

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 3: Abducted Son (5)

Previously when Kinzo tried to trace Ronin's location he had failed. It's actually Ryuen's faction who was tracing the location. Kinzo was just leading the community indirectly. Ryuen's faction traced a location and sent that location to Attacking Factions of the community. Which lead those attacking factions to attack at the location while believing that the enemies were in that factory. But they had failed. They didn't found a single clue related to the enemies. Except they had heard a blast and found broken phones.

In reality Ronin played them here. He had made sets up to use as a negotiation method to talk with Kinzo. His set up was placed in a way that made that traced location a smoke. Under this smoke Ronin and his teammates real location was hidden.

Kinzo had understood this very clearly. He couldn't ignore the fact that his enemies were clearly clever and cunning.

Ryuen's faction was also in a mess. Harris the great detective suddenly broke the commotion and said ,

" I finally figured it out ."

Tom , Carter and Jim asked

" What did you figure ?"

" The trick behind the smoke."

Tom was curious. Tom was a politician in outside world. Inside he was a member of Killer Community. Thus it's easy for him to use his political power in this case.

Every dirty politicians has their own team of university and college students.

Here Tom had his sub ordinates who were also a part of politics. They were just below Tom's position. The children of those sub ordinates were also a quasi politician. When their father would rule the political world, their children would rule the school, college and universities.

Every other students were afraid of them due to their identity being a childern of politicians.

Thus Tom can indirectly control those versity students and college students.

So here Tom used his political power to alert all the students. Those students were under the power of the children of the politicians whose fathers were sub ordinates of Tom.

That's why Tom was assigned. Although it's useless. Because Ronin's hideout was in such a place that no one would imagine.

On the other hand

Another faction of Killer community who was basically an intellectual faction of the community was directly investigating the case from school.

This Faction's name was Kenji's Faction. The main lead is Kenji. A guy with red short hair, tall in size . He had plain facial structure and his eyes were dark. He had brown skin and he was the top intellect of East Jianx. He was assigned to investigate the matter from the roots.

So, first he had gone to the school where Chico , the son of Kinzo studies.

There were two surveillance cameras over the gate and many inside the school where festival was going on.

The festival was still going on and didn't stop.

So Kenji had to investigate it during the festival. Kenji's Faction had only two extra members.

One is Gaya, who was expert in devices and hackings.

Another was Robin who was a big great muscular man with 7 feet in height. He was huge. He was tall at first. At the same time he had a body of a giant. Because of his muscular arms, shoulders, legs, chest he would look like a hulk. On top of that he takes regular doses of steroids. Moreover Robin had military training and he was one of the top commanders of his batch. Robin was mainly assigned for Kenji and Gaya's protection.

Gaya was a girl with slim body , attractive facial structure, a little bit taller than average woman. She is mainly Kenji's girlfriend. They had a great chemistry since childhood. Which ended up in a lover like relationship when they both turned 19. They were now 25 by age. A bit younger than Ronin. But Kenji had a great advantage. An advantage which puts Kenji a bit higher than Ronin. Kenji was mainly a member of Killer community. So, he would definitely perform various types of crimes. On the other hand he was also a detective to outsider. He had also solved numerous cases and problems and he was one of the greatest detectives in East Jianx. His reputation even surpasses the likes of Aiden .

So to the outside world Kenji was solving another case . The Ramp Force of East Jianx was also a fond of this guy just like the Ramp Force of Central Jianx depends on Aiden.

It was actually Kinzo's move to involve Kenji even though he was already using Ryuen. Why Kenji did that ??

Because Kenji thought that his enemies would attack Kinzo's reputation like this ,

" Kinzo's son is kidnapped and he didn't even take any step to rescue his son " .

Kinzo knew how important the reputation was. He couldn't risk it rather he would protect it with his life. By reputation one can alone win against an entire army. But once it slips he will be attacked from all sides. A popular strategy is to learn to protect your own reputation and then attack your enemies holes in their own reputation.

Right now even if his enemies spread this rumour

" Kinzo's son is kidnapped and he didn't take any step "

Kinzo could easily counter by saying that he had hired the best detective of East Jianx named Kenji to handle the case.

This would be the best counter in this situation.

He would also be able to control his wife via this methods.

Otherwise his enemies would get an opening to indirectly manipulate his wife against him.

