
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 100 - Kill a Pain!

 Zhang Yi looked back after his motorcycle drove past the man.

 Although there was snow cushioning underneath his body, the weight of more than 400 kilograms pressing down on his body also caused him to spit blood from his mouth.

 Zhang Yi gave him a backhanded shot to end his suffering.

 Then he continued to chase forward slowly and leisurely.

 He wanted to know where these people had come from.

 If they wanted to harm him, then they had to pay for it before they could!

 And the direction that a few people fled from was very much like 21#, the territory of the Wild Wolf Gang.

 At this moment, on the seventh floor of 21#, Wang Qiang, the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, and Xiao Lu, the deputy leader, were watching the scene in front of them, and their hearts were dripping with blood.

 For today's robbery, they had prepared for many days, spied out Zhang Yi's traveling route and time, and sent ten of their men over to ambush him.

 Originally, they thought it was a foolproof plan, but they didn't realize that Zhang Yi's shooting skill was so good!

 What's more, they didn't expect that Zhang Yi still had so many bullets in his hand.

 Instead of successfully killing Zhang Yi and stealing his snowmobile, they lost their men.

 Instead, they lost their troops and even let Zhang Yi kill them.

 Now, the trouble would be big!

 Wang Qiang said, "Quickly have everyone gather at the entrance and arrange traps, in addition to being careful of the gun inside his hand!"

 Xiao Lu nodded, "Don't worry, the inside of our building is fully arranged. If he dares to come in, it doesn't matter if we kill him here! The result will be the same anyway!"

 The two men spoke very toughly, but their feet backed up in unison, not daring to appear in front of the window.

 They knew that Zhang Yi had a gun in his hand, and there was also a big killing weapon like a sniper rifle. If they ventured out, they were looking for death!

 21#, the people of Wild Wolf Gang were like enemies, all of them hid inside the building, praying that Zhang Yi wouldn't kill them.

 Outside, Zhang Yi was still chasing after the remaining Wolf Gang members.

 Along the way, he casually shot one of them.

 The last person was looking at running in front of 21#.

 But before he could reach the entrance, the roar of Zhang Yi's motorcycle sounded in his ears.

 Zhang Yi glanced at the dark room in front of him, and he knew that the people from the Mad Wolf Gang must be in an ambush at this moment.

 Instead of using a gun, Zhang Yi took out the Damascus Steel Hunting Knife he had bought earlier.

 This thing was used to cut wild beasts and was incredibly sharp, but Zhang Yi had never taken it out to cut anyone.


 The hunting knife slashed through the man's neck with an unexpectedly smooth feel.

 The sound of blood splattering sounded like the wind, and a head flew up high before crashing to the ground.

 21#, at this time, when the Wild Wolf Gang members hiding in the shadows saw this scene, they all felt a chill on their backs.

 The ten brothers they had sent out had all been killed by Zhang Yi!

 Zhang Yi stopped the snowmobile, he stepped off, picked up the head on the ground and threw it into the room on the fourth floor.

 The head rolled a few times on the ground before stopping, his eyes empty and lifeless as he looked at the people inside.

 Inside the room, there was no sound, and the people of the Wild Wolf Gang were nervous and their hands and feet were cold.

 They knew that once Zhang Yi came in with a gun, it would definitely be a vicious battle!

 They, for one, would die a lot!

 Zhang Yi, however, stood outside 21# and did not walk in.

 He was not sure exactly what was inside, but there were definitely traps and ambushes.

 A gentleman would not put himself in danger.

 But just letting go of the Mad Wolf Gang's people, he felt that he was being too lenient with these people.

 Right at this moment, the sound of gunshots startled everyone in the neighborhood, including 25#'s people as well.

 At this moment, it was Uncle You and Li Bin who were on duty with their men, and they all came over with their weapons to support Zhang Yi.

 "Zhang Yi, what's going on? How did you fight with them?"

 Uncle You asked angrily.

 Zhang Yi glanced at them and said indifferently, "They ambushed me outside, then they were all killed by me."

 From the outside of the neighborhood to 21#, there were ten corpses lying along the way, drenched in blood and very stinging.

 Uncle You angrily shouted, "These damn things, so insidious!"

 He said to the people behind him, "In the event that Zhang Yi has a death, our food will be cut off, and we won't be able to survive!"

 The group of people were also shocked when they heard this, realizing the seriousness of this matter.

 Zhang Yi waved his hand towards them, "Go back first and call people! Call everyone over to me!"

 A group of people immediately returned to 25# and then called all the owners over.

 Zhang Yi's expression was very cold, he was in a bad mood at this moment, quite bad!

 He wasn't afraid of being sneak attacked because being in the end of the world, this kind of thing was unavoidable.

 Moreover, he had prepared for everything, all over the body was equipped, and there were assault rifles in the space.

 An idle one or twenty people really couldn't help him.

 But he was angry because he knew that the owner of the 25th floor must have been tipped off by someone to the Mad Wolf Gang.

 The reason was easy to explain.

 For security reasons, Zhang Yi didn't go out at a fixed time every day, so he didn't want others to deal with him through this.

 Ambush in advance? It was even more impossible.

 With this kind of temperature and having to bury himself in the snow, even if the clothes on his body were thicker, it would be impossible for more than half an hour.

 But today, those people just happened to ambush him in the snow.

 There was no such thing as coincidence in this world, which meant that it must be someone on the inside, who knew that he had gone out and then told the people from the Wild Wolf Gang.

 Zhang Yi did not have the anger of being betrayed because he knew that these neighbors were no good either, and as long as the benefits were enough, backlash did not even need to be considered.

 He simply wanted to kill the person who leaked the information.

 But in the whole building, almost every person could have done this kind of thing, and he didn't know who did it.

 In that case ... it would be treated equally!

 The 21#'s Mad Wolf Gang was on a tight defense, and if they attacked strongly, they were bound to die or be injured.

 Zhang Yi simply let them bite the dog, and he was not heartbroken about who died anyway.

 Zhang Yi's icy gaze swept over everyone, and everyone's expression was filled with fear when they saw Zhang Yi like this.

 However, they also knew that this feeling of being ambushed would not be pleasant.

 After a while, Zhang Yi spoke indifferently, "21#'s people took a shot at me. If I die, you guys won't be able to survive either."

 "So by trying to kill me, they are trying to kill you guys! For this kind of people, we have to kill them all!"

 "Uncle You, you'll accompany me this time out. The rest of you will be led by Li Chengbin and officially launch an attack on 21#!"

 "Kill one person and I'll reward ten people with food!"

 When the crowd heard Zhang Yi's reward, they could not help but be moved, many of them were still chagrined that they did not have the chance to take credit last night.

 However, there were also people who raised objections, "It's not too good to go over there now, right? They are definitely on guard against us taking revenge. Even if we want to go over, we might as well wait until night."

 Zhang Yi took a look, it was a Mediterranean uncle named Guo Dahai.

 He then pointed at Uncle You and said, "Moreover, Uncle You is our main force, it's best for him to stay behind if we attack strongly."

 Once the big guys heard Guo Dahai's words, they also felt that it made sense and couldn't help but mutter in whispers.

 "Yeah, even if it's for revenge, it's better to go over and sneak attack at night."

 "Is Zhang Yi in a rage right now? Be calm."

 "Uncle You is a strong fighter and should be on top as the main force."