
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 37, Game event

The Game is held inside and outside of Zhu from indoors to outdoor games that the ministers created as well as swordmaship, archery and tag of war for soldiers

it was also expected that a bloody sparring will be held upon 4 states that will participate,

prince and princess's who has the courage to stain their hands with blood is given a golden dragon medal as a symbol of their bravery

each scroll is given palace by palace for other empires to know the rules especially for those who will participate, given by another letter is the names of those who will participate in the game

The first is Bao, the two princess's is expected to participate in the swordmaship and one of them in archery, lastly both will participate in the magic event to show the strenght of their empire

princess Chiku was good with archery and has keen eyes, he is good in controls and vine growing, she is quite good with vine rope weapon which is her favorite weapon, it's her daily task since kid together with her sister Chi Jimni

Chi Jimni is not much of a vine controler and has a hard time gaining energy while meditating, she focused more in martial arts and weapon, she likes sword and hunting animals as well as growing poison plant, it's her specialty

by growing poison plant, she absorbed a poison energy which produces blood poison in her body, it was a hidden secret of the king but lately announced her ability to poison anything with her blood, it was not kept a secret for too long since the emperor is honest so people will know she is not cursed but has a cursed gift, everyone knew and respected her which made princess Jimni more confident and unique

The Emperor paid many doctors to experiment antidote in case someone is poison but no one is smart enough to make an antidote in her blood poison

Chi Ku was the most proud sister Chi Jimni ever had, she was proud to tell everyone about the uniqueness of Chi Jimni and was not afraid of her but protect her from people who think she is a monster

"Dad, Chi Jimni said she will participate for the hunting of pixie stone" said Chi Ku, her face was full of concern while making way towards the couch

"then let her?"

"but what if something happen to her!"

"let her explore Chi Ku you spoil her too much-"


"sister, it's ok, I really wanted to explore the game, don't worry about me, I promise no one will get hurt!" says Jimni coming inside the chamber with cakes she baked, it was still steaming warm

"but still!" Chi Ku was stubborn

"haha, you really got your mother's overprotective personality Chi Ku!"

"I'm sorry Dad?"

"sister, try to calm down okay, we will be alright, besides hunting is not what I am exited about, it's about the performance of magic? remember what we practiced?" Chi Jimni picked up a cake and gave it to Chi Ku

"okay? I remember!" she said remembering the vine twigs and flower blooming she and Jimni practiced for the month to represent their country

Pei state crown prince, Ying Xia will join the combat and Ying Museng in archery and hunting pixie stone with Wang Yi

Ying Wang Yi will also perform in catching the flag and animal hunting which is his specialty, their father is sick and old at the same time will retire in a few years to step down and pass the throne to Ying Xia

The empress did not want to come since she did not wanna step on the Zhu Empire where she originally belong she hates the fact that she belong to a country which the other empire hate

"Wang Yi, animal Hunting might be your specialty but I will not let you go alone!" says the eldest Ying Xia, Wang Yi made an ugly face and put down his arrows made by his own hands

"tss, brother is always worried about everything, your no fun-"

"Shut up, I wanna have fun too, and the fact that I'm good in spears and will combat Prince's in a battle, I might save it as a training for me to get tougher!" says Ying Xia giving a grin in his pretty face

"It's really scary going inside a cave, There are insects inside-"

"sheesh, Museng, when will you keep complaining about insects and bug, it's not like they will kill you?" says Wang Yi, he pulled a worm in a leaf on an indoor plant and ran towards his sister to scare her even more

"ah, stop that!" Wang Yi failed to get any closer since a water splashed in his face, Museng controlled a water from the pitcher and made water balls to keep Wang Yi from coming near her

"that's not fair?" Wang Yi pulled his hand and gestured to made a smaller water bubbles to prepare and attack

as soon as gas comes to the flame between siblings the elder raised his hands and splashed the water bubbles they made to their faces, this made them looke miserable looking like a chick on a water

"you two, stop playing around, this is not a playground!" says Ying Xia but the two keep the flames lit

The Jhu emperor walked inside a chamber where his family is waiting for him, there was stares and rolled eyes while making contact

"what's with the grey air?" asked the emperor

"these two useless people calling themselves princess and prince does not wanna participate in the game event!" says Xiuming glaring at both his little siblings

"that is not nice to say to your siblings? Apologize!" says the empress glaring at him while keeping her hands on the youngest who is laughing in her lap

"but it's true! you two wouldn't even lift a wood to make fire, what if you ruled Jhu I'm sure it's already in chaos!!!" Xiuming roared

"shut up now, Come? take a look at the game event that will be held next week!" Emperor Rong Bai Xia threw himself at the couch and spread open the scroll given at the main palace

first game is Archery and bird hunting shoot

second is Catching the flag

third is hand to hand combat

fourth is horse riding

fifth will be animal hunting, this include being alone or formed in a group of 3

sixth is cave hunting for pixie stone

seventh is royal combat, a freestyle blood combat between royalties

the last one is empire performance where each empire will show their magic, strength and power

a side games will be held for tons of talented empire genius including, cooking, designing and painting including agricultures and literature

"there, taje your pick my children?" says the emperor, he looked at his children and felt depressed

"when will all of you treat yourself as siblings!" he huffed and slammed the table with his palm

"I wanna catch animal hint with Xiuming!" says the youngest

"Xiuyan, your too young?"