Also Kinzo had another advantage which was the real identity of Kenji.

In conclusion, Kenji would both protect Kinzo's reputation and solve the case in the fastes way possible.

Kinzo didn't report it to East Jianx Ramp Force yet. But East Jianx Ramp Force was aware of this via Kenji.

As Kenji was the best detective of East Jianx, Ramp Force would help him too.

On top of that, The Ramp Force easily understood why Kinzo didn't report it to them at first.

It was a kidnap case. So, from Ramp Force member's POV ' they thought that Kinzo was afraid that the kidnappers would kill his son that's why Kinzo didn't report it to Ramp Force as the kidnappers would easily get this information. Thus Kinzo reported it to Kenji and Kenji brought the matter to Ramp Force in order to get extra support. '

Kenji was a member of Killer Community so he definitely knew the dark side of Kinzo. But Kenji himself wasn't any saint.

Kenji first started investigating the school. He forbade Ramp Force to take any actions yet . Because this might alert the enemies. Also Kenji was a private detective. So he was sure that no one would suspect him to a point that they would think Kenji was investigating the abduction of Kinzo's son.

From the video footage Kenji easily figured it out that the enemy was at around

5 feet 11 or 10 inches. Even though Ronin was using disguise at that time, he had wore a few extra modified shoes which would increase his heights to around 6 feet 3 or 4 inches.

Kinzo was much taller than that. But because humans are flawed and they don't have machines in their eyes they couldn't guess the height just by looking at him.

So, when Ronin disguised himself as Kinzo and disguised the height too, no was able to suspect that this might be a disguised person.

But Kenji's observation had come in handy . By looking at the hands of Ronin he was able to guess the height. How ?

Even if Ronin deceived his height Ronin couldn't increase the size of his forearms and shoulders.

Kenji was well aware of Kinzo's physique because of his inhuman observation. Thus he was able to estimate a height of the enemy.

Then he looked at outside of the school.

According to the surveillance cameras of outside the school, the enemy took Chico in the left side of the school gate.

The range of the school camera didn't reach there. Also a bit far at the left side of the school gate there was no surveillance cameras. So, Kenji couldn't find the trace of the car the enemy took.

He then asked the Rapid Force officer if he saw anything related to the case.

That officer said that he was in toilet at that time. That officer also told that during the festival a mam would always stand besides the gate observing the events.

Then Kenji asked that mam but she said she also didn't see anything except a few cars and a few vans.

Kenji asked the mam if she could remember those transporters but she replied in negative.

Then Kenji understood that the culprit did this in a perfect time when no one was looking.

But Kenji was doubtful about one thing.

";Didn't Chico have no way to suspect the disguised Kinzo ?? "

This question had arrived into Kenji's head. But this question wasn't also ignored by Ronin. That's why Ronin used that Unthinkable Drug at the moment he met Chico, making Chico unable to think critically.

By this Ronin's kidnapping went thoroughly and smoothly.

But Kenji wasn't fool.

Kenji got the time stamp when Chico got out of the school. And then started looking at the other surveillance camera's footages.

Why ??

Kenji's reasoning was : Even if the enemy placed his transporter into a place where there were no camera but there were total three different roads . He would definitely use one of these three roads to drive and pass. And these three roads have surveillance cameras. By observing he could identify a few transporter which possibly had taken Chico .

/////// /////// ///// ////////

Ronin and his friends were chilling. They were making preparations for second call.

Ronin had made set ups for negotiation. The set up was definitely costly. It's not like Ronin could make this set ups any time.

After setting things up,

Ronin neee three phones total in order to negotiate just one time.

Previously when Ronin had called Kinzo, Ronin was using total three phones. Among them two were already destroyed because the Killer community's faction had ambushed the disguised location. Or simply the smoke Ronin set up.

So, if the enemy makes any move , Ronin will lost two phones after every negotiation.

Ronin had bought total 20 phones for 10 negotiations. And one phone was his personal which he would use to talk. In total, the set up needed 21 phones.

Now one could say Ronin could have bought an Untraceable Line 3 .

But the market prize was 20x (21 phones) . This huge prize was already unbearable for Ronin.

Because Ronin and his faction couldn't manage to buy the Untraceable Line 3 he had made this set up.

