

Nathan, a boy with whose race was not determined , a race that is a result of the greed of a few demons and celestials alike,but in Nathan's situation, his was totally different. A soul that's not complete yet is strong enough to make creatures and powerhouses beyond the immortal transcendent plane to be wary of his existance. He retrieves and restores the lost fragments of his soul as he fights with his life always on the line. Existances with the power to anihilate a whole universe in just a single breath without using even 20% of their power were forced to be wary of a boy whose lineage and origin was unknown to many with an aura of a pure peerless Monarch, whose presence and words alone can make gods cower in fear of uncertainty. He had the power to become an existence with unfathomable might and power. An existence that laws that bind the universe can be bent at his will. An absolute powerhouse who chose to forge his own path and destiny with his own hands, blood and effort from the ground up. Who would dare challenge him when mere powerhouses who claim to be gods will be vulnerable against him. Not even powerhouses beyond the god realm. ......... "You carry the blood of a Celestial god, the blood of The Demon Queen and yet you die in this pitiful manner. Pathetic, with those two powerful bloodlines you could have ruled all seven realms and realities yet look at you" Said a voice deep within Nathan's being.It resounded again. "Rise, celestial warlock and rule like the true Monarch you are!! ..... [ Skill unlocked Skill name: Devine Monachory{ level 1} Description: You are the first existence to achieve a skill of this magnitude. You have forged a path only you can walk with pain and hardship...... ...] [ all skills have undergone a change. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have .................] The description alone was unlike he had seen before. Now He knew the Journey has just bagan, he now had the power to transcend the celestial realm to what layed beyond it. DISCLAIMER: Covers not mine

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16 Chs


It was dark and cold in the outside world, the dreadful smell of blood and iron filled the atmosphere, the voice of screaming people and chaos rang out in the city, sirens of ambulances and police vehicles rang out.

Creatures of unknown origin, grotesque disfigured human rampaged the street causing chaos and massacre, mutated insects and animals devoured everything in their paths,from Humans to animals.

Cars crushing through walls,cars crushing against each other in terrifying ways yet no one seemed to care as everyone was running for their lives ,

some screaming and running in random directions not knowing where to go, outbreak of fire was evidently causing mass destruction as the smell of burning flesh filled the atmosphere,

smokes from fire covered the street almost like a fog at night, air filled with unbreathable gases roamed the street,people chocking to their deaths wasn't a rare sight, families separating in distress to save their selves, helpless children crying out in the streets.

It was as if it was every man for himself.

Nathan who at the moment has just woken up after passing out wasn't aware of the chaos outside as his ears were still hurting, every sound he heard was muffled.

Soon his hearing started clearing up as he opened his eyes. Everything seed blurry as he stared around the house, his vision became better after some time.

He started to remember everything when he reached the door to his house.

Nathan soon heared all the chaos coming from outside his house, he stood up with great difficulty, his body felt weak and fragile as if he has been drained of all energy he had.

He soon fell on his knees and grabbed the remote on his bed, he tuned in onto the news channel in order to satisfy his curiosity about the chaos outside. What he saw was something he couldn't have unseen in his life. There was massive destruction with the news organization behind this channel using helicopters to live record this to avoid getting involved in this unsettling chaos.

Nathan who was listening to the woman on the news channel was perplexed and terrified by what the woman said.

Nathan watched with wide eyes for hours at the ongoing destruction, finally the news was nearimg it's end.

"This is G.I.C news channel and currently there is a large scale chaos around the world, the government of each country have mobilized their police and army services to stop this mad frenzy and destruction as unidentified large creatures have breached the defenses of the each country. Each country seemed to have lost a lot of people, both children and adults including citizens have been killed. The government aren't sure of what decisive measure to take as none of the countries were prepared for this even if they were, there isn't anything they could do about it as without nuclear weapons, this issue cannot be resolved in a matter of weeks or months. Humanity as we know it might soon end as we are currently under the threat of anihilation. We encourage you to stay in your homes I repeat, stay in your our homes, it's an order from the government of each country. Stay in your homes and lock your doors. Stay safe"

And as she said these words, the news channel was seemingly cut off with some signal interruptions as she clearly didn't intend for it.

