
Ceaseless Reincarnator

Born as a mortal with the powers rivaling that of the gods. He had both the power and the intelligence. He possessed the power to reincarnate. But due to some unseen enemies, he was constantly being killed all his life. After living and dying miserably in 9 lives he was finally sealed in the 10th one. With the help of his knowledge, he escape that hell and was reborn as Damian Brown, a vampire. Join Damian on his journey of revenge while also enjoying his life living as an overpowered indivisual.

election76 · Fantasy
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4 Chs



It's been a few months and I am a slave now. To be exact a future slave. While I got the mark of slavery, I was still too small to do any labour.

While it wasn't impossible for me to escape this place in future, it was for my current self.

I was barely a few months old and could move freely. Forget about moving I was barely given the supplies necessary for my survival.

I also had a hunch that this life was going to be extremely troublesome.















18 years later......

It's been a long time since I came to this world. I was around 19 and was working as a contract killer, the chuuni friends can call me an assassin lurking in the shadows.

It's not a bad job if you neglect a few things.

You know reality is no way near those fantasy novels that I read back in my days.

Like there was a time when even I suffered from 8th-grade syndrome and during those times I considered myself as a warrior of justice and found these assassination thingies so cool.

But as I said reality is always different.

Now that I was a contract killer, I faced the hectic part of the job. Believe it or not, we have a season for killing.

There comes a peak season where we get a lot of jobs for killing people and there also comes a time when we practically become jobless.

And people whom we get contracts to kill are not dumb. Just imagine hiring a killer to kill a random person.

We can't just approach the target like in those cliché novels and they won't just be like 'oh hi random. I am a person who might be killed so plz don't kill me

We can't force our way because if our identity got out, we won't be getting a cool assassination nickname rather half of the country will be chasing us like a mad dog and we won't be getting any job as for getting a job you need time and you can't exactly get that when half the country is chasing you.

And you won't be getting like 3 to 4 jobs. Six if it's your lucky year. I am telling you this after 7 years of experience.

Plus half of the contracts are fake, they are some crazy kid messing around or law enforcers.

Well, I still got enough jobs to live a good life.

I once tried to get a job at a restaurant but quit it as people there were not dumb enough for me to fool them. Well, it was rather obvious because I didn't have any background and people just won't give me a job out of pettiness.






A few years later

Everything was going until one day everything became lemonade.

I was being hunted by the strongest people of the country and the reason was too much cliche.

They couldn't accept a person who was once a slave to be powerful or more talented than their child.

It didn't take long for the matter to escalate to another level. The three great kingdoms were now also on my back.

Soon, an alliance was formed in order to capture me.

The crimes I was accused of were a lot like it was to the point that it was clear that all the accusations are nothing more than bland lies for killing me.

I was also sure now that it was the work of those guys again but I wasn't able to do anything as you can't kill someone who you didn't meet in your entire life.

Still, it was a hassle but I was still able to get by.

I mean I was not an ordinary person also, with my 5th seal unlocked I will be able to live my life without getting in too much trouble.






Well fuck my overconfidence, I am in big trouble now.

I was being chased continuously for months like I ran off with the daughters of every person in the alliance.

And I was sure that I can't avoid this situation for long but I was still feeling reluctant on fighting as even if I won most of the strong people will end up dying and it's not like the next generation will gladly welcome the person who killed their ancestor.










"Hahhhhh....It was as I predicted."In front of me was an army clearly with the intention to kill me.

"Hey!!! Are you all going to fight me. Won't you give me a little bit of handicap?"I shouted to the supposed leaders of the army.

"Shut up you devil!!"

"You don't deserve to exist"

"You Demon"

"Follower of Evil gods"

"You killed thousands of innocent and now you are begging"

"You demon king, you deserve to die"

"Die! You follower of Dhinchak Pooja!"



.Unlike what I expected, the answer came from the crowd behind them. It looks like everyone had a different opinion of me but not a single one was in my favour.

"Seriously, what the hell. This world also had an Evil God. Why didn't I hear anything in all these years? And how the hell do you guys know who Dhinchak pooja is?"

I mean she was someone from my first life. But it's still not a reason for killing someone and how the hell did those guys knew that I followed dhinchak Pooja.

"Everyone Take Formation !!!!!!" A man with a beard shouted.

"Attack!!!"With those words, the entire army started to march towards me except few old coots.

"Aaahhh! It's too cliché "

-----------------------[ END OF PROLOGUE 02]---------------------


*I tried to be funny.{I tried you know}

*Yeah it's short.

*He was a slave so he never got to meet his family.

*If the last part seemed like forced comedy, then I am sorry my sense of humour is a bit dull.

*Its prologues so I didn't focus too much on his past life and made it short. I have a long version also but people might not be interested in a long prologue so If you want I could replace them.

*Well everything is considering that people read this shit.

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