

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 3: Abducted Son (4)

December 19, 2077

Immediately after Ronin explained everything Kai had went out of the house according to Ronin's plan. All of them were hiding inside a house which was rented away before and the house was in a place nobody would suspect that a child was being held there. No one even saw . Ronin disguised as Kinzo simply came and took away Chico in the van by giving him Unthinkable Drug . Unthinkable Drug is a powerful type of drug which directly attacks the brain and lower its cognitive abilities, thoughts etc.

Thoughts are made from brain. In other words, Brain is the origin of thoughts. Humans create uncountable thoughts in a whole day. These thoughts sometimes connect with each other and form new thoughts. But when someone's brain, the origin of thoughts is in total chaos, the result would come in a negative way for the thinker as he or she wouldn't be able to think properly. For example, extremely sleeping state where a person who didn't sleep for several days lose a bit or more of his thinking power.

This Unthinkable Drug is works like this. It can be used in any form such as liquid or gas or solid. Ronin used gas form to attack Chico's thinking and cognitive abilities while taking him in the van. That's why Chico was unable to say anything or think properly. Otherwise he would have said something about the van. Because Chico was aware about his father's cars . But as a effect of the drug, Chico wasn't able to think properly as it's the main purpose of the drug. Such as Truth Serum has it's objective to get truths from Criminals head. Truth Serum also attacks person's subconscious and conscious mind. As a result criminals nearly loses their conscience mind and they don't even aware that they were being asked questions. All the answers which were put in their subconscious mind come out of subconscious mind without their awareness.

The same way Unthinkable Drug has it's effects on the victim and therefore the victim becomes unable to think properly or unable to perform critical thinking.

All the drugs have an antidote. While using the Unthinkable Drug, Ronin had put himself the antidote and sprayed the drug by maintaining the distance with teachers when he had kidnapped Chico. Even if the teacher had noticed it would have been too late to catch Ronin at that time.

Ronin also planned the routes he would choose after taking Chico in his Van.

That's how he was able to kidnap Chico and Ronin was also planning to use this drug named as Unthinkable Drug in an efficient way against Kinzo and his team. Ronin had made a good set up to negotiate with Kinzo which would lead Kinzo to become unable to trace his location.

As the previous chapter stated, Killer community was heading towards the destination they had traced.

Total three cars were running towards the location. Kai was far from the location as he had went out according to Ronin's instructions. He had used a binocular to see around the location.

The three cars had reached the location. The location they had traced was an old abandoned small factory full of rusts and dusts . The glasses were broken.

AK faction , P01 Faction and M4 Faction all these were attacking Factions of Killer community. Three cars meant three factions. All these spent their resources to attack the location.

From three big cars total 18 members came out.

6 members each factions. A member from AK faction said ,

" According to the location it would be inside this factory"

What that member said was indeed true. Because Carter and Jim had traced the location two times. One was first trial and second was refreshing process. Both times the location was same. Why ? Because they , Ryuen's faction was using Tier 2 Tracing Pad. Which was much more powerful than Untraceable Line 2 . Meant numbers that were protected by Untraceable Line 2 can be traced by Tier 2 Tracing Pad. Comparing to that tracing an unknown call was child's play. And the location was accurate.

A member from M4 Faction said ,

" Everyone get into formation"

As per his command 6 members from three different factions had started to run besides the factory. They were holding Ak47 in their hands. Some were holding hand pistols and some were holding Uzi. The dress code of three factions were different.

AK faction was wearing Red colour dress.

M4 faction was wearing Black colour dress.

P01 faction was wearing yellow colour dress.

AK faction had taken their place behind the broken glasses of the factory.

P01 faction had thrown a smoke bomb inside the factory and M4 faction was wearing special goggles which would help them to see through the smokes.

The entire situation was completely tactical.

As M4 faction entered through the front gate, P01 faction had taken the outer stairs to get in the second floor of the factory and attack from inside.

Kai saw all these far away through his binoculars.

Kai said Ronin through the mini calls ,

" Ronin they have entered."

" Shit, that's too fast."

" They were even able to trace the locations perfectly. "

" Yeah. It's no big deal for them."

Ronin was calm as water as he said that. His eyes were giving ice cold aura.

Kai asked , " What should we do then ?"