Nathan somehow felt like this was to be expected as after his conversation with his father the previous week as he was to some extent sure humanity would be endangered at some point next month from now not this month though.maybe his father made a mistake?, He couldn't think straight at this point.

Soon there was a frantic and loud pounding on his door as the clear sound of people shouting and asking for help behind his door.

He walked towards the kitchen with hesitated steps and batted breath as be grabbed a knife with a tight grip.

Slowly yet studily, he walked towards the door, the pounding and screaming got louder and louder as he neares the door, he was pondering on whether he should open the door to help these people but on the other hand, he didn't know what kind of creature was behind that door.

To his surprise, the noise and pounding outside his door had stopped much more to his relief. He grabbed the door knob and opened it slowly after unlocking it.

To his utter disbelief and horror, what he saw was completely disturbing and nerve wracking.

The limbs of human beings were ripped apart gruesomely and left laying around with blood splattered all around the floor. He saw people with torn limbs and their organs everywhere, he tumbled back few times as he stared at the scene.

A boy of no more than 18 sat in a corner with torn arms an legs, his gut spit open by a creature, with claw-like marks on his face and what was left of his body. He seemed to be still alive as he stared towards Nathan's direction with little energy he had left. He opened his mouth and the only thing he managed to murmur was "r-run,save-yourself". These were the last words he managed to murmur before his demise.

Nathan wondered as to what creature could have done this. And almost as if his curiosity would be answered, he heared a crackling sound from within the shadows in front of him as it was currently midnight, the light bulbs have been shattered seemingly by this unknown creature as the were occasional sparks from the shattered bulb.

He stared forward into the darkness yet something wasn't right. Slowly yet surely, red glowings eyes suddenly appeared in the darkness, the sound of light crackling mixed with growls was heared. The crackling grew louder while the glowing eyes became bigger and clearer to Nathan's field of vision.

At this point it was clear what kind of creature crept in the darkness right in front of Nathan.

And as if to clarify his guess, a spider of 1 Meter in height and width crept out of the darkness fur as dark as night. Eight legs with each leg two meters long in legnth.Its fangs large and had sticky liquid dripping from them.. Nathan looked at the grotesque creature in front of him as his grasp around the knife tightened subconsciously. The spider leaned backwards a bit. A gesture which meant it was ready to leap onto it's prey(Nathan).

Nathan, who was thinking of a logical move to this situation, focused his eyes onto the creature trying to predict it's next move,and to his expectations, the creature leapt into the air, the spider was currently 9 meters above the ground, it's fangs ready to pierce right through it's prey, it's legs spread wide apart in case it missed it's prey, it would use it's legs to pin it down avoiding it's prey from escaping.

Nathan, who has already predicted it move, ran towards the creature and stood right beneath the creature.

To the creatures surprise, Nathan was right beneath him, to the creature, Nathan was good as dead as the move he made wasn't rationally a favourable one. As the creature started to fall back down after it's jump,eters away from Nathan,

Nathan leaned his body forward and stared right beneath the creature who was 3 meters away from him, he was looking at where the creatures heart would be specifically.

Aiming for the right timing to pierce it with his knife.

Finally the creature was 1 meter away from Nathan, Nathan suddenly leapt into the air to catch the spider off guard and to shorten the distance as fast as he could then stabbed towards the creatures heart with all his strength.

Warm blood splattered on his face and his hair, blood slittered down his arm as the knife was firmly deep inside the spiders heart. Luckily for him, the spiders size was not really a problem as even though the spider was dead, it's weight could have crushed him or he would have some bones broken at most.

He had killed the spider swiftly yet he didn't come out unscathed as the some of the hair around the spider's legs were sharp and sticky .

He suffered a few cuts on his Arm and around the right side of his neck after the creature squirmed and let out a shrill shout.

He supported the weight of the spider with his left hand he dropped it on the ground with a thud. Nathan stood there with blood dripping from his hand as well as the knife as he stared at the lifeless spider with a satisfying expression as well as the expression of relief on his face as he heaved out an audible sigh of relief.

He patted himself on the back at his accomplishment.He then received a message of some sort from a grayish screen, The Same screen he saw hours ago before passing out.

I hope you all give me a chance and thank you for reading my book and I hope you continue to to read and support me on this journey :^) don't forget to add me to your library

VESPER_ITRAcreators' thoughts