
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 54 - Zhou Keer

 What was Zhang Yi's attitude towards those messages from the female owners?

 It was just as some interesting little essays to look at, and then replies were too lazy to reply.

 Of course, there are also a few open-minded ones that directly send private selfies to Zhang Yi.

 Zhang Yi casually looked at a couple of eyes, and did not have a particularly great interest.

 Mainly because these women are overconfident, there are a few good-looking, but most of them are mediocre.

 They weren't like the female anchors of a certain voice, who had professionally practiced how to twist their waists and asses, so there wasn't much to look at at all.

 You take this to test men?

 How many men can't stand this kind of test?

 As for the selfishness of some male residents, it's even simpler.

 It's not that they call themselves brothers and sisters, shouting big brother, old brother, and then begging Zhang Yi to give them a hand.

 It was some old man, morally kidnapping and asking Zhang Yi to love them.

 The most disgusting thing was that there was also a faggot!

 As for the request he made ... Zhang Yi didn t want to chat about it.

 After looking around, Zhang Yi felt bored.

 He looked for a cell phone holder and put his phone in front of him, expecting some novel ideas to appear.

 Then, it was lying on the sofa, drinking red wine and eating foie gras while enjoying this beautiful snow outside the window.

 Half a month had passed, and the snow outside the window still hadn't stopped.

 The whole city was completely covered by snow, and according to Zhang Yi's memory, the snow fell until a month later, when all the buildings below the fourth floor were flooded.

 As for how much longer it would continue to snow, he was not sure.

 However, it was true that there was little need for him to go out.

 Going out was to look for hope of survival, but nowadays, no one knew where they could survive - except for Zhang Yi.

 Zhang Yi rested his chin and lazily muttered to himself, "It's quite boring to stay at home every day, or else find a time to go out?"

 When the people inside this building were almost dead, he could go out for a spin.

 Zhang Yi thought about it and suddenly remembered that he still had a few snowmobiles in his warehouse.

 Those were originally going to be shipped to a nearby city for an artificial ice and snow field.

 In this way, even if the snow outside was about ten meters thick, he still had a way to get out.

 "Although it's impossible for me to leave this room right now, with this method, I can go out and blow off some steam in the future under the condition of ensuring safety."

 Zhang Yi was somewhat interested.

 Being at home all the time would occasionally be boring, so going out to relax would be good.

 He had a national professional level cold suit and a snowmobile, so even if it was 60 or 70 degrees below zero, he was not afraid.

 Zhang Yi continued to look through his neighbors' messages in boredom.

 Within these people, there was one person's message that made Zhang Yi care a bit.

 The message sent by Zhou Ke'er was not selling misery or sending private photos, but very calmly wishing to exchange with Zhang Yi.

 "Mr. Zhang, recently, our family is close to running out of food and medicine. I hope you can provide some help, and as a token of appreciation, I can provide you with medical assistance afterward."

 "Zhou Ke'er?"

 Zhang Yi's mind quickly conjured up her appearance.

 A female doctor from the First People's Hospital of Tianhai City, 26 years old, with a slender and tall figure, at least 175 in height.

 What gave Zhang Yi the deepest impression was not her cool ascetic pretty face, but the proud body with 36d.

 Especially when she wore a black sweater in winter, the way she held it up high, every time she met in the elevator, Zhang Yi couldn't help but look twice.

 "Worthy of being a doctor, very sensible. Didn't sell out to me and beg for alms, but rather, you want to trade with me, right?"

 Zhang Yi was more appreciative of Zhou Keer's attitude.

 In the midst of the post-apocalyptic world, only those who had value had the qualification to live.

 And Zhou Ke'er had shown her value, which was her exquisite medical skills.

 After all, it was impossible to enter the First People's Hospital of Tianhai City without a certain level of ability.

 In the midst of the post-apocalyptic world, medical skills, too, were very important skills.

 Although Zhang Yi had prepared a lot of medicines and had been doing his homework in this area during this period of time.

 However, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could cope with all diseases.

 If there was a doctor by his side, it would undoubtedly provide a very great guarantee for his future survival in the doomsday.

 The most crucial thing was that Zhang Yi had examined Zhou Keer's humanity.

 In his previous life, the reason why she died was because she gave food to Xie Lihua.

 Whether she was completely desperate or really kind, at the very least, Zhang Yi saw the light of humanity in her.

 Zhang Yi's left hand was placed at the root of his thigh and adjusted his posture.

 With his other hand resting on his chin, he muttered to himself, "Or else leave her to take care of me, as well as my good brother?"

 "Right now, although I'm living quite comfortably, my brother is living a bit miserably, and that's a problem."

 Zhang Yi was a bloodthirsty young man, and he wouldn't shy away from this aspect of the problem.

 What's more, in the post-apocalyptic world where morality and etiquette were all gone, there was no need for humans to live a life that was too depressing, and it was good to face their desires honestly.


 Zhang Yi suddenly laughed out loud.

 He slapped the armrest and said, "It's really a bit heartwarming, it's only a pity, it's only a pity!"

 He looked up at the ceiling and said leisurely, "I, ah, but I'm very afraid of death. Although Zhou Ke'er is an option to consider, but without a hundred percent certainty of controlling her, there's no way I'll let her in the door."

 "Hey, let's see what happens first!"

 "There will definitely be survivors in the future, buddy we are so good, are we still worried about finding a good doctor and a good woman?"

 Zhang Yi was quite thoughtful, worthy of being a man who had died once.

 He replied to Zhou Keer, "I am very healthy now, there is no need to use a doctor. But I do have a lot of medicines at home, not to mention food."

 "If you want to exchange, at least come up with something that is useful to me right now."

 Who cares what kind of beautiful genius doctor you are, there's no way you can whore me out for nothing!

 When has our Old Zhang ever done a losing deal.

 A long silence fell over there before replying to Zhang Yi.

 "Consider it a prepaid consultation fee, okay? I ... I just can't hold out any longer."

 Zhou Keer's tone carried a few moments of hesitation, and a few moments of shame.

 It could be seen that if she didn't really have no choice, she wouldn't easily pray to a man she didn't know very well.

 After pondering for a moment, Zhang Yi said to her, "I can give you food and medicine. But you also have to do me a favor."

 "What favor?"

 Zhou Keer asked.

 Zhang Yi said, "These neighbors are probably going to make a move on me, so if you know how they want to act, let me know."

 Zhang Yi knew that these crazy neighbors would definitely come to attack his house.

 But he was not afraid.

 When he first built this steel fortress, he had dropped so much money and handpicked many features.

 The purpose, was to wait for this day to come!

 At the moment, his home was like a war fortress with slightly weaker firepower.

 Even if a group of loaded soldiers wanted to break into his home, it was impossible without heavy weapons.

 Not to mention this group of living dead neighbors who had endured starvation and cold for half a month and only had half a breath left.

 He had only made such an offer to find an excuse for Zhou Ke'er.

 And with one more insider, there would ultimately be an extra layer of insurance, allowing him to prepare earlier.