
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter Chapter 38, The Curse arrived

The peace gathering finally arrived, through the day and day of exitement, all of the royalties has dressed up for the gathering that will be held tonight, and many of them were expecting to see Fei Jin, he was the celebrity of everyone but negatively known as a weak prince who has deceased skin and weak body, his name as prince of Catastrophe has been changed to the deceased weak prince

he was a laughing stock which is a plague to the ear of Fei Xu, he was speechless about what happened, everyone who sees him makes him look pathetic

"Diánxià, your son is approaching the Zhu land, would you like to greet him at the gate mountain!" says Feng, his smile made him lit up, without a word he grabbed his robe and set off with Liang and Feng

Yunxi pulled out 2 fluffy cake from her lunch box which Shao Qi made when they camped yesterday night, she gave one to Yuan and talk to each other while eating

"Diánxià, aren't you nervous meeting your brothers and sister?" Yuan asked, Yunxi looked at her and sigh

"Im not nervous, I am happy I'll get to see my family-" says Yunxi, she opened the curtain and saw familiar trees peeping in her image

"I am kinda exited my lady, once they see you more grown with knowledge with a super handsome husband, your sister will definitely regret all her decisions pushing you into such a situation!" she said giving a grin in her face

"hahaha, Yuan, I'm sure they will never recognize you once they see you as someone prettier!!" Yunxi added, they both giggled back and forth exchanging thoughts about the future

Fei Jin in the other hand is in his black horse, he was looking around exploring the area but all he could see was trees up in the mountain top and chirping of hummingbird around the area, some little bug around his ears and smell of earth hushing in his nosetrills

while looking around he felt a familiar aura and his heart began to familiarize a warm feeling of comfort

"dad!" he whispered and ran away leaving the troops

"Diánxià!" Yi Ce was startled and was about to follow him but Shao Qi stopped him from the curtain frame

"don't, he will go see his father nearing the area?"


Fei Xu rode up the hill towards the mountain gate, there he saw a person riding a big horse as dark as his robe wearing an overall white clothes, he had Black Veil all over his face difficult to see from afar, Fei Xu smiled knowing its Fei Jin

"Fei Xu be careful there is a man in-"

"it's my son." he looked at Miss Liang who had her face fell down


Fei Xu rode slowly towards the man and called out his name

"Fei Jin my son!" he said, he could feel that Fei Jin was exited inside the veil but was anxious at the same time

"you are Fei Jin?" asked she, Fei Jin turned and saw a beautiful woman with strong personality and warm aura, she had the same silver hair as Master long and eyes

"are you Miss Liang?" Fei Jin spoke

"why yes!" Liang said almost about to cry, Fei Jin pulled his veil to see clearly

upon seeing Fei Jin, Miss Liang was stunned, a beautiful face looking towards her direction had made her exited, it was like she was seeing an angel

"you are my Grandson!" she cried

"I heard a lot about you Miss Liang"

he smiled to comfort her, Fei Jin then turned to see his father, still looking young at the same age as he is, but to his Aura Fei Jin feels like he is a hundred years old older than he is

"papa!" he spoke

"your not a kid to call him that!"

"it's okay, I like the way he always calls me papa!" Fei Xu giggled

Fei Xu Led them inside the land, Fei Jin didn't even bother to go inside the carriage but disguised himself as one of his father's guard wearing a veil on his face

I'm their way inside the town, one guard recognized Fei Xu and decided to shout at the other guards that the Prince of Catastrophe has arrived, upon hearing this the people immediately ran into panic leaving the area to safety and putting on mask

"hurry, pack your things and go hide, the prince of Catastrophe might bring you bad luck"

"I heard he is deceased, put your mask on you might get plagued"

everyone is running around in panic, when Fei Jin came inside the town disguised as a guard in mask he was laughing deep inside seeing them like fish out of water

"haha, they all look like a mongrel, what a stupid people!" he said grinning behind his mask

"behave my son!" Fei Xu said

once they finally arrived towards their destination, Fei Jin looked at the place and smiled, it was a mansion, a smaller mansion, not too open like the temple palace but it sure look extravagant painted in red and white, the walls are naturally designer with vines and flower fern that danggel around the roof falling down like a rain of flowers

Yunxi came out first and saw the beautiful mansion of Fei Xu which is the home of his husband Fei Jin

"wow, the mansion sure is beautiful, it might be the most beautiful place among the area, aside from that the walls are decorated with beautiful flowers and vines" she said before she turned around to look for her husband, Shao Qi came out and made a breath of relief

"finally, a place to stay, I want the largest room with open balcony!" Shao Qi walked inside the gate like he is the owner while putting his voice in his bossy volume, Master Long followed while shaking his head, Miss Liang walked behind him and gave Master Long a big kick in the ass

"it's been a long time my little brother!!" she grinned

"big poop!!" he mocked

"don't call me that!!!" her happy face turned wild

"My lady, who is that old lady?" Yuan whispered

"I don't know, but she and master long sure is close?"

