
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 215 - Passage in the Snow

 sudden appearance of the huge monster made Zhang Yi startled.

 However, he quickly adjusted his mind, after all, having experienced life and death many times, his mind had long been hardened like iron.

 However, he unexpectedly found that the monster was not hostile to him.

 Just as Zhang Yi was pondering in his mind, how he should deal with it, Fatty Xu and Uncle You climbed up from the snow pile and wanted to ask Zhang Yi for some ropes to climb down.

 Their appearance drew the monster's gaze.

 When Fatty Xu saw such a big monster, he was so scared that he let out a loud "Wow!" A loud scream.

 Out of instinct, he swung his right hand forward and unleashed his ability.

 Ice and snow were dug up from the snow surface and swept towards the monster!

 Zhang Yi instantly shouted, "Don't!"

 But it was already too late for him to open his mouth, on the snowy ground was Fatty Xu's home turf, and all he needed to launch his attack was a thought.

 Blizzards surged up from the earth, which were mixed with many thick and hard ice, and smashed towards the black monster!

 The monster that was quietly creeping in the snow let out an oozing scream before its figure moved like lightning through the white snow.

 "So fast!"

 Zhang Yi's pupils shrunk violently, the black monster's body was very huge, but stepping on the soft snow and moving, its speed was not slow at all, one could even say that it was as fast as lightning!

 After easily dodging the ice and snow attacks, it rushed towards Fatty Xu!

 The speed of a wild beast was indeed not comparable to humans.

 Without hesitation, Zhang Yi directly covered his entire body with his supernatural energy.

 "Two times speed!"

 Through the enhancement of the Spatial System Ability, his speed could be increased to two times, and only then could he cope with the beast's attack!

 Seeing that the black monster had already rushed to Fatty Xu's front, Zhang Yi's hands held his gun and quickly fired!

 "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

 Bullet casings clattered to the ground, and Zhang Yi did not dare to conserve bullets!

 The black monster was fast, but with the ability of two times speed, Zhang Yi still quickly aimed at it.

 Armor-piercing bullets hit its body with sparks flying everywhere!

 The hard hair was broken a few times, its movements slowed down and it let out even more furious cries, but it didn't look like it was too seriously injured.

 Zhang Yi couldn't help but suck in cold air.

 This was an armor-piercing bullet!

 Surprisingly, it only broke its fur!

 Taking advantage of this gap, Uncle You also rushed over.

 He blocked in front of Fatty Xu, his muscles rapidly gnarled, and even his head grew tens of centimeters taller, turning into a lanky and strong man who stood two meters tall!

 The bronze-colored skin turned into a stone-like yellow, then aimed a punch at the huge monster!


 The punch slammed right into the monster's face, and the strong attack caused a huge dent to appear in the snow beneath Uncle You's feet, and ice and snow erupted into the air!

 The monster's face twisted at almost 90 degrees, and its huge body couldn't help but stagger back a few steps.


 The monster's pupils clenched as it let out a roar of extreme anger.

 Zhang Yi felt that the sound was definitely feline.

 Was it a cat?

 Or was it a lion, tiger or leopard that ran out from the zoo?

 Either way, it was extremely dangerous!

 This was because felines had almost no match under the same size, with the exception of skunks.

 Without hesitation, he directly put away his pistol and replaced it with a large sniper!

 Against this thing, the power of a pistol simply wasn't enough, it had to be a sniper rifle!

 The play of the charge sniper was certainly not as flexible as the pistol, but Zhang Yi's ability could shoot the target without the need for precise aiming.

 In the eyes of the black monster, there were three people in front of him.

 The thick-skinned Uncle You and Xu Chunlei were together, while a dozen meters away was Zhang Yi alone.

 It naturally chose to rush towards Zhang Yi, deciding to take out one first!

 Zhang Yi raised his gun and shot with nimble hands and feet.


 The roar of the big gun was deafening, and the bullets wrapped in supernatural energy made this power even better!

 The black monster sensed the danger and quickly dodged, but its speed was no faster than the alien energy-enhanced sniper bullet!


 It was shot in the cheek, and the two rows of steel needles were directly shattered, blood splattering!

 The black monster was enraged and suddenly curled up its body on the snowy ground, turning into a large round ball covered in steel spikes and crushed towards Zhang Yi.

 "Holy shit!"

 Zhang Yi could not imagine that this monster would still play like this!


 The huge ball of thorns crushed towards Zhang Yi, and the snow shattered into deep cracks.

 Zhang Yi's speed was absolutely unable to dodge it.

 However, he had no reason to dodge it either.

 "Gate of Dimension, open!"

 Zhang Yi opened the doorway to the same direction of the other dimension directly in front of himself.

 Although offense was of great interest to him, defense was even his strong point!

 As long as you entered the Other Dimension, no matter what kind of creature you were you would be bound by the static world and slowly simmer until you died!


 The black monster sensed the aura of danger.

 The creature's awareness of crisis was far greater than that of humans.

 The huge spiky ball made a sharp turn in the air before rushing hundreds of meters away.

 "F*ck, what a pity!"

 It was so close that Zhang Yi could have caught this guy.

 He also wanted to study how this mutated creature was different from a mutant.

 Xu Chunlei and Uncle You rushed over and stood with Zhang Yi, their eyes cautiously staring at the black monster.

 Zhang Yi held up the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed at it as well.

 However, Zhang Yi didn't fire, while the black monster screamed mournfully twice towards this side, the sound was so unpleasant that the three people wanted to cover their ears.

 "It seems ... to be cursing?"

 "And the cursing is very unpleasant."

 A speechless expression appeared on the faces of several people.

 The black monster didn't attack again, it also realized that these three people in front of it weren't to be messed with.

 So it cautiously backed up step by step, then suddenly turned its head and ran towards the back.

 Shortly afterward, it unexpectedly and abruptly disappeared into the snow.

 "Eh? Where did it go?"

 Uncle You looked dumbfounded.

 Such a big monster, but it disappeared in front of his eyes all of a sudden?

 Fatty Xu said in shock, "Is it hard to believe that it also masters the spatial faculty's supernatural ability?"

 Zhang Yi slowly lowered the gun in his hand and said, "It doesn't look like it. If it had this ability, it should have used it just now."

 Zhang Yi was very mindful of spatial anomalies, and he could feel that the guy had already run away.

 The few people carefully walked to the place where the black monster had disappeared.

 Sure enough, they found a huge cave in the snow that led all the way to the depths of the snow.

 "So there is a hole in the ground!"

 Uncle You said.

 "With this thing around, I'm afraid it will be troublesome for us to find someone."

 Fatty Xu clasped his hands to his chest with a serious face, "But if this monster has been around all this time, there shouldn't be any living people in the school!"

 "Brother Zhang, is the information you got really accurate?"