

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 3: Abducted Son (6)

After Kenji's explaination to Kinzo,

Kinzo started to make more precautions related to the case.

One more thing that Kinzo didn't miss was the demand.

Kenji's investigation wasn't itself making any progress.

Tom's political powers weren't any use. Why ??

When Kenji himself as a detective wasn't able to find proper clues,

How's students could investigate this ?

Students were the power of Tom.

Mainly Tom was a politician individual and he had a great position. Under him, there were numerous sub ordinates. And the children of those sub ordinates were well known in their respective educational institution. Their children being the blood of a politician got the power . Thus Tom indirectly had the student power and used this to find clues on Chico's location. But Tom didn't expect too much from the students either. Why ?

Because students were inexperienced in this types of criminal activities. And students were also clueless about where to start searching.

Even knowing this with little hope Tom made this move to support Kinzo.

As for other members from Ryuen's faction, Harris himself was dump founded. He couldn't figure out anything by himself.

Carter and Jim were waiting for next call.

Ryuen was the head of the faction yet he was proving himself as the most useless person.

That's how deep Ronin had attacked this time.

But Ronin had one great obstacle. Which was Kenji.

Even though Ronin was aware of Kinzo's demonic nature Ronin didn't know Kinzo's hotel secrets and other of his demonic works. This was a gap on Ronin's knowledge. Rather it's Kinzo's ability which helped him to hide his secrets.

Ronin also counted a possibility where Kinzo would abandon his own son Chico.

After all of these events, Kinzo was still calm. Not a trace of tension or anxiety was covering his face. He was sitting on his study table and wondering the events one by one and trying to come up with a perfect decision in this moment. Besides him Kenji was lying on the sofa. Both of them were in Kinzo's study room. Others were in the middle of the house and investigating the process. Right now there was an information only Kinzo and Kenji knew on that house. That's why Kinzo only told Kenji to come inside of his study room. After a bit of silence, Kinzo had broken it. A conversation took place between Kinzo and Kenji.

According to their conversation Chico was Kinzo's best portion. Kinzo had so many plans regarding Chico. Even the very purpose of marrying Sara was the goal to get a product which would be useful to Kinzo's plans. Kinzo had high foresight too and his plans weren't limited to just having a family, controlling a business and a hotel, controlling a community.

Indeed Kinzo had far greater plans for this. And right now the worst obstacle Kinzo had to face was this.

Kinzo's original plan was related to the demands of Ronin.

Previously Ronin had demanded two things from Kinzo. Which were the Ring of Tutan and the Ring of Red Diamond .

These two rings were one of the two items from the list of Ronin which was mentioned in the chapter "Journey to the East" . Also the same list was in Aiden's hand too. Aiden got the list from his cousin brother named Conan. Conan held a very powerful position in government. Thus he knew some secrets even Aiden didn't know.

From the list Black Orb was already stolen. So total 7 items were left. Among the seven items, two were in Kinzo's possession. Those two items were nothing but the rings Ronin had demanded.

The ring of Tutan and the ring of Red Diamond.

Just as Ronin had eye on these two rings , Kinzo also had his eye on these two rings. Not only this, Kinzo was also aware of all the 8 items.

Indeed Kinzo and Ronin had the same objectives.

They had the same goal. But here is a thing. The enemy didn't know that Kinzo was aware of the 8 items. But Kinzo who had just received enemy's demand was aware of the fact that his enemy knew the secret of 8 items.

In other words, the enemy made a mistake . The enemy instead of demanding a lot of items including the rings to make it look like a normal heist, he directly demanded the two rings.

So, this basically made Kinzo think that the enemy was aware of the 8 item secret. Otherwise why would the enemy only demand the two rings among the 8 items out of the vast wealth Kinzo had ??

This same information was also given to Kenji. Along with this, Kenji , Jack ( the leader of Killer community) and Kinzo were all aware that their enemy also knew the secret.

Because of this prospective, Kinzo's goal was also killing the unknown threat who knew the secret.

From the first negotiation between them , when Kinzo had asked "Why only those two rings ?"

the enemy had said to Kinzo , "That's none of your businesses. I'll give you three days to think over this. If you don't, you know , you'll never get to see your son ."

That's why it was completely clear as crystal to Kinzo that their enemy wasn't aware of the fact that Kinzo and others knew the 8 item secret.

As Kinzo's goal was clear which was to kill the unknown threat it didn't matter whether Kinzo abandoned his son or not. What mattered was to kill him.

First day during the conversation Kinzo didn't realise all these. But after a few moments Kinzo had realised all these and finally convinced that he couldn't let go of this unknown threat who knew the secret of 8 items. It was no longer a matter related to Chico.

Instead it was a direct battle between Kinzo and Ronin.

After a few minutes of conversation, Kenji suddenly spoke as he had finished reading the details of 19 December,2077 . Those details were related to the first negotiation and every actions of Ryuen's faction.

Kenji told , " Good thing is that I've figured out the trick of the enemy?"

" Go ahead and tell ."

" Here, I'll explain thoroughly.

So, First you got a call from the enemy. Then Ryuen's faction started to trace the enemy's location. But after tracing the real and correct location the attacking factions such as AK, M4 and P01 factions didn't find any clue or anything related to the enemy's existence except two broken phones. Also the phones were broken by the blast they had heard. It was a small blast according to the narrative of the attacking factions.