Yunxi smiled and walked towards her father in law which has the same young face as his husband

"father in law, where is-" she paused

Fei Jin removed his veil and revealed himself, Fei Xu beckoned towards his son and smiled

"come inside, I'll have someone show you both your room!" says he, walking away from the couples

Yunxi looked at Fei Jin and made a question face

"why are you dressed like that?" she said

"oh this, I wanted to see the city closer!" he said, he walked passed her and pulled a strand of her dress to come with him, Yunxi was thinking, is he even alright seeing people hate him, when she was inside the carriage earlier she witnessed the people running away from the troops, she was looking for him all over but he was nowhere to be found, only now did he learn that he is disguised as a guard in a veil

Fei Jin pulled her inside the mansion, his eyes could not look away on how neat the and clean the mansion is, it was full of flowers, and plant

"Fei Jin?" Miss Liang interfered

"my dad designed this?"

"no, it was me, I like flowers" Miss Liang looked at Yunxi and smiled

"you must be his wife? come with me, I'll show you your room?" Miss Liang Led them at the garden view pavilion and opened the large open place which is prepared by Fei Xu, he knows Fei Jin likes open area where he can meditate and feel cold

"how do you like this place, it was decorated by me!" says Miss Liang, Yunxi was stunned and likes the plant hanging around while flowers are gradually seen from the garden

"it's beautiful Miss Liang" she said, she smiled back and stepped away

"then, I will be leaving, have a rest, we will set off to the palace tonight to meet your relatives your highness!" says Liang

Fei Jin sat on the couch with a serious face and poured a water in a cup, Yunxi was thinking, he never saw any relatives before, and based on the situation, Fei Jin is an outcast to the royalties

"Fei Jin, tonight we will see your relative-" she sat next to him, he was twirling the water in the cup not even bothering to wet his tounge

"and you will also see mine?" she said

Jin looked up to her and sigh, he was thinking about the situation and how people view him, but he never cared except that the expectations of many is beyond

"how to face your relative?" he asked

"they'll be happy to see you?" she smiled

"can you bear insult my wife!" he asked again

"they wont insult you-"

"I wont be showing my real Identity-" Yunxi looked at him, Fei Jin is examining her, all she gave was a blank look and question


"matters" Yunxi smiled which made Fei Jin curious

"why smile?"

"are we playing?"


"then, its alright, I know you want to hide yourself from people who think you are the ugliest" she said

"are you okay being looked pathetic?" he asked again, Yunxi shook her head and smiled sweetly

"nope, I know your identity and your traits, its fun seeing people getting fooled, its where you see their identity!" a word strucked Fei Jin, such a lovely girl he thought, it's been so long and yet he still dont trust her even if they went through a lot of troubles and guesses

"ho and take a rest, Ill go meditate!" Fei Jin said, he went out smiling towards garden

The mansion don't seem too quite, and maids are all around cleaning and being bossed around to take this and that, but they were happy its not too boring like usual, there is a family inside a hollow mansion and its making the a rainbow more colorful than ever

Shao Qi barged inside the kitchen and kicked out the chef in a vacation to the market, Master Long ran towards the wine chamber and collected alcohols to decorate his room while Fei Xu is busy prepairing for tonight at the gathering, the gathering of Peace will be held as soon as possible and tomorrow is the start of basic games and distributions and announcements for game event

Lin made all the preparation, he made sure everything will show up as what he expected and meeting the emperor and empress of the four kingdom he should be topping all of them, he adviced his children to put their nose higher than the highest skies and put their knowledge and talent the most outstanding

the twins are also desguised as one of the guest, Mingfu did not remain the same, he and Mingjie is a special couple guess of the king, but thier plan is yet to come, their main goal is to grow closer to Fei Jin and smell out the energy of dark source lurking inside him

the darkness is approaching as well as the exitement of the royalties, while some others are cautious upon entering the main palace they put up a straight head and will prepare themselves to meet everyone in the reunion

"are you happy?" Fei Jin came inside and saw Yunxi preparing a small boxes in a colorful ribbon

"Hmm, yes I am, I'll be seeing my family tonight and I'll be able to introduce you!" she chuckled

"Yunxi aren't you afraid and ashamed!" Fei Jin looke at her with pity

"no, of course not? like I told you, there is nothing to be ashamed of cos I know who you are and what you look like, Ill be laughing at the people who sees your veil and make fun of their soul for not seeing a clearer picture, Fei Jin, dont worry!" she smiled, hearing her words was a comfort to the heart, Fei Jin felt lucky after all she is his wife