
Celestial Birth

"Celestial Birth" follows the tumultuous journey of Darren Croford, a once-powerful leader in the criminal underworld, who meets his demise at the hands of those he once trusted. Betrayed and left for dead, Darren finds himself reborn into a new world, shedding his former identity to become Sin Dreith, the illegitimate son of the powerful Dreith family in the Whay Kingdom. Determined never to be manipulated again, Sin sets out on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Sin vows to surpass anyone who dares to challenge him. With unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest force in the world, determined to make those who once stood above him kneel at his feet. Driven by a relentless thirst for power, Sin becomes the bane of the Dreith family, Cold-hearted and unyielding Sin's influence spreads like wildfire across the Eagan continent, he becomes a figure of both fear and fascination, his every move cloaked in shadows and deception

inquisition326 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

New sight

Chapter 4


"Young master why?"

questioned Mary as she landed near Sin that was now standing above the wolf. Seemingly understanding the question Sin said, 

 "Well, I wanted to see how my strength is compared to the strength of the wolf and now I know, I don't think I'll have a problem dealing with anything that's in the human realm".

 After that Sin and Mary had continued to talk as Sin squatted on the ground while searching the wolf's body for its core, Sin had learned that all beasts had cores inside of them and these cores could be used to trade for coins at the markets in the city's, he had also learned that the cores had many uses as the people of this world would not only use the cores as a form of electricity but they also used them to forge weapons, so he was not going to let the core of a beast at the peak of the first order go to waste. 

"Alright young master were close to the border of the Hansel kingdom", which was at south part of the Eagan continent. 

 The Hansel kingdom is the strongest kingdom of the Eagan continent as it occupied a greater region in the continent and even its influence was said to spread outside the Eagan continent into the other continents. 

 The current leader of the Hansel kingdom was Alvarez Hansel who was at the Transcend realm, the Hansel kingdom had been said to have history that dates back at the very least a five thousand years and has never fell during its period of reign and this was all due to its secret technique which was the dragon armor a sacred skill known only to the Hansel Bloodline.

 The dragon armor was said to be the strongest defense in the entire world, kingdoms normally rise and fall after hundreds of years so the fact that the Hansel kingdom had never fell for thousands of years spoke a lot about the Hansel family's strength. Currently it was said that the Hansel family had at least five confirmed Transcends and it was said that they could also have more than that.

 Most kingdoms would have one or two Transcends, so with an unknown number of Transcends in their arsenal not many people would be willing to risk their lives to fight against that type of strength.

 The Hansel kingdom had a school called the Sovereign school of swords and magic, this school was said to be the best of the best and it even had some of the strongest warriors and mages of the Eagan continent teaching at the establishment with the principal of the school himself being a transcend.

 The school was located in one of the country's in the Hansel kingdom, its location was hidden from the general public and only teachers knew the location of the school so each year they would hold an entrance exam in the capital city of the Hansel kingdom where the main members of the Hansel family lived. The contestants that would pass would be then transported to the school via teleportation magic.

 "Alright young master you are to keep your identity hidden at all times and you are to wear the black contacts at all times when you are in public, don't show your true eyes to anyone no matter what. This space ring I give you has all the cultivation resources that should at least support you until you get to the Accumulation stage." 

 Sin then took a wooden token that spelled Sovereign on it in the color red. At the back it wrote his participation number which was 275 along with his new name Darren.

 After Mary gave Sin a couple more instructions and had give him a story that he would tell if anyone asked about his origins she left. 

 Sin made his way up a mountain that had a giant golden gate, he saw two people that stood in front of the gate. The two people were clad in golden armor and stood at the sides of the door, seeing Sin one of them approached and spoke. 

 "What business do you have in the Dragon city?", 

 Sin looked at the guard with shock as he could tell that the person in front of him was at the Ascension stage.

 Sin then cuffed his hands before he took out his token from his pocket, 

"My name is Darren and I'm here for the Sovereign academy entrance exam."

 The guard took Sin's token to see if it was real, after checking the token the guard nodded and looked at Sin and said, 

 "You're at the integration stage, good you shouldn't have a problem getting in so good luck." 

