
Ceaseless Reincarnator

Born as a mortal with the powers rivaling that of the gods. He had both the power and the intelligence. He possessed the power to reincarnate. But due to some unseen enemies, he was constantly being killed all his life. After living and dying miserably in 9 lives he was finally sealed in the 10th one. With the help of his knowledge, he escape that hell and was reborn as Damian Brown, a vampire. Join Damian on his journey of revenge while also enjoying his life living as an overpowered indivisual.

election76 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs



"You ....can ....come out now...hhh..... I know ....you are here."The young man called out to someone in a muffled voice.






"Ho-ho! So you were able to sense me."

Suddenly the space around started to distort and a silhouette appeared out of it. The space was like a thick transparent liquid as the individual appeared out of it.

"Even if you are special, it is commendable that a lesser can sense my presence."

The said individual had white skin and he wore a dark armour which felt like his own skin more than armour. His eyes were red and there was a strange mark on his head.

The mark was black in colour consisting of two concentric circles and a small line in the centre with two tomoe on each side of the line.

The sheer aura that radiated around him was the proof of his strength, it was so fierce that even the space was distorting around it. The already silent atmosphere grew even tenser as the figure descended on the ground.

"S..so..ha h....hah. You fina.. ly decided to show yourself" Said the young man with a rough breath.

The other figure didn't reply but instead inspected his surrounding with a stoic gaze. He observed the enormous amount of corpses to the ashes of the inhabitants and then finally settled his gaze on the young man.

"Quite the havoc you created! I can clearly see that they were at the epitome of power in this world."

"But still it was bound to happen considering it was you"

"So how do you feel, killing thousands of people. They also had families you know, just like you ha..."

The man was cut between as the young man appeared In front of him in mere Fermi seconds and thrust his sabre inward and slashed the dagger.

But alas! The newcomer teleported away a few meters away.

"Ohh! I see now. You have already opened 5 of your seals now. The fifth one must be ' Clause of Space ' but considering that you were this slow, you must have only unlocked it a few years ago."

"No, considering it's you it must be a few months, right!"

The young man didn't bother to answer instead took his stance

"Dance of the Beast King" He muttered under his breath.

The aura around him grew even more fierce as his senses boomed.

"Thunderlord" with that green lightning covered his sabre and body.

He launched at the enemy but his enemy didn't move and his hand was still behind his back.

The young man was all smiles when he saw that. 'Idiot' he thought in his mind. He slashed his dagger diagonally along his but what it left was not a wound but just a scratch. The young man wasn't surprised by this result and he also saw a flicker of a grin forming on the enemy's face but then suddenly his sabre was enveloped in white flames and the enemy's eyes opened wide as he raised his right hand to block the attack.

He blocked it but the hand got severed in half from finger to shoulder.

The young man backed off a little and said " You said that I opened the space seal few months ago. You are right I did but I was late not because I wasn't able to decipher it rather I was busy in increasing my understanding of my first seal."

Not wasting any more time in chit-chatting he again released his all 5 of the 9 seals and dashed towards him.

And so started a fierce battle.












A whole week passed and the battle has finally ended.

The fight was a close one, both of them were barely able to hold themselves together but there was a small difference and it was that the young man was holding the sabre which was pierced in the other person.

He was about to deliver the final blow but the ground beneath him started to rumble and the air became denser.

He reverted his gaze to his size as a chill ran down his spine. What he saw were women standing there and what was even more shocking to him was that he was not able to sense them.

In the very next moment, he was hit by an invisible force which threw him tumbling through the corpses, making a furrow between them.

"Trucian! You are pathetic. To imagine that an apostle was defeated by a mortal. Even if he is unique, he hasn't even unlocked all of his seals."Said a woman in a white battle robe.

"We should train him more when we go back," said the other women. Unlike the first, she wore a blue dress which was clearly not suitable for combat.

The man called Trucian didn't dare to reply to them he just bowed his head and waited for the next answer. He was on the same post in the hierarchy as them but even in a hierarchy there are levels and Trucian was clearly below them.

"Clementia! Focus "said the lady in the battle robe

The young man was slowly rising and unlike before there was a wound on his left side.

"You are so prudent for being a mere lesser. Why don't you save our time and just come with us. If you have come with us before this blood bath could have been prevented." Said battle robed lady.

"So..huh.hhh...you guys ....are blaming me for this huh. I am sure you will take your precious time spreading the fact that how I was a devil and how I killed everyone here for no reason. How I was in the wrong.

All I wanted was a peaceful life but it was destroyed by your master. Even after that in every life, he tries to kill me and my family and you are saying I am the one at fault.

It was your followers who spread declared me a heretic and follower of the Evil God.

They killed my family, friends and any person who was close to me.

They were the ones who came here forming an alliance just to kill me and you say it's my fault."

"Aura see! I told you it was excessive we should just have butchered his family. It will take centuries to restore this world back to normal."Said Clementia

Aura didn't reply and kept her gaze focused on the young man..

"Sigh... let's get over with it already" Aura took a deep sigh and started to walk

"Don't resist child, not that you could?" Said aura

"Oh! So killing me again?"

