

Nathan, a boy with whose race was not determined , a race that is a result of the greed of a few demons and celestials alike,but in Nathan's situation, his was totally different. A soul that's not complete yet is strong enough to make creatures and powerhouses beyond the immortal transcendent plane to be wary of his existance. He retrieves and restores the lost fragments of his soul as he fights with his life always on the line. Existances with the power to anihilate a whole universe in just a single breath without using even 20% of their power were forced to be wary of a boy whose lineage and origin was unknown to many with an aura of a pure peerless Monarch, whose presence and words alone can make gods cower in fear of uncertainty. He had the power to become an existence with unfathomable might and power. An existence that laws that bind the universe can be bent at his will. An absolute powerhouse who chose to forge his own path and destiny with his own hands, blood and effort from the ground up. Who would dare challenge him when mere powerhouses who claim to be gods will be vulnerable against him. Not even powerhouses beyond the god realm. ......... "You carry the blood of a Celestial god, the blood of The Demon Queen and yet you die in this pitiful manner. Pathetic, with those two powerful bloodlines you could have ruled all seven realms and realities yet look at you" Said a voice deep within Nathan's being.It resounded again. "Rise, celestial warlock and rule like the true Monarch you are!! ..... [ Skill unlocked Skill name: Devine Monachory{ level 1} Description: You are the first existence to achieve a skill of this magnitude. You have forged a path only you can walk with pain and hardship...... ...] [ all skills have undergone a change. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have .................] The description alone was unlike he had seen before. Now He knew the Journey has just bagan, he now had the power to transcend the celestial realm to what layed beyond it. DISCLAIMER: Covers not mine

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16 Chs


Only now did Nathan realize that he had been filled with adrenaline through the whole spider killing process.

The adrenaline in his body was yet to calm down. He stared at the grayish transparent screen Infront of him. His face revealed an expression of familiarity even though it's been the first, infact it's the second time he has seen this screen yet it felt so familiar with it. He stared at the screen ,what was written on it was strange.

What he saw was


[You have successfully defeated 'dark shrilled spider'. Level 7]


To Nathan's surprise, tens of pink tiny orb-like energy were coming out of the dead spider as they came towards Nathan's direction and when they finally reach him,they went into his body without any inconveniences.

Nathan who was astounded by this , soon felt his body regain it's energy slowly yet steadily.

He coould feel the orb-like particles fuse with him. He felt nourishment through his entire bloodstream. His skin looked more nourished than it could ever be.

He felt new,as if he has gone under a purification ritual.

Truely satisfying indeed.

He then focused on the screen with keen eyes as to not miss even the slightest detail.Soon he was barraged with a flood of messages.


[You have successfully assimilated with the life essence of the 'dark shrilled spider' as well as it's soul power.

*You have leveled up to level 1

*You have leveled up to level 2

*... level 3

You have new experience points to complete until next level .Due to some unknown complications your info has been compromised.



Name: Nathan Hollow

Race :?????

Level : 3

Mode: {no modes have been attained}

State: Adrenaline rush

Vacancy/ Job: ???





Health /Vitality : 50/50

Mana :15



Dexterity: 19



Nathan was really in a dilemma this time. According to his grayish retina, his race was unknown, seriously he really had to double check that again.

He had mana and magic!. Nothing he would ever think of ever having in his life even if he was reborn again.

"This can't be right."

Nathan murmured to himself.

" Mana?, Magic?, dexterity?,health?,this is all not possible.

Is this the change that was supposed to take place a month from now?.

This is truely a sight no one would have thought to see, not even in a million years."

Although Nathan was confused, the more he thought about it, the clearer it became to him. Everything made sense now.

The book, gods, destruction, magic,mana, all these made sense to Nathan.

Why else will a father say words to a son that only came out of fantasy tales and Novels?.

A world full of destruction and chaos, Death around every corner, each second was a ticking time bomb for death and chaos.

Nathan stood there, staring up with a complicated gaze. He replayed the conversation he had with his dad a week ago over and over again.

Trying to remember something. Words of his father he couldn't fathom them were clear as day now. A world of uncertainty where everything was possible.

Now he understood what his father meant by the term " A world where faith has little to no power over the lives of us living creatures."

A world where anyone's life could be cut off shortly as if it was a normal everyday activity. If fate exists, It won't have any power over the lives of people and that is if it even exists.

Maybe fate is an underestimated force of a being taken for granted. It may as well be a fairy tale we all have wishful thinking over.


Nathan shifted his gaze onto the floor where a scroll with and a yellow coloured orb lay on the ground. He bent down to pick it with some precaution, he held it in the palm of his right hand.

He grew curiousness and interest in this yellow glowing orb. He could feel the magical power emanating from it.

Almost on queue, he got the satisfaction he wanted,which was to know about what he held in his hand.

He might as well consider it his loot.


[You have acquired an epic grade treasure orb]

[ Do you wish to claim your spoils of war?]


Nathan who at this point was seemingly used to seeing the screen decided to claim his spoils of war.

And to his surprise, although he didn't say it out loud, the retina responded to his decision.


[ Request Confirmed]


Right inside the palm of Nathan was the glowing orb which suddenly rose up a few centimeters above his palm.

Blinding light soon emanated from within the orb as it started to crack from inside-out, finally the orb shattered in to pieces of yellow shards then turning into tiny yellow particles whis dissipate into the air.

Unknowingly to Nathan, the atmosphere went through a change as the gravity increased a little then it suddenly went back to normal. The air in the area felt more refreshing than it could ever be, lime sitting directly under an Air Conditioner.

Nathan could more or less care about that as he stared at the object in his palm with wide eyes. What layed in his palm was a weapon of unknown origin. It's engravings were something not one on earth had ever seen before.

In his palm layed a magnificent sword, It had shiny.yet very sharp edges. It glistened in the night with admiring elegance, it's hilt was an engraving of a Wolf's head with red eyes.

It had several two lines going from the hilt to the edge of the sharp sword. One longer than the other .

One stopped halfway to the edge of the sword while the other went all the the way to the sharp edge.

The short one was a bright red while the other was colourless, almost grayish if one looked closely.

The red one glowed slightly every now and then. A red chain was attached to the end of the hilt.

Soon messages flooded through Nathan's retina.


[Blood wolf sword..

Sword Type: Blood Pact

Origin: The Blood Wolf Sword is what is left of its own kind, one of the remaining swords forged by the very few demons who knew the art of forging rune equipped weapons, which is addding unique runes to a weapon during it's forging state. They are made from tear 1 metals which is an extremely strong metal. It's endurance has surpassed that of ordinary weapons made from tear 1 metal.



Strength: +20 {passive}

Endurance: 200

Mana consumption: 1 per minute

Dexterity: +10

Strength: +10

Health: +9

Magic: +20

Mana: +10

Critical hit: 40%

Fire resistance: 10%



Activation 1

--Hell's Blade--

Fire red as blood covers the blade as it burns with extreme heat and has 40% of releasing corrosive attributes.]

Nathan wasn't done reading everything when he could now realize something wasn't right, it's been several minutes since he had an adrenaline rush yet he could still feel his blood rushing at high speeds in his veins.

He felt like he had sugar rash. His body went down a change good yet bad.n

Guys if you're reading this I thank you very much end support me and give me a chance. Let me know if the chapters are too small.

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VESPER_ITRAcreators' thoughts