
Ceaseless Reincarnator

Born as a mortal with the powers rivaling that of the gods. He had both the power and the intelligence. He possessed the power to reincarnate. But due to some unseen enemies, he was constantly being killed all his life. After living and dying miserably in 9 lives he was finally sealed in the 10th one. With the help of his knowledge, he escape that hell and was reborn as Damian Brown, a vampire. Join Damian on his journey of revenge while also enjoying his life living as an overpowered indivisual.

election76 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 01-The Cycle Continues.

Chapter 01-The Cycle Continues.

Regaining my consciousness, I opened my eyes. As expected I was in a newborn's body. I moved my face to observe my surrounding.

The first thing I noticed was an old woman standing a few feet away from where I was. After observing her I came to the conclusion that she must be the wet nurse or something like that.

I looked up to see a woman I assumed to be in her early 30's holding me.

'Oh, so she is my mother.'

My mother had purple hair along with eyes with a red pupils. Her motherly gaze fall on me and she extended her finger to touch my hand.

I, then, focused my gaze on the person standing beside her. It was a tall man with well build stature. He had black hair and the same red-eye as my mother. After considering the way he looked at me, I immediately knew that he was my father.

" sehriouthuieohjtfoiu "

" asdgrygegh "

" d sfhsdgfjkhsjdhf "

I heard them speaking in a language which I was not able to understand.

'Well, nothing can be done about that. I have to wait until I can learn the language comprehension skill'

They continued to chat among themselves, so I took my precious time to observe my surrounding.

The room in which I was, wasn't made of mud and straws which was a good sign as the thought of having to live in the medieval period without proper sanitation and facility was fear sickening to me even more than being sealed in the nether.

The walls were made of some kind of metal and had a glossy look. The room was well air-conditioned but I couldn't see any device for that.

The floor was also covered with carpets which made me believe that my parents were well off in this world. At least enough to live a happy life.

Then my gaze fell on a blue screen hovering over a small circular round device.

It was a hologram.


11 months have passed and I was now able to understand this world's language and could talk. I limited my vocabulary to the minimum so that my parents don't freak out. I was also able to walk and decided that it won't be that surprising if an 11 month started to walk.

Even in these 11 months, I didn't laze around. Even with having a restriction of an infant I gathered all the information I could and unlocked my first seal.

"Clause of Innate Talent"

It helped me accelerate my growth exponentially, boosting my physical and mental skills beyond their limit.

I also gathered some information about this world.

First that I was a Vampire. Yes, my parents and I belonged to the race called vampires.

The second-This world had many races but the majority were

Human, Elf, Vampire, Dragon, Demon and finally angel.

Third- This World was highly advanced and when I say advance I mean extremely high.

They have intergalactic empires, magic, and giant robots called mecha bots.

Also, my parents are commoners. I couldn't be happier because having past experience of what it means to be a noble I am better off being a commoner.

You say why?

It is because in noble families your enemies are not other nobles or outsiders, but the person you live with. Your siblings. There is always a deathly battle for succession and It's so annoying.

In one of my life, my own brother pushed me off a cliff.

'It was such a hassle to survive that. I was freaking 5 then.'

Talking about siblings, in this world I have an elder sister who is 7

years older than me.

She has black hair and red eyes like my father.

Also, every race has a specific affinity for magic and a special race affinity except the humans.

They are as follows:-

Human- Earth, Lightening, wind, Flame, Water.

Elf-Wind, Water. S.A-Nature

Dragon- Earth, Lightening, Flame S.A- Mana control and Hyerbeam

Demon-Flame, Lightening S.A- Black magic

Vampire- Wind, Lightning, Water S.A- Blood Art

Angle-Wind, Lightening, S.A- Holy

Even after all this, it wasn't necessary that a human will have all the affinity.

It was very rare to see a person having all the affinity available to their races. And having the special affinity was very rare, only 1 in 1000 had special affinity or at least it's what was written in the book I was currently reading.

I was currently surrounded by books graciously lent to me for playing by my sister. Apparently, my sister was some sort of prodigy.

She was capable of manipulating water and lightning and she also had blood affinity. It was considered rare even for a person having a noble lineage to have blood affinity.

In the Vampire race, blood is everything, the purer the blood is the more is the talent and potential.

And it was the blood and power which divided us into a system of hierarchy.

No need to say it was the same for the other races also. They also have a hierarchy if not directly then indirectly. It's just that the basis on which they were divided differs with races.

As for me, I was still an anomaly. I was a vampire but I had an affinity for all the elements and a special affinity because of my first seal. Obviously, it was me and me alone who knew it but I didn't have any intention to hide it. I was just waiting for a more perfect time to reveal it. Perhaps when I am 4 or 5 years old. Until then I will keep it under control.

I had read a few pieces of literature in my previous life where the main protagonist hides their true strength. And truth to be told, for me they were nothing but a bunch of masochists. It felt like they were purposely making their life more cliche.

If you are thinking that it was just the way of an author to make the story interesting, then hold your horses. I never said those stories were fake. They were the biography of the people who were reincarnated.

Seriously they just had the 8th-grade syndrome. Even their way of talking made me cringe.

So the point was that I had no intentions of hiding it. It was just a pain in the ass and I was sure that I wasn't a masochist.

Moving on, the Vampire, Demon, and Dragon were on good terms politically while Angles, Humans and Elfs were on good terms with each other.

Even after this, the vampire race and dragon didn't have any hostility toward the other group. But it was entirely a different matter for Demons. They were the common enemy of every race.

