
Celestial: The Highest Being

"I was born a celestial being, I was made from power of heaven and earth. I was heaven and earth, no one can stop me from being more then a god." A young man named Ara Starts off his journey in the mortal world not knowing who or what he is, finding his own path to becoming the greatest, yet bringing his friends along with him fighting side by side with his friends until he reaches the very top of the god scales. His sister Fayre knows everything about where Ara is from she knows everything about alchemy and martial arts but isn't strong enough herself so teach Ara yet. Ara and his friends are at the centre of life itself, destined to become higher then anyone, with the bloodline, luck and aptitude of Ara only he will grow to becoming the very best and who knows, he may become someone even the creator of life and death is scared of. All awaits little Ara as he grows older finding secrets, killing evil, defeating Demons making friends along the way only he can become the one chosen by life.

PeachyyPoo · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15: The Lost Temple

After travelling a full night without sleep, Ara found a tree branch nice and high to sleep on for a few hours knowing he was away from danger, the only danger he was in was getting bitten to death by the annoying bugs around him.

The forest he was in was full of nature everything growing, breathing, talking, eating with each other, as Ara slept everything around him grew around him birds were chirping, plants were drifting in the breeze back and forth calm and gentle, Ara began to fidget on the branch as if he was having a nightmare, yet he was...

*In Ara's mind*

"ARA HELP ME!" Yelled Isabella from behind a dark shadowy figure

"HAHAHAhahahah, So close yet so far, the time you've missed was your own doing Ara, the next time we meet it will be your turn HaHa!" The Mysterious shadowy figure spoke with a firm, deep yet a slight croak to his voice indicating he was only a few years older then Ara.

As the shadowy figure stood in front of Ara blocking his view to see Isabella, he saw the shadow figures arm swing upwards, Ara's eye shone with a glance of a sword Ara's heart dropped, slowly beating, his blood began to boil the shadowy figure swung his sword so fast that it left an afterimage of his hand still in the same place as it was.

Ara's new Kosoki spirit came out from in between his eyebrows and started to nudge Ara awake, Ara jolted awake after feeling a few taps from the Kosoki Spirit, "Hey boy.. did you wake me?" sweat dripping from Ara, he felt as if the dream meant something and he felt familiar with the voice of the shadowy figure.

"I think we need to think of a name for you don't we," asked Ara to the Kosoki spirit.

"How about Yiki?" With that, the Kosoki Spirit started to flip and spin around in circles as if he liked that name a lot.

"Hahaha, alright Yiki it is!" Laughed Ara as Yiki landed on his shoulder, Ara looked around and listened to his surroundings while he was up high on the branch he was sleeping on.

"It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit." Ara spoke as he stared into the vast distance of forest as far as the eye could see, beautiful as mother nature is, "All this travelling Yiki is all new to me, but we shall arrive at point on the map soon, so let's get moving and maybe we can get some monster cores as well.

A few hours past by and both Yiki and Ara drifted towards the point on the map, as they got closer they saw that the trees were getting bigger, the vines were getting longer and you could no longer see blue in the sky, leaves covered all his sight up above.

" Yiki I believe we may have found what my sister described" Ara spoke with a surprising concern for himself and towards Yiki.

Ara got closer and closer, feeling a strange vibe within himself as if something is telling him to go deeper.

Ara got went deeper, his surroundings were almost completely black as if the sun had gone out.

Ara looked closer and saw something glowy at his feet and so he gave it a touch...


it was a mushroom, its colour was a light blue, with splotches on the top of it, he felt a strange warm sensation surrounding him, Ara faced forward to see anything in front of him, there was nothing but after he had touched this mushroom the warm sensation swelled around his eyes, he was now able to see all the glowing insects, vegetation, flowers and even the flowing water stream in the distance "Yiki it's beautiful the scenery of blackness of just complete nothingness and then... boom it all appears from a hidden place it's amazing" Ara spoke excitedly and yet his eyes danced to blackest spot a little deeper in his eyes focused a little more...

Ara had focused on the blackest part of the forest, he saw what could only be described as a torch hung on a wall.

With that Ara moved forward with caution, making sure he doesn't step on anything that might cause problems for him on the way.

the branches snap under his feet, the sound of the crunch travel through the air as the echo bellowed through the glowing forest.

Ara got closer to what now most definitely was a torch hung up on a wall, and he was standing at the entrance to something that was has been lost for thousands of years.