
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 87 - Revenge of the Trina Gang

 Zhang Yi took the sniper rifle and observed the entire neighborhood through the scope.

 Since it was nighttime, the other homes did not have electricity, so the inside of the cell building was pitch black.

 However, through the mapping of the snow, the outside was still white, and some scenery could be vaguely seen.

 Suddenly, Zhang Yi's eyes condensed.

 When he looked at the garage not far away, two black dots appeared in the middle of his vision that were moving.

 "Garage, people. It looks like they are heading for my snowmobile!"

 A mocking sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Yi's mouth.

 When he came back during the day, he pretended to put the snowmobile in the garage.

 Sure enough, there were people sneaking over there at night.

 It was just a pity that they were destined for a futile endeavor.

 After a while, Uncle You came over.

 His eyes moistened with excitement when he saw a whole unopened box of instant noodles at the door.

 "I didn't expect it to still be from White Elephant, Zhang Yi you're too kind!"

 This box of instant noodles was enough for the three of them to eat for a week if they saved it.

 Thinking that Zhang Yi's own family didn't have many supplies, but he still took so many instant noodles for him, Uncle You's heart only had the word "touched" in it.

 Zhang Yi's family doesn't have much of this kind of instant noodles, and there are only more than 20,000 boxes in the warehouse.

 And until now, he has not eaten a packet, after all, there are all kinds of hotels inside the chef to make a big meal, who eat that stuff ah!

 Uncle You picked up the instant noodles, knocked on the door and said, "Zhang Yi, I'll take the instant noodles. Thank you!"

 Zhang Yi put down the sniper rifle in his hand, came to the door and said, "Uncle You, why are you still polite with me!"

 It doesn't matter if other people live or die, but Uncle You he must keep, and he must also let him have enough to eat.

 Only in this way, in the future, Uncle You can be his gold medal fighter, as well as a human shield.

 It's not that Zhang Yi is cruel! He won't let Uncle You die for him until it's absolutely necessary.

 Well, not until the last resort.

 Uncle You scratched his head and gave a giggle.

 "What Xie Li Mei said to you during the day, you must not take it to heart! That person of hers is a bit mouthy."

 Zhang Yi's eyes lowered and smiled faintly.

 "Hey, can I still be bothered with a woman? I, Zhang Yi, am not that kind of careful person either!"

 "It's just that Uncle You, you really want to raise a child for someone else?"

 Zhang Yi's tone carried a hint of temptation.

 He didn't like Xie Limei as a woman, but he didn't want to bring the relationship with Uncle You to a standstill.

 Therefore, the provocation had to come a little bit.

 Uncle You laughed, "Hey, what else to say in these days! It's good enough that I can find a woman like this."

 Zhang Yi nodded, "Well, what you said is also true. Actually, Big Sister Xie is a good woman, her looks aren't bad, and she can even bear children."

 "I don't mean anything else, I just think that you're belittling yourself too much, Uncle You."

 "Nowadays, in these years, men like you who are strong and powerful and who fight well are in high demand!"

 "Just kidding, right now, even if I let you find an actress it wouldn't be too much!"

 Uncle You was happy to be praised, "Am I as good as you say?"

 Zhang Yi said, "It's not like you haven't seen the current situation. Those white boys who can sing, dance and rap are useless and can't even feed themselves."

 "Still, men like us can give women a sense of security."

 Speaking here, Zhang Yi's words changed.

 "But then again, Big Sister Xie is really quite good. You guys work hard and let her give you a baby in the future!"

 "After all, a man has to have his own child. Raising someone else's baby, more or less a little ... huh."

 Uncle You's heart was a bit unfavorable.

 What Zhang Yi said evoked some thoughts in his heart.

 Xie Limei he is quite like, body plump, technology is also good, can satisfy him this old bachelor.

 But the doll is less than a year old, in these years is really a drag.

 In order to take care of her, Uncle You is often woken up in the middle of the night, rest is not guaranteed.

 It would be fine if it were his own child, but it's someone else's.

 People are selfish.

 Uncle You's heart has long been dissatisfied, but he held back, not to think deeply.

 Plus Xie Li Mei all day to him brainwashing, said what, take this child as your own daughter, when she grows up will be filial piety to you.

 After a long time, Uncle You really honestly help others to raise children.

 It was Zhang Yi's words that gave him a wake up call and made him start thinking a little differently.

 "Haha, having a child or something, I don't dare to consider it now. Let's wait until we settle down later!"

 Uncle You forced himself to hold back the strangeness in his heart and said with a smile.

 "Right, right, right, that's true. Haha, I'm just talking casually, don't take it to heart, Uncle You!"

 "I do respect you and Big Sister Xie very much, and sincerely hope that you guys will be happy."

 Uncle You nodded, "Then I'll go back first. Feel free to contact me if anything happens!"

 After Uncle You left, Zhang Yi filled up the magazine of his sniper rifle with bullets as well and took it back into the alien space.

 These rifles and sniper rifles would become his secret weapons.

 After a while, the sound of water inside the bathroom stopped.

 Zhou Keer walked out wrapped in a bath towel, under the pink bath towel was her white as milk skin.

 The two long legs that had been worked out to their proper advantage had elegant lines, emitting a tantalizing luster in the light.

 Zhang Yi lay on the sofa and said lazily, "I'm a bit tired today, you move."

 Zhou Keer looked at Zhang Yi on the sofa with a slightly hesitant expression.

 He had been out running for a day, he must have sweated all over and hadn't even taken a shower.

 However, she did not raise any objections, but obediently came to him and knelt down on the floor.

 That night.

 Having lost four of their gang members, the Trina Gang once again launched an attack on 25#.

 The successive successes of the past few days had made them not even put anyone in the 25# unit building other than Zhang Yi in their eyes.

 However, this time, they were unexpectedly blocked.

 The person leading the team was Huang Tianfang's nephew, Huang Wei, and sneak attacks at night were his specialty.

 Around two in the morning, he entered 25# in the dark with eight people.

 As a result, he didn't expect that just when he came to the stairs, bricks were thrown down from above.

 "Dang dang dang!!!"

 These people in charge of the watch spotted the enemy and immediately counterattacked with what they had in their hands.

 They held choppers, sticks, and other weapons to block the Trina Gang from above, then smashed down the rocks, bricks, and whatever random heavy objects they had at hand, using this to stall for time.

 While resisting, they knocked on the stairs and windows to create a commotion to attract the neighbors.

 Soon, the whole building neighbors were woken up.

 Huang Wei and the others, eager to take revenge, coupled with the lack of supplies, chose to carry out a strong attack.

 But their numbers were too small after all, even with their swashbuckling fighting prowess, they couldn't beat so many people.

 Not to mention that due to Zhang Yi's bounty, one of their lives was equal to five servings of food!

 The neighbors were all scrambling for heads as if they had chicken blood!

 The battle only lasted for a few minutes, everyone laid down their deadly hands, leaving three corpses at the scene.

 Huang Wei and the others saw that the situation was not right and hurriedly shouted, "Retreat first, go go go!!!"

 As they ran, the neighbors behind 25# were overjoyed, wailing and chasing after them.

 A worker who ran slowly did not have time to climb out of the window, his buttocks were chopped up by a kitchen knife, surprisingly sunk into a small half of the head of the knife!

 He ouch a scream, crooked buttocks struggling to climb out.

 After they went out, the neighbors did not dare to deep chase, after all, the night, also do not know what is the situation outside.

 But at this time, Zhang Yi was also woken up.

 He came to the balcony and looked at the escaping members of the Tianhe Gang underneath, and suddenly had an idea.

 "At this distance, can we kill them with a sniper rifle?"