
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 216 - Fight to the Death

 Fatty Xu's suspicions were not unreasonable.

 Not to mention ordinary people, even he was almost killed by that black monster in seconds without adequate preparation.

 And with that kind of size, the amount of food needed is also very huge, at least dozens of times that of an ordinary person.

 Other than eating the people in the school, Fatty Xu couldn't imagine how it had survived so far.

 But Zhang Yi didn't think so.

 "There's one thing you guys just didn't realize."

 "This guy didn't want to hurt us in the beginning."

 Zhang Yi looked at Fatty Xu, "If you hadn't angered it by suddenly striking out at it, perhaps it wouldn't have ended up this way now."

 Fatty Xu was dumbfounded, "Huh? Did I provoke it? But, people were so scared at that time!"

 Zhang Yi recalled the monster's eyes and always felt that it had a spirituality, not like a monster that had completely lost its mind and only knew how to hunt.

 "It's possible that the mutation has raised its intelligence to a very high level, not even weaker than humans."

 "And that call, I did hear Yang Xinxin's voice. It's always impossible that the monster did this."

 He walked up to that huge hole in the ground and looked down.

 The hole in the ground was so large that it was no problem to proceed even in a car.

 And if the monsters needed to pass through, the hole drilled out brought just the right amount of circulating air inside.

 This might be the reason why they were not suffocated.

 Zhang Yi pondered for a long time before making a decision.

 "Let's go, let's go down from here and take a look!"

 "What? Go down from here!"

 Fatty Xu was startled, "What should we do if we run into that monster again? It's its territory down there!"

 Zhang Yi gave Fatty Xu a deep look.

 "Do you want to think about what you're saying again?"

 Fatty Xu was somewhat overwhelmed by Zhang Yi's look.

 Zhang Yi helplessly took a deep breath, "Did you kid forget what your ability is?"

 "You're a fucking Ice and Snow Ability, but you're afraid of fighting in the snow!"

 Fatty Xu suddenly realized.

 "Ah, also oh!"

 With his ability, the more snow and ice there was, the stronger his fighting power would be.

 Even if he went deep into the snow, if that monster dared to attack, he could be buried alive by Fatty Xu with tens of thousands of tons of snow in minutes!

 Fatty Xu scratched his head in embarrassment, "I was a bit scared silly just now, hehehe!"

 Zhang Yi did not criticize him anymore.

 Among the three of them, Fatty Xu had the least amount of combat experience, and he was also the smallest one in terms of guts.

 After experiencing more battles in the future, his strength would become stronger and stronger.

 The strength of one's supernatural ability was not the absolute factor in determining one's combat power.

 Head, guts and even luck were all important parts of strength.

 With Xu Chunlei's ability underpinning them, and with Zhang Yi's absolute defense, and Uncle You as a solid meat shield in place, they were not afraid of meeting that monster underground.

 Zhang Yi put the two snowmobiles into the Other Space, and the three of them leapt down along the cave created by the monster.

 After landing on the ground, they realized that the world underneath the snow was connected in all directions.

 This was the monster's territory, and many passages had long been opened up by it, it was just a bit dark.

 Zhang Yi took out the mining lamp and turned it on, instantly illuminating the distance of hundreds of meters ahead.

 Now, even if the monster wanted to take advantage of the darkness to suddenly attack, it couldn't do so.

 Zhang Yi took out two boxes of colored pencils from the alien space and said, "Let's use this to mark so that we won't get lost underground."

 "But we can't find our way even more underground, what should we do?"

 Xu Chunlei asked.

 Uncle You inhaled and said cautiously, "There is a very strong smell of blood in the air."

 Fatty Xu immediately said, "It should be from that monster! I wonder how many people it has eaten. We have to head towards the passage with less bloody odor."

 Zhang Yi looked at the timid fatty and rolled his eyes helplessly.

 "All three of us are here, and the snowy ground is your home turf, so be bold, will you?"

 "If we really encountered it, it would be the one to run away!"

 Zhang Yi said as he took out a golden pistol from the Other Space and started stuffing bullets inside the magazine without any delay.

 Uncle You recognized the gun type at a glance, "Golden Sand Eagle!"

 "Not bad."

 Zhang Yi said indifferently.

 Desert Eagle, one of the most powerful pistols in the world.

 If one were to talk about killing power, it was ten times more powerful than the police pistol he had used before!

 Without any hesitation, even the famous AK rifle was not as powerful as its kinetic energy.

 The downside was its heavy weight and strong recoil, which the average person couldn't manage.

 With it coupled with armor piercing bullets, it could also cause a considerable amount of killing if it met that monster head on.

 Zhang Yi loaded the bullets and loaded the bullets directly, and said to Uncle You, "Uncle You, you are better at scouting, let's follow that monster's direction forward!"

 "If it wants to feed, it will definitely follow the direction of the living. As long as we follow it, we'll be able to find the location of the living."

 Fatty Xu was still a little scared.

 The strength of his supernormal ability did not make him bold as well.

 "It's not too good in case we encounter it!"

 Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes, "What are you afraid of, we're here! If you really encounter it you can just use ice and snow to trap it."

 "It's fine if it's honest, once it assists in attacking us, then we'll finish it off!"

 As Fatty Xu listened to Zhang Yi's confident words, a feeling of solidity arose in his heart.

 It was so good to have such a big brother to lead him!

 "Uh, okay boss!"

 Uncle You led the way in front by virtue of the smell of blood, while Zhang Yi would tuck his colored pencils inside the snow wall every three or four meters, leaving behind only a small tail.

 This avoided the markers from being discovered by the monsters and thus being destroyed.

 Tianqing Academy Gymnasium.

 The teacher, Liang Yue, had been here for three days with the surviving forty or so students.

 The last time they searched for food was likewise three days ago.

 In other words, everyone in the gymnasium was in a state of hunger.

 For Liang Yue, at this moment, she was caught in the middle of a huge dilemma.

 The monster was all around them, and as long as they showed the slightest crack, it would strike and kill the students as food.

 Liang Yue couldn't leave the students and go searching for food alone.

 But letting the others leave was tantamount to letting them die.

 An ordinary person facing that kind of mutant would be eaten clean in less than a minute.

 If the students were allowed to hide in the closed room, with the thin air under the snow, they would suffocate even if they were not killed by the monster.

 Liang Yue possessed the strength to deal with the monster, but there was no way to bring the students along to search for supplies.

 This was something that they had tried before.

 The result was that the monsters ignored her and directly impacted the students' group, resulting in heavy deaths and injuries.

 Right now, she was holding a Tang sword and guarding the entrance of the gymnasium.

 For three days, the monster hadn't attacked again.

 But the martial artist's directness told her that the monster was nearby.

 "We can't keep on spending like this!"

 Liang Yue opened her eyes and a look of exhaustion flashed in the depths of her eyes.

 For three consecutive days, she had only eaten a little bit of food, and the hunger in her belly made her become restless and anxious.

 If it continued like this, they wouldn't need to wait for the monster to strike before someone would starve to death.

 Liang Yue wanted to protect all the students, this was her accusation as a teacher and special bodyguard.

 But reality was so cruel, forcing you to make sacrifices.