
Catastrophe Prince and the Blade of a Thousand blood

Golden eyed prince is ment to die, they are not a blessing they are cursed prince of hell? that's what they say But what if I tell you that a prince born to be a Catastrophe is a Yin and Yang of heaven and hell! after so many generations of Kings killing prince with a golden eyes, one prince survived and had a son named Fei Jin, the Catastrophe Prince that everyone fears Fei Xu saved Fei Jin and brought him to the temple of Dragons where he is raised by Shao Qi a noble man and a wind dragon, however things took turn as the prince was born and the news spread place after place, the current emperor Lin dealt with the devil and plans on waking the Lord of Hell Yuzu but after Jin returned back to the palace, he finally began to face the devil of his kind with his wife Rong Yunxi

Art_Angel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 39, The Reunion

The dusk above the red skies are seen from jelousy of not wanting the light to leave its beauty, the palace look so new made from various design, it looked alive after years of not touching big celebration, maids are aligned in their new dress made of silk and blue colour, their hair tangled in one direction designed with new jade pin they ever received after decades of working in the palace, exitement is tampered in their face making them all look beautiful as the stars, the soldiers polished their armors, tied their long hairs and made handsome face to court beautiful ladies

its been a while since the palace looked brighter than usual, and the people who walk pass the palace gate can't help but smile, its so bright like gold and the lantern of red silloute is like the blush of a shy lady

"how beautiful, Im glad the king is not too boring and decided to design this ugly place!!" says an old passerby holding his liquor

the guard who heard this ran towards the old man and kicked him none stop, they pulled him by the arm and threw him down at the dungeun

"stupid old man!" says some people who heard him, they shook their head out of his stupidity knowing he will come out corpse


The royal banquet is soon to start, Yunxi prepared herself with the help of Yuan, Yuan wore a new pink dress designed with beautiful flowers below her dress hollow, her hair rained down her back matched with jade pins and grasshopper shaped silver clip on the top of her head, she is beautiful and unique despite being a maid, so new and lively, she is also nervous to see her former masters who she barely served who is Yunxi's sister, but to her they don't matter, Yunxi is way more important than them

"Yuan, Im done?" Yunxi came out from the dressing room, she showed her dress while twirling around to show it to Yuan, the beautiful maid could not help but clap and make a shimmering eyes after seeing how the dress fit Yinxi perfectly, it was a white hanfu, with a delicate red linen on each sides, below her dress is like a field of dancing flame butterflies that is pure and catchy

"Dianxia, you look so lovely!" Yuan praised her

"thank you Yuan" the maid pulled her to the mirror and started putting on her pins and twirling her hair to make her look decent like a princess

"Yuan, no matter what you see tonight don't react and just act like a normal maid next to me" Yuan was confused in a minute before stopping

"is something gonna happen?" she asked

"nothing" she answered

"ayya, Dianxia you look so beautiful you know, Im sure things will look fine, and your husband is super handsome which makes you both a perfect match for each other, Im so exited to see the look on your sister's face once she saw Master Fei Jin" Yuan chuckled, Yunxi in the other hand is quite and serious holding a headress she made for Fei Jin


Shao Qi is done dressing way earlier than the others, of all the people getting nervous to go at the palace, Shao Qi is exited with a smirk in his face

"uhg, aren't these people done yet, Ive been sitting here waiting for everyone!" he said getting a little moody, he was quite beautiful despite how he fixed himself with beautiful jade pins and slight make ups, pretty rare for a man to use and look more decent than a lady

"they will be here soon Master Shao Qi let's just be patient!" Ye Ci said, he looked handsome in his white black suit prepared as the guard of Fei Jin

Fei Xu came inside the main chamber and saw Shao Qi getting all stressed up waiting without a patience, he is wearing dark blue robe with a golden belt and pretty golden collars, his crown atop his head making him look so elegant as a royal prince despite looking too young in his 20s but he is in his 40s

"finally, I can see someone done after decades of preparing!" Shao Qi said rolling his eyes

"is Fei Jin here yet?" Fei Xu asked looking around

"no!" Shao Qi prepared the tea for him

more and more people started appearing before Fei Xu, Master Long and Liang as well as Feng, they are prepared and exited

Fei Jin came out of the room and showed up to Fei Xu and all the others, he was wearing a white robe of red linen and pure white tunic, it was the same as Yunxi, there are fire butterflies dancing on the hollow of his robe

What most surprise them is the black veil that purely covered Fei Jin's entire face

"Fei Jin!" Fei Xu called, he walked towards his son with a concerned look

"can you see behind that cloth?"

