
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 99 - Ambush

 Zhang Yi asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

 Jiang Lei didn't expect Zhang Yi to make a point of asking about him, and hurriedly said, "Just rubbed it, it's fine."

 Zhang Yi immediately said in a sad and angry tone, "These dogs and thieves of the Tianhe Gang nearly injured one of my great generals!"

 "Jiang Lei, you don't need to be on duty tomorrow, take a rest first."

 Afterwards, he said inside the large group, "Everyone performed very well tonight, tomorrow we'll discuss the rewards, anyone who participated in the attack on the Sky Hopper Gang will be rewarded with a minimum of two servings of food!"

 "Jiang Lei was bravely wounded and deserves to learn from everyone, so let him rest for a day tomorrow. Also rewarded with a super-sized portion of halibut rice!"

 Hearing these motivating words from Zhang Yi, the neighbors were thrilled.

 Although eight neighbors had died, but was it still a matter of a dead person nowadays? They had long been numb to it.

 The most important thing was that they had double guaranteed food tomorrow hey!

 The one who was most envied was Jiang Lei, who was able to eat halibut rice at a time like this!

 Even if they had the ingredients now, they simply didn't have that much seasoning to cook with, much less to build a fire.

 Every day, they ate whatever they had, and they had almost forgotten what flavor the lo mein was.

 "Zhang Yi is mighty! Roar!"

 "It's true that we still have to follow Zhang Yi, there's meat to eat!"

 "Damn it, if I didn't grab the head this time, the next lo mein rice will definitely be mine!"

 Many people secretly made up their minds to fight harder!

 The next morning, Zhang Yi put on the equipment that covered his entire body

 He planned to check out some of the famous large shopping malls and hotels in the neighborhood to look for anything that could be of use.

 Climbing out from the fourth floor window, the snowy ground in front of him had dented a large portion of the ground, and it was all mottled with the color of blood.

 Only then did it occur to Zhang Yi that there had been a lot of battles on their side in recent times.

 Zhang Yi was only slightly emotional for a moment, then he put on his spirit and went to take out the snowmobile in the dark, then drove towards the outside of the neighborhood.

 After the sound of the motorcycle rang out, that familiar feeling appeared again.

 The feeling of being watched.

 Although Zhang Yi could not clearly see the people behind the block of windows, he just knew that many people were looking at him.

 Zhang Yi raised his head, his eyes coldly sweeping over one tall building after another.

 These people, in the near future, could possibly become his enemies and die at his hands.

 Zhang Yi's gaze slowly retracted from far and near.

 However, just as he swept past a building, he suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

 Above the wall, the red "21" was very noticeable, and it was at its reminder that Zhang Yi's heart felt that strong sense of incongruity.

 "Wild Wolf Gang ..."

 Zhang Yi frowned slightly, and after a slight thought, his gaze immediately became stern.

 "Why do I say something is wrong!"

 The 21# where the Mad Wolf Gang was located was not far from their building.

 But until now, even though they knew that Zhang Yi had a large amount of supplies in his hands, as well as a snowmobile, they still did not make a move against him.

 In the past, Zhang Yi thought it was because they were cautious and afraid of themselves.

 But now that he thought about it, it was still too weird.

 After all, they were a group of hot-blooded young people around 20 years old.

 Faced with something as tempting as a snowmobile, it was impossible to be indifferent.

 The weirdest thing was that the owners of the other buildings in the neighborhood had all approached Zhang Yi to talk about cooperation.

 Only the people from the Mad Wolf Gang had not contacted Zhang Yi from the beginning to the end.

 This was very abnormal, extremely abnormal!

 Among Zhang Yi's understanding, there was only one explanation for this behavior, and that was that dogs that did not bark were the most ruthless, and they intended to launch their attack quietly!

 Zhang Yi touched the pistol in his pocket, and remembered the big guns that were loaded with bullets in the other dimension, his heart was much more solid.

 He took out his cell phone from his pocket and hurriedly sent a message to Uncle You and Zhou Ke'er, telling them to lock their doors at home and be careful of the sneak attacks from the residents of the other blocks of flats.

 Then he stuffed the cell phone into his arms to prevent it from freezing.

 Zhang Yi started the snowmobile and drove towards the front.

 When the car came to the edge of the neighborhood, a sudden change occurred!

 On the ground in front, snowflakes suddenly burst out!

 Then a door plate stood straight up, blocking the front of Zhang Yi's car.

 Zhang Yi's car couldn't brake in time and turned around in a hurry.


 The motorcycle crashed sideways into the door plate, and in the middle of the snow, two people were thrown out with it.

 It turned out to be two people hiding in the snow, using a rope to tie the door panel and use it as a trap to reject the horse.

 Unfortunately, this kind of door board was too thin and light, and instead of tripping Zhang Yi, he was thrown out himself.

 As it turns out, you can't learn things from TV dramas indiscriminately!

 Zhang Yi immediately realized that he had been ambushed!

 It was too late to think, seven or eight people had already climbed up from inside the snow, and without saying a word, they took out their weapons and roared as they pounced towards Zhang Yi.

 Zhang Yi took a deep breath, the cold air calmed him down.

 He then quickly took out his gun from his pocket, and by the time he turned on the safety, all eight of them had already rushed to his front.

 Zhang Yi raised his gun and shot!

 "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

 If it was an ordinary person who was approached like this, even if he had a gun in his hand, he would still be in trouble.

 However, Zhang Yi had the ability to shoot accurately, and his control of space was extremely powerful, so the bullets in his hands would not fall short.

 In three rounds, he killed the three people in front of him, and all of them were shot in the head!

 Without waiting for him to catch his breath, a few people on the other side also held up their machetes and came to a position only one meter away from him.

 The machetes were raised high and slashed down at Zhang Yi!

 In the nick of time, Zhang Yi turned his gun around.

 Before his blade fell, Zhang Yi's gun was aimed at his head and almost shoved into his mouth.

 The man's body instantly stiffened and just wanted to say something.

 "Bang!" With a single shot, a hole was added to his head.

 Such a scene froze the few other people who were charging beside him in place.

 They had never seen someone who was so ruthless with a gun before, one shot, instantly taking out four of them!

 Couldn't it be that he was the half-human, half-ghost, the No. 1 divine gun, Yan Shuangying?

 Zhang Yi didn't give them a chance to freeze, he raised his gun and shot, taking out two more people with two more shots.

 Until this time, the remaining four people were scared out of their wits and scrambled to run back.

 Zhang Yi's gun took aim at their backs, and looking at the way they were desperately running forward in the snow, he suddenly changed his mind.

 He bit the gun in his mouth and then started the motorcycle to follow.

 A few people couldn't run fast at all in the snow, and instead of running, they were crawling.

 At this time, the sound of the motorcycle rang in their ears, and several people lost their souls and peed their pants in fear.

 Zhang Yi caught up with the last person, and the motorcycle crashed straight through!

 Half of his body was on top of the snow, Zhang Yi's motorcycle knocked the upper half of his body to the ground, and then mercilessly began to crush.

 What does it feel like to run over a person with a vehicle of more than 400 kilograms?

 The man let out a pig-like scream, his spine was directly broken, the motorcycle ran over his back, and then his head.

 A few people in front of him heard this miserable scream, their faces turned even whiter, clenching their teeth and desperately running forward, as if there was an evil spirit chasing behind them.