
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 88 - Precision shooting

 When a man meets a beautiful woman, his first thought is to have a deep conversation with her.

 And when you get a good weapon, you will want to try its power.

 This is a habit engraved in the bones, even if you picked up a good bamboo by the side of the road when you were a child, you would play it as a sword.

 What's more, what Zhang Yi got was a sniper rifle, which was something that ordinary people in China wouldn't even dare to think about, let alone using it to hit people.

 "Try to see if this thing works or not!"

 Zhang Yi pulled out the sniper rifle from the alien space and started aiming downwards while standing on the balcony of the 24th floor.

 The eight-magnification lens was really powerful, and what was originally only a few people the size of ants from the height of a 24-story building now looked crystal clear.

 Zhang Yi held his breath to avoid the hot air he exhaled blurring the scope.

 The seven people who escaped were traveling back through the snow at a very slow speed, so it was not difficult to aim.

 Zhang Yi pressed down his inner excitement and aimed at the back of a person and pulled the trigger.

 For some reason, the moment the bullet was discharged, he had a marvelous feeling - this bullet would definitely hit!


 A gunshot sounded extraordinarily clear in the silent night.

 It was unknown how many people were awakened from their uneasy sleep by this sound.

 Zhang Yi looked through the scope and saw the man fall to the ground, his blood staining a large portion of the snow.

 "Crap, how come my shooting skill is so accurate? Am I a genius?"

 Zhang Yi was shocked and delighted, he originally just wanted to try whether the gun was good or not, and didn't hold much hope.

 But he didn't expect that he would be able to get a shot off!

 "What is that strange feeling that just appeared?"

 Zhang Yi was a bit surprised.

 However, he didn't have time to think about it in detail, as the next few people heard the sound of the gunshot and saw another accomplice dead, they all sped up in fear.

 Zhang Yi hurriedly changed his bullets and then aimed at the next person.

 As he looked at a person with full concentration, that magical feeling appeared once again.


 The sound of a gunshot rang out and another person fell to the ground in response.

 Zhang Yi understood this time that it was not a coincidence that he was able to shoot the enemy from the height of the 24th floor, but rather a talent!

 Ahem, it should be some kind of special ability to be exact.

 Zhang Yi muttered, ''It looks like the ability I have awakened is not just as simple as a different dimension. But the potential hasn't been explored by the previous me."

 However, it was certain that his alien ability must be related to space.

 That was what made him a natural marksman.

 In the past, when he used crossbows and pistols, he was fighting at close range, and he didn't notice this ability, he just felt that the feel of his hands when shooting was good.

 At this time, when he switched to the sniper rifle, that feeling became extraordinarily obvious.

 Zhang Yi's heart was very excited, under the end of the world, having one more ability would give him one more point to save his life!

 He once again switched bullets and raised his rifle, this time aiming at a person's head!


 The sound of the gunshot passed by, and he saw that person's head explode into a dozen clouds of blood mist!

 Confirming that there was no mistake, this was indeed a powerful ability to shoot accurately!

 Zhang Yi was inwardly ecstatic as he aimed at a few other people.




 With one shot he quickly pulled the bolt to replace the bullet, the sound of gunshots echoed in the neighborhood.

 One person, one shot, those few people didn't have time to escape back, they all died halfway.

 Seven corpses fell on the white snow, blood dyed into a large swathe of crimson, looking exceptionally harsh.

 The corners of Zhang Yi's mouth couldn't stop smiling, from now on, he could hide away and be a top old six, specializing in the death of others!

 And at this moment, those neighbors downstairs heard the gunshots and watched Huang Wei and the others fall one by one as if they were named, their eyes showing horror.

 "This gunshot, it's coming from upstairs!"

 "Upstairs, it must be Zhang Yi who did this!"

 "At such a long distance, it must not be a pistol, it should be the power of a sniper rifle."

 "My goodness, so far away, one hit kills, Zhang Yi is actually a sharpshooter!"

 The crowd was dumbfounded and at the same time felt a wave of fear.

 With Zhang Yi's skill, wouldn't it be as simple as crushing an ant if he wanted to kill them?

 They automatically brainstormed, thinking that Zhang Yi was probably a soldier king hidden in the city.

 Otherwise, how could he have such good shooting skills?

 "It looks like it's better to obediently listen to Zhang Yi in the future."

 "Yeah, the only reason we've survived until now is because Zhang Yi didn't get angry."

 The human's ability to brainstorm was terrifying, and at this moment, their awe for Zhang Yi broke through the heavens.

 And it wasn't just them.

 This midnight gunshot woke up the entire neighborhood.

 Zhang Yi's sniper rifle didn't have a silencer, but those who had a little bit of knowledge in this area could also hear that it was definitely not a sound that a pistol could create.

 In this time when a pistol could rule a building, if anyone had a more powerful rifle, or even a sniper rifle, how terrifying it would be could be imagined!

 Zhang Yi put away the sniper rifle and rubbed his shoulder with his hand.

 The continuous shooting had made his shoulders a little sore.

 It was fortunate that he was in good physical condition, or else his shoulders would have to hurt for days.

 This night, there should be many people who could not sleep again.

 Uncle You sent a message to Zhang Yi, asking if the gun was fired by him.

 Uncle You had spent time in the army, so he directly judged that it was a sniper rifle.

 Zhang Yi didn't hide it and said to him, "This is what I got from the police station today."

 Uncle You asked curiously, "Have you been in the army before? What's the troop number?"

 Zhang Yi's marksmanship was too powerful, and according to Uncle You's vision, he was definitely at the level of the army's King of Guns!

 Zhang Yi laughed, "I'm just talented, haha!"

 Uncle You thought that Zhang Yi didn't want to say anything, so he didn't continue to ask.

 "It's good that it was you who fired the gun, in case it was someone else, we would be in danger."

 Zhang Yi casually chatted with him and then continued to go back to his room, lying on his warm and soft bed and huffing and puffing.

 The next day, he slept until after nine o'clock, when he woke up and washed up, releasing Zhou Ke'er from his room.

 "Get something to eat! I want to eat the food I just made. Well ... you make two bowls of oil splattered noodles!"

 Zhang Yi said to Zhou Keer.

 Zhou Ke'er laughed, "What I make isn't as good as what's made in a noodle shop."

 Zhang Yi shrugged indifferently, "Then practice more, we have a long time anyway."

 After eating food in a restaurant for a long time, one would occasionally want to eat some home-cooked food for a change of taste!

 Zhou Keer obediently went to the kitchen, and after a short while, she came out with two bowls of oil splashed noodles.

 Zhang Yi tasted a bite, the flavor is quite good.

 By the way, Zhang Yi has installed surveillance in the entire house, including the kitchen.

 The ingredients were also provided by him.

 As for Zhou Keer, the first day she entered the house, her body was checked inside and out by Zhang Yi.

 Until now, Zhang Yi had to check her body every day as well, and it was from the inside out, not sparing a single corner.

 Thus, all possibilities of Zhou Keer being drugged were eliminated.

 Otherwise, he wouldn't have eaten the food served to him by others.

 Sitting on the table, Zhou Keer then asked curiously, "I heard gunshots yesterday, was it you who shot from the balcony?"