Even for Vampires and Dragons, Demons were only on talking terms. Apparently, there exists some sort of pact of non-intervention which forbids intervention with each other's agenda until It was extremely necessary.

Flipping to the next page of the book, I saw a map of all the 6 Domains.

NightAngle- The Vampire Domain.

Idimoni- The Demon domain

Gokul- The human Domain

Caelum- The Angle Domain

Silva- The Elven Domain

Caverna- The domain of Dragons.

With this image, the book named "Layout of the world" ended.

I shuffled my body and looked at my sister who was sitting a few distances apart.

My sister doted on me a lot, even more than my mother. It was to the level that I feared that she might have a stalking complex in the future.

She was basically a brocon. Her daily schedule included training, studying and stalking.

She watches each and every move I make whenever she gets the time. It was also because of her that a 6-month-old child like me got these books for playing.

In this world of high technology, books were as precious as jewels. In this world, people use smart pads to store knowledge of books but I was too small to use them.

One day I was caught by my sister reading a book of hers. I thought that she would scold me so I apologized in a childish manner by making a cry-baby face and saying 'Sowwy'.

This technique which I had developed during my previous life worked like a charm on her as she literally melted on the floor and also gave me all her books which were apparently won by her in tournaments.

Since then, she watched me reading the books every day. What surprised me, even more, was that my sister did not have an open personality rather her personality lie more on the cold side. She was just like this with me.

She was more mature than her age. I once thought that she might also be reincarnated. While the case of constant reincarnation was close to none as I was the only one who can be reincarnated many times. Still, this could be her first reincarnation.

So, I tried to form a link to search for a reincarnated soul inside her but it wasn't there.

While I was thinking this I heard her saying something.

"Davey are you done playing."

I saw the usual face of my sister, Lucy, who was now just beside me.

"Do you want me to read this book for you?"My sister said to me while holding a book named 'Basics of Elementary Technology'.Her face still had that cold look but it was different from her usually stoic face as I could see her lips curving around the edges to form a radiant bright smile which was a clear indication that she enjoyed time playing with me.

I merely nodded my indicating that I was interested in it. Unlike my parents who thought this was just a play, my sister knew how hungry I was for knowledge.

She also knew that I understand all this because if not then she would have picked a fairy tale book or something like that which was easier for me to understand.

She open the booked and flipped through the pages. Then she put me in her lap and took the book and started reading.

"All the domains present currently are connected by a single tech called S.I.L.T.H.

Not only Silth is the common passage for communication but also a common metric system for measuring the power levels.

Each individual has a personal status screen indicating his or her levels. It also acts as an ID.

The status consists of the following information

Name of the individual, his age.

Then comes the rank he is in. The rank is divided into 10 groups

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and finally the S rank. There also existed ranks higher than [S] but they were not mentioned in the book.

These ranks are further divided into sub-ranks.

When an individual enters a new rank he will be designated the sub position [2]. The sub rank signifies the understanding of the user of his or her current power.

For example, a person in D[1] sub-rank will ascend to C[2] sub-rank then as he increases his understanding he will ascend to C[1] sub-rank and only after reaching C[1] sub-rank, he will be able to ascend to B rank I.e B[2]."

"Did you get everything Davey?"My sister looked down at me and asked if I understand what she explained. She was basically asking me if she should explain in simpler terms.

I nodded my head again and replied with a "Hmm"

"This classification is not only limited to living beings only. Weapons also have a similar type of classification.

They are classified as follows:-









Unlike ranks, weapons do not have any subclass.

But they have limitations like an Epic rank weapon cannot be wielded by a person below B rank.

An Elite class weapon can only be wielded by an S-ranked individual and if someone below it tries to use it that will take a massive toll on his mana core.

Unlike the weapon which was used centuries ago, these weapons are made by using special artificial ores.

These special cores also have a special feature which is that if the understanding between the weapon and the master grows to a certain level it can evolve.

The newly evolved version is beyond comparison to any elite-ranked weapon. It also gets attached to the person's soul and thus can be manifested at any time the user wants. The weapon also gets a unique attribute.

While normally any attribute can be imbued in the weapon, these attributes are unique and only appear to that single weapon.

One such example is the Light affinity of the weapon of Lord of Angles Gabriel, which is said to be a superior version of holy affinity.

There has been 1 case where the weapon became so powerful after evolving that it got its own consciousness.

Thus, the first and last sentient weapon appeared in the world."



No one knows about the first mecha bot but it is assumed that it appeared a few thousand years ago when a company was contracted to make an advanced version of the tank.

That single thing led to the evolution of tanks into mecha bots.

Mechabots usual are designed to have 2 legs and 2 arms with a body where the host pilots it. There was a time when they used to have heads also but that design soon became inefficient and was discontinued. The head was a useless part which only served as a hinder in the movement and it was easier to attack, and once it gets chopped or blown the entire mecha circuit stops functioning...."

"Davey, here you are" Lucy was interrupted by a woman in her early 30s. She was non-other than my mother, Dola Brown.

"Lucy are you still reading him those books. He is just 11 months he won't be able to understand those complex things." My mother chuckled as she said this to my sister.

"Now why don't you come with me and help me with some chores. While I take care of Davey for some while."

As my mother said this with a smile on her face, a frown appeared on Lucy's face as she looked at me then at my mother and sighed.

"Fine, here take him" She took me up from her lap and handed me to my mother.

"Come here Daveyyy.."

"Have you missed mama? I swear you are gonna become a monster like your sister. She also started learning very early."My mother said this while chuckling.

My sister stopped her track and moved to look and mumbled something which only I was able to hear.

"But Mom, he is already a bigger monster than I am."