within the mist.

Ara began to run as he didn't know how many of these creatures were around him, he heard one growl but yet he felt off as if there were a whole pack of them surrounding him.

Ara ran and ran until his legs gave in, Ara dropped to the ground with a thump snapping all the loose branches around him that were laying on the ground.

*step* *step* *step* Ara could hear the sound of steps from within the mist *grrrrrr* alongside those steps was growling from all around him.

Ara stood up closed his eyes and thought back to the Celestial book implanted into his head, suddenly Ara's mind shook, a flash of light blurred Ara's sight and his movements had been stolen, his eyes become blindingly bright the symbol on his head also become bright, in Ara's next breath without him seeing nor feeling his movements he began to hover in the air slowly lifting off the ground until his whole body was completely off the ground.

*Boom* *whistle*

A shockwave exploded out of Ara causing everything including the mist to be thrown backwards, Ara's body began to slowly guide itself back down to the ground his eyes began to close, the symbol in between his eyebrows began to fade.

Ara's body landed on the ground in a kneeling position, one leg laying on the ground on his knee while the other is upright but bent, Ara opened his eyes looking forward "Eh where'd the mist go?" Ara looked around himself startled and confused "what on earth happened where did the growling go?".

Ara then stood up and looked behind him, as his eyes gazed around he locked onto something shiny in the distance liken it was flashing him to come over.

Ara began to walk in the direction of the distant shiny object, as Ara gets closer and closer, he realises that the distant shiny object is not a shiny object instead it's a floating spirit manifesting its aura.

" Hey, little guy" Ara spoke in a comforting manner, the spirit started to circle Ara very quickly, like the spirit was a little kid playing with Ara.

"Hey, hey, hey! hahaha, that tickles little fella!" Ara falls to the floor laughing as the spirit circles him tickling him suddenly *step step step* the sound of a cane walks towards Ara as he's on the floor giggling playfully with a spirit.

*step step step*

the sound gets louder but Ara doesn't notice it, "Ah I see my Kosoki Spirit has taken a fancy to the young wonderer" an old man had appeared and spoken softly towards Ara while he's on the ground laughing with the Koski spirit.

"Ahh! yikes, old man are you trying to kill me?" Ara jumped out of his boots, his palms started to sweat and his mind suddenly became sharp, the only question that came to Ara's mind so quickly as he asked himself out loud was "Hold on.. d..did.. you just say Kosoki spirit..." Ara's body became stiff as a board not budging even for a breath.

"ha ha ha, little wonderer you don't need to be afraid, the kosoki spirit has seen you as someone of great importance, how much do you know about the Kosoki and their spirit once they've passed from this earth?" asked the old man.

"well, we had learned a little bit about a kosoki in school but there wasn't enough information on the creature to understand it's spirit after death...all we knew from the book was it could grow from young with the power of thunder.

Once it grew to an adult it could fully comprehend thunder and lightning and was almost on the same scale as a godly creature like the stardust Phoenix." explained Ara from what he has learnt from school in a book named Teachings of bonds with monsters.