/////// //////// ///////////

December 22,2077

Almost three days had passed since Chico was kidnapped.

No second call came.

Harris was studying the collected details.

Tom was using his political influence to search here and there secretly to get information on the kidnappers.

Kinzo was controlling the whole situation inside his house as well as confronting his wife Sara.

Carter and Jim were busy with location tracing.

Barrett was watching and patrolling the area of the house.

Kenji's investigation was going on. Kenji believed that no matter how sharp the criminals were he would definitely make a mistake.

After about a few hours, Kenji came to Kinzo's house.

Kinzo saw Kenji and he was little overjoyed.

Because Kinzo was aware of Kenji's potential on this field.

After seeing Kenji, Ryuen immediately ordered his faction mates to give a copy of the details to Kenji. Because of the well coordination between the factions of Killer Community, the whole community had been benefitted countless times. This was different from other communities. In most of other communities, factions had internal conflicts with each other.

Ronin's faction and David's faction were an example.

David's faction was the faction which was killed by Pentak during the Golden Pen challenge.

In case of Killer community, every members had good coordination and they were aware of each others abilities.

Ryuen wasn't unaware of Kenji's abilities.

So he gave a copy of the negotiation of

19 December,2077. The negotiation which happened between Kinzo and the kidnappers.

Harris was still unaware and couldn't deduct anything from the given clues.

Kenji took the copy and sat in a sofa.

At that time Kinzo came ,

" What's up Kenji ?"

" Well "

" How's the investigation is going ?"

" Not very smooth. The criminal had truly been planning all these for a long time."

" So it's an old enemy ?"

" No I think. If this enemy was one of those enemies from the list you've given, he would already exposed the secrets of your Hotel."

Kenji was indicating Kinzo's hotels which was secretly a centre of prostitution. Kinzo gets a lot of money from that hotel. Apart from that, Kinzo had a list of his old enemies and new enemies.

Among the enemies from old enemy list, there were a lot who knew about the dirty secrets of the hotel.

On the other hand, new enemies were unaware of the dirty secrets.

Kenji used that information and thought that if the enemy was an old enemy from that list he would already exposed Kinzo's dirty secrets.

This was a bold move from the enemies.

Because this secret would make Kinzo a criminal. Also this would heavily attack Kinzo's reputation.

Powerful people would always try to remain mysterious and unfathomable. Kinzo already had a lot of secrets recesses that he would never reveal. This unknowable information of Kinzo would prove disturbing to other people as they wouldn't be able to judge Kinzo.

But when this secret would be exposed, people would be like hungry dogs to attack Kinzo's flesh to take him down.

Kinzo's other enemies would find numerous opportunities to take head of Kinzo in this situation.

When the reputation will be gone, even the servent won't follow the master.

This was the consequences of those secrets. But Kinzo had already silanced those old enemies who were aware of the secret.

As for the new enemies, none of them knew these secrets.

How the list determined the new and old enemies ??

Simple. Old enemies were those who knew Kinzo for about 5 or more years. And new enemies were those who knew Kinzo for about 3 to 5 months.

How Kinzo knew they were enemies ?

For the old enemies it was quite simple and straight.

For new enemies, it was dependent on these two factors.

1) Kinzo had caused pain others indirectly and directly.

2) Other had caused pain Kinzo indirectly and directly.

Depending on the situation, by these factors, Kinzo had collected the identity of those people. Among those people, only the rich, influential and powerful people were added in the "New enemies list" as the

" Least Possible Enemy".

In this list, Ronin's name wasn't included. No one from Kinzo's side knew Ronin. Ronin's Faction was entirely new enemy to Kinzo. So , Kinzo and his team didn't have any clue on them.

But based on the earlier information related to old enemies and new enemies, Kenji had estimated that this enemy was new.

In simple here is Kenji's thought process:

Premises 1 : There was a list of old and new enemies of Kinzo.

Premises 2 : Old enemies knew Kinzo's secrets

Premises 3 : New enemies didn't know Kinzo's secrets.

Premises 4 : Kinzo's secrets weren't exposed yet .

Conclusion : The enemies weren't old. Instead they were from the new enemy list. As new enemies didn't know the secrets. If this was old enemy he would have already attacked Kinzo's reputation by exposing the secret which had a huge consequences.

That's why Kenji denied when Kinzo asked him about an old enemy.