
Celestial Birth

"Celestial Birth" follows the tumultuous journey of Darren Croford, a once-powerful leader in the criminal underworld, who meets his demise at the hands of those he once trusted. Betrayed and left for dead, Darren finds himself reborn into a new world, shedding his former identity to become Sin Dreith, the illegitimate son of the powerful Dreith family in the Whay Kingdom. Determined never to be manipulated again, Sin sets out on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Sin vows to surpass anyone who dares to challenge him. With unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest force in the world, determined to make those who once stood above him kneel at his feet. Driven by a relentless thirst for power, Sin becomes the bane of the Dreith family, Cold-hearted and unyielding Sin's influence spreads like wildfire across the Eagan continent, he becomes a figure of both fear and fascination, his every move cloaked in shadows and deception

inquisition326 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Chapter 5

 Sin had woke up the next day and the first thing he did was to go to the bathroom to get himself clean. Soaking in the bathtub filled with hot water and bubbles Sin was relaxing and enjoying himself when he heard a loud knock on the door of his room.

 "Come on I was just enjoying myself" Sin thought, eventually he got out of the bathtub annoyed, he put on a blue and gold robe that was in the bathroom and walked towards the door were the person who was knocking on it was now banging it.

 Growling Sin opened the door to look at the person who was getting on his nerves. After Sin opened the door two boys could be seen they looked to be around ten or eleven, seeing the door open and the person who opened it was a kid at the age of nine the two boys smiled. 

 The two boys had heard a rumor about a person participating in this year's Sovereign academy's recruitment who seemed to be a commoner and as well as weak, so they decided that they would shake up their competition before the start of it, they were both at the middle stage of the of the Foundation establishment and they had decided to eliminate anyone that didn't seem to be of a high status and the brat in front of them was just perfect. 

 The boy on the right swung his hand to move Sin out of the way, "move you brat" Sin was caught off guard as he didn't expect the people at the door would do that, so he had been pushed to the side. "What's this, a trash like you dares to defy us look properly trash we are both nobles" said the boy on the left as he pulled out his token. 

 Sin looked at the two that had entered his room and he remembered Mary's words " Young masters don't cause any unnecessary trouble especially if it could blow your cover and most of all don't mess with nobles they are very prideful about their status so don't be too rash". "Look at this room it seems like this bastard has been enjoying himself in here" said one of the boys and the other went to say, "what did you expect this must be the first time he has seen a place this nice".

 The two boys seemed to be mocking Sin, after they had both entered the room one of them closed the door and stood in front of it so Sin couldn't run away as well as stopping someone from getting in. The other boy then went to the table that was at a corner and pulled out the chair that placed behind the table, he then dragged the chair to the middle of the room before he sat on it.

 "Okay here's the deal kid, will you drop out or should we beat you so hard that you won't be able to participate" said the boy that sat on the chair. This whole time Sin was trying to think of a way he could avoid a situation were he could get in trouble, after all he knew that nobles had power and could do whatever however whenever they pleased and because he wasn't strong enough he would have to endure.

 All the worries left his mind as he got enraged at what he heard, the pressure that he had developed in his previous life as well as that of his integration stage seeped out as he glared at the boy that was in front of him. " Are you kidding me, you think just because your parents have power you weak pieces of trash can do whatever you want", Slap!! A hand had moved across Sin's face and a hand imprint had been left on his face "what the hell, this is actually happening this weak piece of shit actually slapped me, if I kill them it will be alright since it will be considered self defense right" thought Sin as his glare intensified, the boy who was sitting on the chair abruptly stood up and grabbed Sin by his clothes and looked at him. 

 "Go to hell " said Sin, "what" said the boy as he then got kicked in the one place a man should not be kicked. After cursing at the boy Sin had raised his right knee up with all his strength and it slammed into the boy's balls, the boy let go off Sin as he started screaming out in pain while leaning forward to hold his penis.

 Sin then stepped back, he then circulated the energy in his body as he spun around and did tornado right hook punch that landed on the boy's face making his feet lift off the ground as he then flew towards the boy that was at the door. "damn" said the boy at the door he ducked to the floor as his friend slammed into the door making it cave in a little while the boy passed out.