" Click the button and just sit ahead. Enjoy the show."

Kai did as Ronin told.

Kai had clicked a button of a remote . In the factory the ambush was still ongoing. Suddenly M4 faction members had heard a sound .

" Tskkk!"

The sound wasn't too loud . But the sound wasn't either too quite. Through the goggles they had witnessed this little blast with their eyes. They had alerted themselves.

On the outer second floor, P01 faction was moving and soon they had entered into the factory through the broken glasses. Basically there was no floor in the second. Only route of waking and working was in the second floor. Meant that inside this factory, first floor and second floor were connected through muiltiple stairs made workers easy to walk and work. So, P01 faction could clearly see the ground floor and attack from all direction.

AK faction had also entered the factory from behind. They were wearing special goggles too so that they could see through the smokes.

After an amount of time, all they had found was the blast places and two broken phones.

They were dumb founded.

Ryuen's faction had received the news.

" How can this be ?"

" We've investigated the whole factory and we didn't even find a clue related to Chico and the kidnappers. All we heard was a sound of a blast. "

" But the location was perfectly traced. How can this be ?"

" I don't know sir. Let us know the new informations. We will take action based on that."

After saying this the member of AK faction had cut the call.

Ryuen was frustrated. He couldn't believe what he had seen through his eyes.

Carter and Jim were also dump founded.

" How is this possible??"

" We had traced the location perfectly, all our input was perfect."

" It's entirely impossible. Even if they changed the location after calling how can they be so fast ??"

" And why attacking factions couldn't even manage to find a single clue ?? That's entirely out of head !!!"

Jim , Carter and Tom three of them were in utter shock. Harris who was a detective seeing the scean in shock too.

But how was that possible ??

Ronin's faction was using Untraceable Line 1.

Ryuen's faction was using Tier 2 Tracing Pad.

Tier 2 Tracing Pad , a device for tracing locations of a specific number. When the number is input it can trace the correct location of that number.

If the number is being protected by Untraceable Line 1, this Tier 2 Tracing Pad can pierce the defense of the Untraceable Line 1 and track the correct location of that number.

If the number is being protected by Untraceable Line 2, the Tier 2 Tracing Pad still can track the correct location of the number by breaking the defense system of Untraceable Line 2.

When Untraceable Line 2 could defense itself from Tier 2 Tracing Pad how Ronin's faction was able to defend their location only by using Untraceable Line 1 ??

Harris who was a member of Ryuen's faction suddenly spoke ,

" The location we have traced was definitely correct. Otherwise why the location didn't change after we had refreshed the process ?"

Barrett said , " Well, use your deduction skills and find the truth."

Even after knowing all these Kinzo was calm . He didn't lose his composure. He knew the enemies were definitely using a trick . A trick which can hide the their locations clearly.

Kinzo was thinking calmly like a clean surfaced water.

" There is a law of power which is to conceal your actions and intentions. The enemies are clearly using this law with proper set up."

Then Kinzo looked at the disparate Ryuen's faction.

" They didn't get it yet. The location they traced was correct indeed. But in reality this location was just a smoke. Deception is one of the best strategies. In order to deceive someone , he has to create a screen of smokes full of lies and tricks to misdirect his enemies into a fake reality. Under that fake reality his real actions and motives are concealed. Only a person with high foresight can see through this smoke full of tricks and expose his concealed intentions and actions. "

" Using smokes to disguise your actions

Well played "

Kinzo didn't took time to understand the situation. He was obviously an experienced person.

Soon Ryuen's faction had understood that their enemies also known as Ronin's faction were using a trick. A trick which can even make Tier 2 Tracing Pad useless.

This trick worked as a smoke to misdirect the Killer community to a location where Ronin's faction wasn't even present. Eventually this smoke full of tricks concealed Ronin's real location. On the other hand the location Ryuen's faction traced wasn't the correct location of Ronin's faction. But that location was indeed correct location of the unknown number. Meaning the unknown call definitely came from this factory but this factory wasn't the real location of Ronin's faction .

How is this possible ?

How can some make a call and talk for a minute through that phone without even using that phone ?

This unknown number was also a part of the smoke Ronin had created.

Under this smoke, under this trick, the reason why Ryuen's faction wasn't able to find the location and Ronin's real location were concealed.