
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 55 - Neighbors Want to Knife Zhang Yi

 Zhou Keer finally agreed after a long hesitation.

 Her morals and conscience did not allow her to be a despicable person.

 However, the neighbors' choice to rob Zhang Yi out of jealousy was even worse in her eyes.

 So she chose to help Zhang Yi.

 Zhang Yi said, ''Well then, I want to see your useful information first before I give you what you want. Next, it can depend on your performance oh!"

 Zhou Keer said, "Well, I understand."

 She was a kind-hearted woman, but definitely not stupid enough to ask Zhang Yi to help her unconditionally.

 The conversation between the two ended here.

 Zhang Yi glanced at the large group, which had 99+ messages, and was still continuing to Ait him, morally abducting and intimidating him.

 "Zhang Yi, where did you people die? Quickly give us an answer as to whether or not you're going to hand over the supplies you're holding or not!"

 Someone was already getting impatient.

 The corner of Zhang Yi's mouth hooked into a cold smile, it looked like they were already planning to forcefully attack their home.

 "Go eat shit!"

 Zhang Yi replied with a smile.

 Immediately, there was a torrent of curses inside the group, and all kinds of nasty words were said.

 Zhang Yi didn't care, come over if you guys are capable!

 The current him had already tried killing people with his own hands and didn't feel any guilt, so he didn't mind killing some more.

 "Well well well, Zhang Yi, you asked for it!"

 "But don't ever say that the big guys didn't give you a chance, you selfish scumbag!"

 "From now on, you will have to bear the consequences of everything that happens!"

 The curses slowly diminished.

 It didn't take any guessing to know that they must have avoided Zhang Yi and pulled a separate group like they did with Chen Zhenghao before.

 Then they jointly discussed how to attack Zhang Yi's home.

 Zhang Yi took a deep breath, a hint of nervousness and excitement appeared among his eyes, so excited that his body began to tremble slightly.

 Even though he knew that his home was an unbreakable steel fortress, but he really had to face an attack by hundreds of people, it would be a lie not to have a trace of nervousness.

 But that feeling of excitement ignited the hot blood in Zhang Yi's bones.

 He, ah, had long wanted to personally teach the sons of bitches who had parted him in the first place a good lesson!

 A white light flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, and soon his own weapons appeared inside the living room.

 Five fine steel crossbows, three professional grade advanced compound bows, over two hundred and ninety crossbow arrows, and three hundred bows and arrows.

 There were also two large iron boxes of steel pillars.

 Mountain opening knives, a large one-meter-two crowbar, baseball bats, and hunting knives.

 All the weapons were displayed on the table, and they were all good tools for killing.

 In addition to these physical weapons, there were also anti-wolf sprays, electric batons, gasoline, a large number of chemical reagents, as well as, dozens of incendiary flasks that he had made from wine bottles, cloth and gasoline.

 Zhang Yi's gaze carried a cold, ghostly light.

 "Feel free to let your horses come over as many people as you have!"

 As Zhang Yi expected, the neighbors were all enraged after they saw that it was impossible for Zhang Yi to hand over the supplies in his home!

 Sun Zhichao built a new group chat and then pulled in all the living homeowners except Zhang Yi.

 They even pulled Chen Zhenghao in as well.

 After seeing Chen Zhenghao, the crowd still had some chills in their backs.

 However, Chen Zhenghao took the initiative and said, "Everyone, right now, our primary objective is to deal with Zhang Yi. I'm afraid their family has more supplies than all of us combined!"

 "As long as we defeat him, we can obtain a large amount of supplies."

 "So you guys don't have to worry, I won't make a move against anyone else right now."

 "But for this operation, I want half of the supplies obtained!"

 Chen Zhenghao had suffered a loss at the hands of Zhang Yi, and knew that Zhang Yi's family had ample defenses, as well as hand crossbows.

 So he didn't dare to force an attack on his own, so he planned to take these cannon fodder in the building with him.

 He felt that with more than a hundred people, how could he break Zhang Yi's house.

 How many weapons can you have, Zhang Yi? How many people can you shoot to death?

 There were over a hundred people in the entire building, but Chen Zhenghao and the others only had six people, yet they offered to take half of the supplies.

 But no one felt it was unfair, instead they thought Chen Zhenghao was a good man.

 He obviously had a gun in his hand, but he was still willing to share half of it with all of us, what a good person!

 Sun Zhichao said, ''Right, now everyone should temporarily put aside their previous grudges. The primary goal is to attack Zhang Yi's house and take back those supplies that belong to the collective!"

 These two people took the lead and yelled there, and the others naturally responded.

 After they saw the state of life of Zhang Yi's family, each of them had red eyes of jealousy, and they could not wait to finish off Zhang Yi immediately and enjoy the current life for him.

 "Knife in hand, follow me! Kill Zhang Yi and grab the supplies!"

 "Kill that shameless selfish ghost!"

 The big guys roared with vigor.

 Only a few people did not speak, such as Uncle You and Zhou Ke'er.

 The others, even those who were still on good terms with Zhang Yi on weekdays and had received favors from him, threw those things to the back of their minds.

 Nothing was more important than staying alive, and for the sake of staying alive, they could give up all ethics and morals!

 Zhang Yi wiped the gun in his hand at home.

 This thing was not unfamiliar to him, and he had used it from time to time in the shooting club before.

 And he had intensified his training in the month before the mode came.

 There was no pressure to hit someone at close range.

 Just at this time, Zhou Keer sent over a message.

 "They're planning to go to your house."

 After Zhang Yi saw it, he replied back with an "Oh, got it."

 Zhou Keer sat on the sofa of her house and couldn't help but frown as she read Zhang Yi's calm reply.

 She tightened the two layers of quilt on her body and shrunk her snow-white feet inside.

 "Every house should have gone over, they saw your video and have gone crazy."

 "Won't you think of something?"

 Zhou Ke'er felt that at a time like this, the most sensible thing to do would be to hand over a portion of the supplies to eliminate everyone's anger.

 Otherwise, one person, even if they were more powerful, would not be able to fight against so many people.

 With more than a hundred people, it wouldn't even be difficult to tear down a house ah!

 Zhang Yi smiled without explaining too much.

 He just said, "Remember, you must not come over this time, I will only remind you once."

 "Then, wait for the show!"

 Zhou Keer frowned, her eyes full of curiosity.

 She didn't know where Zhang Yi got the confidence to fight against more than a hundred people in the entire building with his own strength.

 This was no joke, and once the home was breached, the frantic crowd would surely take his life!

 "Could it be that he's a madman?"

 Zhou Keer muttered.

 But it was Zhang Yi's own choice, there was nothing she could do about it.

 However, she did listen to Zhang Yi's words and did not follow the group of people over to attack Zhang Yi's house piece by piece.

 She was someone who had a moral bottom line and would not go and eat human blood buns.

 Whether it was Zhang Yi's or the other neighbors'.