So, here are the premises.

Premises 1 : You got a call.

Premises 2 : you took time to make it easier for Ryuen's faction to trace the location.

Premises 3 : When someone uses a number and protects it using Untraceable Line devices , that number has to be traced by Tracing Pads .

Premises 4 : Enemies will definitely use Untraceable Line for the negotiation otherwise it would reveal their location.

Premises 5 : If someone is using low tier Tracing Pad , he can't break the defense of High Tier Untraceable Line. So, when he traces that number, the location of the number will keep changing after refreshing each time, giving an incorrect and fake location.

Premises 6 : If someone is using High tier Tracing Pads , he can break the defense of low tier Untraceable Line . So, in first try he will get the correct and real location which won't change even after refreshing the process everytime.

Premises 7 : Ryuen's faction traced the location in first try.

Premises 8 : You had continued the negotiation in order to buy time so that Ryuen's faction can refresh the process again.

Premises 9 : Ryuen's faction again traced the location and it was the same location which was traced in first trial.

Conclusion 1 : The location Ryuen's faction first traced wasn't fake and incorrect. The location was indeed correct as it doesn't contradict premises 6 instead it supports the information of premises 6 .

Premises 10 : Attacking Factions went to the location and found two broken phones.

Premises 11 : According to conclusion 1 the location was correct. According to premises 10 it can be said that the enemy was using one of those two phones in order to negotiate with you.

Premises 12 : Ryuen's faction traced one of those two broken phones found in factory.

Conclusion 2 : The location Ryuen's faction traced was one of the broken phone's location. Not the enemy's location. So, it didn't matter whether the enemy was using any kind of Untraceable Line or not. At the end Ryuen's faction only traced a phone not the enemy's location and that phone worked as the smoke which hid the real and correct location of the enemy.

Premises 13 : The enemy was talking with you entire time.

Premises 14 : Attacking Factions didn't find any clue related to anyone coming or leaving the factory recently.

Premises 15 : According to conclusion 2 , Ryuen's faction only traced the phone number not the enemy location. In other words the traced phone and the correct location were two different locations.

Conclusion 3 : According to premises 15 traced phone and enemy's location were different. And according to premises 14 Attacking Factions didn't find any clue related to anyone leaving or coming inside the factory recently. That means their set up was done way before and the enemy's partner instantly left the place after calling you for negotiation. Which resulted in Attacking Factions finding no clue as they were too late considering Enemy's partner left that place after setting this up way earlier.

Conclusion 4 : According to premises 15 it can be said that the enemy was talking with you using the same phone which was traced without being presented on the factory. Or you can say the enemy used the phone without using the phone.

Premises 16 : There were two phones .

Premises 17 : The enemy's voice was coming to you clearly.

Premises 18 : Enemy's voice stopped coming for about 6 seconds after he said "Bye" .

Premises 19 : Then you had cut the call immediately.

Conclusion 5 : Enemy wasn't able to cut the call. Even if he was his partner would have to enter the factory and destroy the set up or his partner had to blast the set up. The first method had risks as Attacking Factions were heading towards the location. According to conclusion 4 the enemy wasn't present in the factory. That's why he was unable to cut the call and at the end you're the one who had cut the call.

Now if the enemy was unable to cut the call as he was absent in the factory he might use something else to transmit his voice into your ear. Otherwise the negotiation wouldn't happen.

Premises 20 : There were two broken phones.

Conclusion 6 : The second phone was the phone which had transmitted the enemy's voice to the first phone. And the first phone transmitted the same voice into your phone.

That was the trick behind their scheme. Third class trick to be honest.

In simple, the enemy was using total 3 phones.

Enemy's partner had gone to the factory with the two phones. With the first phone he had dialed your number. With the second phone he had dialed the enemy's number. Then left the location instantly.

So the location Ryuen's Faction traced was the first phone's location. Where in reality, only the voice of the enemy was coming into your ear from another phone. It's not the enemy who was talking using the first phone.

Hopefully you understand.

The whole set up didn't even need any type of Untraceable Line devices. "

Kinzo listened everything. Although he was expressionless and Kenji called it a third class trick, in mind Kinzo was appreciating the set up.

Kenji continued , " But this set up has a lot of flaws."

" Like ?"

Kinzo asked with curiosity.

But all he saw was a curled up smile of Kenji.

Kenji replied , " I'll tell you soon. But why would an enemy use such a set up ?"

" Simple. They can't afford high Tier Untraceable Line devices. Our team uses Tier 2 Tracing Pad. The enemy feared that we might have powerful devices compared to them . The reasoning was simple. I was rich enough to buy this types of device. But the enemy wasn't rich enough to buy high tier Untraceable Line. Thus the enemy had assumed that we had High Tier Tracing Pad which was true . As the enemy could afford high tier Untraceable Line , he did this set up .We both know Untraceable Line 3 which can break defenses of Tier 2 Tracing Pad is lot expensive than phones. It's easier to buy cheep phones than buying Untraceable Line 3."

" You're correct Kinzo. This conclusion will lead us to the flaw of this set up."

Both Kinzo and Kenji smiled looking at each other as they both understood the reasoning behind Kenji's words.