"Nope!" Said, Clementia

"We are sealing you away so that we can finally settle this play of yours" As soon as the words left Aura's mouth, a white magic circle appeared under the young man and what came out were shackles instantly binding him.

"You will be sealed in the Nether world where even gods can't interfere. You won't die and won't be able to reincarnate."

After hearing the lady's voice the young man started to laugh madly

"So to think this will be my end, huh."

"I have a message for your master. Tell him this 'I don't know who you are! I don't know where you are! I have a little clue why you are after me. Remember this. One day, I will return when I return. I will look for you! I will find you and.......... I will kill you! "

With that, the man was devoured by the ground which appeared as black tar.-


Darkness... All that came into my view was outright darkness. The emptiness in the space-time horizon also called 'The Nether World' was beyond any isolation chambers I have ever seen. I was floating, or I assumed myself to be floating at least, in the realm where no being, whether it was a human, dwarf, demon, angel, devil or even God could interfere. In the midst of all this, I tried to recall how much time has passed. Was I here for 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, or a decade? To me, It felt like an eternity.

The realm of the Nether where the working of space and time was far from usual was devoid of everything. I couldn't even feel my body. I tried to scream but no sound came out.

I tried to move my finger, close my eyes or even to breathe in this endless void but all this effort was in vain as I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't sense the rhythmic thumping of my heart or the movement of my limbs.

I just..... existed here.

At first, it wasn't that big of a problem for me but as time went by I started to panic and soon it overwhelmed me. The fact that I couldn't even track how much time had passed only made it worse. What if this eternity long time I felt was only mere seconds. The mere thought of this concept gave me chills.

Time went by but no change occurred. Everything was the same as far as I could remember.

Soon, this realm devoid of everything started to make me mad. I started to lose myself. If it was any normal person he wouldn't have been able to survive for more than 10 seconds or so in this world, as I didn't know what was the equivalent of 1 second in the real world. But even for me, I felt like I was here for eternity. And now that I was going crazy even eternity felt like an understatement.

After spending my time in madness for another eternity, I was consumed by another sense.


Not able to do anything, I started to do what I was able to.

I started to learn.

I spent my time learning countermeasures for various situations. From trivial confinement to life and death conditions. I considered almost everything situation there could be and made a countermeasure for it.

After spending a lot of time, I noticed something that I wasn't due to my insanity.

In this realm, there was an ocean of knowledge for the 'Rules of space and time' clause. Somehow, understanding space and time here were exponentially faster.

Soon, controlling apace and time felt natural to me as I sensed my seals becoming more complex.

I was most probably a mortal. That's a given and what made me special was these seals which were extremely rare even among the demigods. While many say that I am special, for me the only word that can describe me is 'Misfit'.

Not only among the mortals but even among the deities. There is a complete hierarchical system even among the deities of this dimension. And the basis of this hierarchy was these seals. The above-average ones have 5 seals. Those who have 6 were Elites. 7th seal holders were the elites of the elite. And 8th seals were said to belong to the realm of true gods.

And I was an anomaly even among the greatest anomalies. Not only was I a mortal but I also had 9 seals.

My entire existence was a challenge to these deities who longed to ascend to the position of true gods.

But it wasn't like I gained absolute power if I had these seals with me. There were people in the world who can challenge a 4th seal holder and some exceptional ones even have power equivalent to a 6th and 7th seal holder but they will be corrupted as the power was more than they could handle.

There was another catch also. Each time I reincarnate my seals reset and while it was easier to unlock it every time I unlock a certain seal when I reincarnate, it still was a hassle.

It's just like attempting elementary school again after graduating from high school. As it will be easier to learn but still it will be a hassle.

Even after that, I continued to learn as I floated through space and time.

Soon, I was able to sense my existence and feel the subtle palpitation of particles of 'Locus-Space', 'Tempus-Time', 'Vita-Life', and 'Mortem-Death'

Locus and Tempus were already known to me but vita and mortem were a new branch for me that I was able to sense.

After unlocking the 1st seal I knew what dangers were ahead of me, how big these powers were, and how to use them. I also got a hint of what each seal was for.

And through which I was sure what my 9th seal was.

It was 'Verum' -Truth.

i.e. control over reality.

While other clauses provide control over the rules of the world to a certain extent but Verum gives the user absolute control over everything and the power to alter the truth.

And if you ask me this was a power which I hoped that I would never use or even unlock.

Wandering inside the infinite space restless without any hint of fatigue, I was finally reaching the end.

The end was near.

I gathered all of my concentration in these final moments.

After spending all this time which was even beyond eternity I was finally close to finding a way to leave this place.

A smile formed on my face as a drift opened between the endless darkness.

Reaching out to the crack I looked back for a final time.

"Perhaps this place was more of a trial than a confinement."

And with that, I enter the vibrant drift.

---------------------[ END OF PROLOGUE 3 ]---------------------


1. He didn't have a body when he entered the drift, it was more like an incorporeal form or you can consider it his soul.

2. Demigods and deities refer to the same entities.

3. I have only stated his 9th seal. So others might be a part of the same seal or an entire seal only.

4. Here the deities don't refer to the gods. Gods and deities are different. Deities are just annoyed by the fact that a mortal has more potential than them.

5. This was just a prologue.