 Seeing the situation of his friend the boy stood up off the ground and rushed at Sin, reaching Sin the boy lifted his leg to perform a round house kick that aimed at Sin's face. "You'll need to do better than this" said Sin as he grabbed the boy's leg, Sin then rotated his body as he threw the boy to the opposite side of the room making him crash into the wall.

 Hitting the wall the boy then slid down and sat on the ground, the boy groaned in pain, soon though he could hear foot steps approaching him.

 Looking down the boy could see Sin's toes as he hadn't worn his shoes, the foot had then lifted of the ground at a speed that the boy had failed to react to as it slammed in the middle of his face, a cracking noise was heard and the boy's head swung back and hit the wall behind him, now the boy's nose had been broken and blood kept on gushing out as ot tainted the boy's white shirt and the floor. 

 The boy while now leaning on the wall raised his left hand in front of him trying to block anything else that threatened to aim at his face, and other held onto his bleeding nose. 

 "Please stop I'm sorry" said the boy in an agitated and awkward tone that seemed to lack confidence he had when he entered Sin's room, looking up the boy could see the person who had put him in this miserable state, what he saw made him wet his pants. 

 In all honesty the boy had never been in a desperate situation or ever been in any real danger in his life and Sin could see it clearly as he looked at the boy who had pissed himself after looking at Sin's face that had a wide grin.

 "Well and here I thought you were better than me, that you were stronger than me" said Sin as he crouched down to stare at the boy in front of him. "I'm sorry..." without letting the boy finish his words Sin's had already slapped the boy so hard that he could hear bells.

 "Look I don't give a damn who you are" slap!! Sin had slapped out again after he had just spoken, " I'm not afraid of you" and another slap was was felt on the boy's face, "and you will never bother me again or else the next time I won't be so nice now get the out of my room and take your friend with you" Said Sin as he then stood up and walked to the door to open it.

 The boy seeing the door open he did not hesitate to stand up as he rushed out of the door that he didn't even concern himself with his friend's safety. Looking out of the door Sin could see the boy turning the around corner at the end of the corridor. "This bastard actually left his friend" thought Sin. 

 Looking at the boy that was still unconscious Sin sighed to himself before he dragged the boy out to the passage and left him lying in the middle of the hallway before he went back to his room and closed the door. 

 Closing the door Sin didn't care about anything else as he went to clean up the mess that was now in his room, while Sin was doing that a crowd had gathered outside to see the boy that was passed out.

"Hey, isn't he one of the top ten" a voice was herd and another responded "Yeah that's him what's he doing here though".

 "Hey don't you guys think we should wake him up", "you do it", " didn't you guys hear his been going around beating up contests, I already heard at least twenty had dropped out".

"I can vouch for that" a voice responded. "What! so you think he'll beat anyone that bothers him"

 "Probably do you want to wake him and find out". The kids kept on talking amongst themselves that they hadn't noticed that the person they were all talking about had his eyes open and was sitting upright while he was holding his head. "Argh, what just happened" said the boy in a quiet and soft tone that most of the people didn't hear except for a girl that was wearing a green dress.

 "Ahh his up, he woke up" shouted the girl as she pushed through the crowd trying to get away before the boy took out his anger on her. With the girl shouting more people looked at the boy only to see him looking at them in a daze, the people then started running in all directions trying to leave and soon the corridor was left empty expect the boy that was still confused at the whole situation. 

 "Argh, my head is killing me and why did the have to scream" said the boy while still rubbing his head memories of what happened between him and Sin came flashing back as anger began to show on his face, he then stood up only to feel a sudden pain in his groin that made him fall back on the floor. At that moment the anger he had disappeared and worry appeared. 

 The boy the reached to his pants, before pulling them down he breathed in and out several times. Pulling his pants down the sight that he saw made him wale in pain.

 "No, ahh no somebody help me, please somebody help me" in the middle of the boy's cry for help two guards had appeared, these guards were already on their way to investigate what had happened after they had seen and heard a lot of kids running and making a commotion in that direction. 

 Seeing the boy that was crying out in pain on the ground the two rushed forward and what they saw also had them scared as the also went to touch their groins as if they could feel the pain the boy was suffering from.....