 The guard then tossed back Sin's token to him and headed towards the door as the other followed suit, they both pushed it open.

 As the door opened Sin could feel an enormous sense of energy hitting him in the face and his source began to be replenished as well as increase which shocked him. Going through the door Sin could see the Dragon city which was magnificent in all its glory, the houses sparkled as they were decorated in gold, the cobbled roads were smooth and kept clean, the people he could see that walked through the streets were all wearing clothes that were made from the finest cloth and fabrics that money could buy.

Sin was still in shock as a person approached and stood in front of him, 

"Greetings young master might I interest you in some of my weapons or maybe a staff if maybe you're a mage". Several more people kept on approaching him and saying the same thing, these people were merchants.

 NOTE: Merchants were people who travelled through the world selling items.

 Managing to break free from all the merchants Sin was now following several signs that were placed around to help guide the contestants to the testing grounds. Eventually Sin got to the place where the signs had directed him to, staring up he could see a castle and in amidst the aw he took a deep breath before letting it out and making his way in. Just before Sin entered the door a man in a blue and gold robe appeared out of nowhere and stretched out his hand towards Sin. 

 Understanding the man's gesture Sin pulled out his token and give it to the man, after confirming the token the man disappeared.

 "Huh I guess that means I can go in then",

 Sin then went inside and as he entered a young lady that wore amour with similar colors as the man from before approached him,

 "Greetings contestants, we like to welcome you to our home, and we hope for you to also be a part of it, for now though there's still three days until the entrance exam can start so you are welcomed to stay until the exam begins".

 Sin had then been given several instructions before the lady left to attend to the person that had entered after Sin. The lady had told Sin that he would have his own room and that meals were served three times a day in the dining hall. 

 Walking up the stairs Sin was headed to his temporary room that was on the second floor. Reaching the room Sin opened the door only to be shocked by the interior of the room, the room come with a bathroom and toilet so he wouldn't have to leave the room, its design and decorations were marvelous seeing them Sin went back outside and stared at the long corridor as he wandered if all the rooms were this lavish.

 Shaking his head Sin then went back inside the room and closed the door he had planned to use the time he had to practice his martial arts as well as meditate to increase his source energy, but before all that he decided to lay down for a quick nap. 

 As soon as his face landed on the pillow a sudden drowsiness filled his mind as he closed his eyes falling asleep. Sin had a lot on his shoulders as the problems he was faced weren't something a kid his age could handle even some adults would give up in the face of it, thankfully Sin wasn't your ordinary kid. 

 Sin in his past life was a man named Darren Croford and he controlled the world's most dangerous underground organizations that had been dealing with all kinds of things, not only that but Darren Croford had also been in that line of work from a very young age and had eventually reached the top after his countless years of hard work and loyalty he had to his organizations.

Unfortunately the organization he had worked for had eventually went against him as he had already served his purpose, in the face of death Darren had been unconvinced as he was betrayed by those he trusted and fought so hard for, it was understandable after all he had went against the whole world for them so he wasn't willing to die like that. 

 After Darren had been reborn as Sin, the thought of revenge consumed him until he had realized that he wasn't in the same world he knew instead he was in another. After that discovery Sin give up all hopes of revenge and had decided that he would instead create his own organization in this world, he also wanted to see if he could find a reason for his reincarnation and maybe even a way to get back to his real home.

 A couple of years ago Sin had learned that this world possesses mana and with it he found that he could become as strong as a God, this discovery had excited him and he had made a promise to himself that he would reach that stage (Of a God).

 Eventually Sin had begun his journey to Godhood as he discovered that this world's martial arts were quite lacking it seemed that these people had been very reliant on mana that they were not as focused on it, fortunately Sin had been praised as a martial arts genius as he had mastered several different martial arts so it wasn't too difficult for him to make improvements on the techniques he was taught.

 With his superior skills of martial arts and his battle experience he felt that he wouldn't face that big of a challenge on his journey but he would soon get a rude awakening that would show him the true difficulties he would be faced with especially due to his identity in that world would be more challenging. With all that said the real question remained would he get crushed under the pressure or will he rise above as he paves his path through blood. 


To Be Continued….