"let him, it's good how he train himself as a man, right Jia!?" The king looked at Jia, a scared prince who knows nothing but read poison or run around the palace scolding anyone he meets, it was ment to mock his little pride

"fine, fine, I will participate in literature poem event!" says Jia, he crossed his leg and straightened his back

"nope, your also hunting with me and Xiuyan!" Xiuming said, he grinned mockingly and looked at his little brother

"Me, Why?"

"Xiuyan likes hunting, aren't you ashamed someone at the age of 6 is stronger through hunting than you who is weak, come with me!!!" Xiuming said


"you're going Jia, let's make history so your great ancestral children knows you are not a pussy" they laughed causing Jia to rampage out of the room crying

"how about you?" they looked at Xiao Wen, she was hiding herself not making a sound

"I don't wanna participate in anything?" she said making a face

"so you came useless? don't worry? aren't you good at making medicine and antidotes, why don't you help out with the state doctors and inventors to study about their stuff!" says the emperor, he made the princess cry making him feel guilty about the words he used, The empress ran towards Xiao Wen to give her comfort while the brothers kept a mocking laugh in their face, Empress Nuan glared at both of them making them both shut up

"anyways, heard about the participants of Zhu state, I heard the King's children is participating?" started Xiuming, he flexed on the couch and rested his head

"not sure about that, but be cautious, Zhu is known for dark magic and curse stuff so you better be on your guard when it comes to individual game" the emperor said, he looked at the pond and saw various of maids coming and going, he sure have lots to say but he is careful since there might be spies around the palace, he is still too paranoid about the stuff of darkness knowing Zhu is good at dark curses

Zhu is indeed good with dark magic, it's been said that 2000 years ago, the ancestors of this state is the dark wizard of Yuzu but and those wizards was the traitor of humanity who served hell and betrayed the late king who helped Yuzu curse the bloodline of the king

Fei Lin made way towards the pond of destiny, he saw his children resting inside a chamber laughing about stuff and jokes, seeing them all relaxed irritated him knowing he is in need of participants for the game event

"father, why didn't you tell us you were coming home?" asked his younger daughter

"sit down all of you, we need to talk about the game event, Bai Lin go pick up your cousins they are included in the game!" says Fei Lin sitting down at the edge

"whats the hurry about father?" asked the elder

"you, all of you will participate in the game event!"

"Fei Bai Chu is good at sewing and cooking, while Kinjie is talented in martial arts, you will participate for the pixie stone hunting!"

"yes dad!" both said in chorus

"how about Bai Lin?"

"he will participate for the hunting together with your two cousins, the one who will participate in the bloody fight arena which is the final game will be your elder brother Bai Lin" the emperor got up and looked at the sword at the side of the walls

"we need to win this game event, don't let those lowly kingdom win over us, Bai Lin and your two other cousins has so much skills we have no hope when it comes to your useless Cousin!" Lin said, he looked at his two daughters and smiled

"why let him come back to the palace, he belongs far away from royalty!!" murmured Kinjie

"don't you wanna see your cousin?"

"no way, he is deceased, it's a waste to vomit a food if we look into his ugly face!!" the girls complained, Fei Lin said nothing but looked outside with grin in his face

"he might surprise us!" says Lin

Shao Qi's army is nearing the palace, he mind is all over the event and emperor, he knew coming to the palace is a blood to blood game and he's been feeling unwell thinking about the bad Aura he had encounter when he saw the Emperor months ago when they took Yunxi as a bride, an aura familiar to darkness, a smell of blood and curse which is so close to the aura of Fei Jin's dark charisma, Shao Qi had been also worried that being with many people inside the palace Fei Jin might break from the sin since he suck on sin, once Fei Jin consume bad sin from people he will immediately become sensitive, but he was not worried about that since he found out how to seal it, as long as his sword is attached to him he will stay human as long as he can, Shao Qi kept it too long that while meditating the scroll of heavens told him the truth about who he was, half human and half dark, his other half is a vivid demon curse which is the curse of Yuzu

"Master Long, do you think the emperor works with the devil?" he asked, he pulled a silk blue ribbon and pulled his long short hair in pony to keep himself cooler from the hot weather

"I don't know, I have never come home in this shitty place for a long time, but all I know is that this place is a den of devil's, a place of corrupt and unworthy government-"

"oh yeah, have you heard, legend say Zhu was also a slaughter land of the devil Yuzu, this is the land where he killed so many humans!!!" Master Long continued

"nonsense those are just legend 2000 years ago, no one really knew what Yuzu did!!" he said, it was a childish idea of legends, but it is what he feel

ZhuZaican Empire, the reign of Yuzu, the Emperor of hell, he slaughtered many humans as he can to satisfy himself, he was a cold bloody demon who was once a poor prince with no rank so he gave his soul to the devil and came back to kill humans