"I can father, despite being colorblind I can clearly see the one who I am talking to!" he said

Fei Xu brushed away the cloth to confirm, after he saw Fei Jin he put back the cloth and pat him in the shoulder

"I'll be by your side!" he said

Fei Jin has had the ability to look through black cloth, it was a sudden discovery, despite having a fish eye underwater that can see clear images, his eyes is quite unique

Yunxi finally appeared before everyone, she was the last to come down after decades of preparation for her dress and crown pins, Fei Jin looked above and saw his wife coming down so beautiful, but to his image is black and white, he was speechless and felt ashame despite what he look like as of now and show up to her family looking so silly

when Yuan looked down she understood what Yunxi ment, it was not that hard to determine Fei Jin because of Yunxi's look alike dress, this was all the plan when Yi Ce said he will be the prince's clone for the game event

"Fei Jin!" Yunxi called as she slowly walked towards Fei Jin, the same expression as Fei Xu she was worried that Fei Jin cannot see behind the cloth that showed no trace of his face

"I can see you clearly if that's what you want to ask" he said, Yunxi was speechless but is still worried

"since everyone is here, let's go!" Fei Xu called everyone as they all exite out of the mansion

Fei Jin and Yunxi is left alone

how can you see behind that cloth?" she asked

"I can see but black and white" he whispered, Yunxi thought he was lying so she pulled her finger and asked

"how many finger is this?"


"how about this?"

"1" Yunxi had a wide eye and look at Fei Jin up and down

"How is that possible Jin?"

"its my special ability dear wife, now let's go!"

"wait" she stopped him

"you called me wife?"


"its the first time you decently said that!" she smiled

"okay let's go?"

"wait!" Fei Jin sigh


"put this on!" she said and showed a phoenix headdress

"what for!"

"your head? you cannot put on a crown because of your short hair so I made a headdress out of my necklace" she said

"but Im wearing a veil, no one can see it!" he said

Yunxi made a sad face and frowned causing for her beauty to fade, Fei Jin felt bad on his action so he took off his veil and saw the color of Yunxi, way better in reality that it made him smile

"wow, you look way handsome!" she said out of the blue before blushing on her words

Fei Jin leaned down to reach Yunxi, She blushed on his little action since his face is way too close

"put it on then?" he whispered, Yunxi put on the headdress on his head, the phoenix with crimson eyes and heart looked so elegant on Fei Jin's forehead making him look more handsome, not to mention the Phoenix's spread wings look like a fire

"how do I look?" he asked

"better" she smiled, Fei Jin covered himself with his veil again and saw no colour behind the cloth

Fei Jin gave her his hand to Yunxi, she gradually accepts before going out of the mansion

"what took you both so long?" Shao Qi's face is like a tiger

"sorry, were coming!" says Yunxi, they both exited on the separate carriage just for both of them

Shao Qi and Fei Xu is at the other carriage and Miss Liang, Master long and Yuan is in the front carriage

Yi Ce stood guard on a horse beside the assassins

Fei Jin looked at Yunxi starring at the carriage window, she is exited to see her parents, it is all tampered in her pretty face, Fei Jin pulled away the veil and looked at her

"Yunxi?" he called, the wife turned to him

"is something wrong?"

"nothing, just wondering what your family would think when they see me but not my face" he said a bit sad, Yunxi just chuckled and moved towards him

"Fei Jin, my parents will understand, I promise- except to someone who dislike me!" she said with a fake smile

"and who is that!"

"kinda my sister and brother, but not all of them" she answered shortly before smiling back to make Fei Jin better, Yunxi stared at Fei Jin examining his pretty face and the phoenix headdress, it suits him way better when she tried it on

"Im quite ashamed to show up to your family like this, they think I have ruined skin and ugly face" Fei Jin laughed, Yunxi laughed after which made him curious

"why laugh its not a joke"

"it is, I'll be seeing people's face being fooled and it's fun once truth is revealed and Im there!" she continued to chuckled, Fei Jin never thought of Yunxi as this special

he pulled her close and hugged her in his chest to feel her warmth

"F-Fei Jin?" she mumbled

"thank you for being so understanding" he whispered in her ears, this made Yunxi blush in his action, Yunxi burried herself way deep in his chest to enjoy the moment before smiling ear to ear not to let Fei Jin see her joy in his hug

"okay" is all her answer but was not prepared by his next move, he bent down to reach her face before letting his lips touch the treasure of love, Yunxi was stunned and could not break free, his lips is warm and soft causing her heart to beat faster and passionate, it stayed for more than 5 seconds before Fei Jin set her free, Yunxi was stunned and could not speak but just stare at Fei Jin's golden orb

"it's a Goodluck kiss for you!" he said in between his beautiful smile

"y-your golden eyes is pretty"

"oh, did that kiss bring out my golden orb, don't worry nobody will see behind my veil!" he said, he put on the veil and looked at the window leaving Yunxi speechless while hardly blushing

sorry, I've been quite busy

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