

Casabella's POV

It's been two weeks and in those moments, Jace has always been coming over to spend some time with Lora and Annie also trying to get close to me but I don't give him that look he can just come from nowhere and say he wants to be my friend.

Even if I want to make friends, I don't make friends with my enemy's friend.

It's not like he's not a good man, he is but I just don't seem to know him much and the second problem is Lora and Annie.

They don't want me to get close to him and are always watching me closely to see if I have any interest in him. They believe he's in love with me with the way he acts when he sees me, which they have also noticed.

How could he just fall in love with someone like me who was rude to him in the first place? I don't know and I even fall in love with him or any man just yet.

I still have a long way to go with a lot of things. I have my own problems to face with my uncle and also get my possession back and enjoy my life then think of having a man afterwards.

I wish all my prayers will be fulfilled soon so I can live like a full grown woman, not some kind of weakling struggling to live her life.

"Hey! Jace, wants to see you. I don't know why he's so bothered to always see you each time he comes over to see us." Annie stated, standing in the kitchen doorway.

"That shouldn't be my problem. Why don't you just ask him yourself?" I snapped, dropping the plate on my hand in the rack.

"It's useless because I've seen it in his eyes. You've used your witch spell to tame him into falling in love with you."

"I'm glad you think I used a witch spell to tame him. Do you know it was my beauty that caught his attention? Of course you won't, because you have no idea how my beauty can make a man trip crazily for me."

"I don't care."

"That's so bad. I know how you feel when no one gets to admire you or even fall in love with you."

"Don't think because you're beautiful, you can just use it to riddle me. I know I'm good looking in my own way also I got men tripping all over me so save your words."

"I ain't stupid to believe what you just claimed. You have no one and no one will praise someone who looks so ugly and skinny like a sickle cell patient." I mentioned.

"Why do you always get on my nerves? Are you spying on my activities?" She raved.

"I'll continue to do so until you know your place with me and more over, you were so stupid to spill the truth to me through your facial expression."

"To hell with you!" She growled and walked out.

You have no idea what I will show you and your bitchy mother. I will make sure I make you both regret everything you both have done to me dearly.

I left the dishes and headed to the living room to see Lora, Annie and Jace discussing but when they saw me they stopped.

"What could he possibly want to see me for?" I mumbled to myself.

"Hey Casabella, how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good. Good morning"

"Good morning. I hope I didn't disturb you?"

"Not really."

"That's great. I got you something, please don't say no. Here you go." He persuaded me, handing a shopping bag to me.

"But..." I was trying to say a word when Lora cut in.

"Accept it from him. It's nothing bad to receive a gift from someone who is close to our family. I don't mind." She uttered, sounding irritated by my presence.

Is this woman really serious or plotting something evil on her head? She clearly doesn't want him to associate with me or even get close to him so why the sudden change of attitude. I'm sure she's up to something which I must find out fast before she accomplishes her aim.

"Thank you." I managed to utter and took the shopping bag from him.

"You're most welcome. Why don't you check it out?"

"I don't feel comfortable here but I'll check it out later in my room. Thanks once again."

"Come on, it's not something to be uncomfortable about. You can check it out." He insisted while Lora and Annie were just throwing daggers at me.

I opened the shopping bag and pulled out a red lace long off shoulder dress. This is an expensive dress but why would he get me this? I thought, lost in my mind but his words revived me back.

"How's it? Do you like it? You can also check the shoe if it fits with the dress." He asked, smiling.

I check out the dress again which has a fine line cutting at the knees and check the bag again to see a black heels and a purse.

I looked up to see him still smiling while Lora's eyes were bloodshot while Annie gasped in shock.

He just got me into trouble by giving me all these. Both witches are at their fist. It is so fun seeing them this way. I hope they remain that way forever but why and what's his purpose of getting me all these?

I will get the answers I need but first I must make them more furious, especially Lora. I hate her guts so much, I wish there was another word for hate, I'd say it.

"I love it. Thanks but may I know why you got these for me?"

"We're going to a business party tomorrow in the evening." He revealed which made me stare at him in shock.

"You don't have to worry. Aunt Lora already granted me permission to take you with me. I hope it is not a problem for you?"

How could she do this without informing me? And is that the reason why he keeps showing up every time for this?

"This is the opportunity you've been seeking and you mustn't let it slip off your hand. You have got to show them their place." My inner conscience spoke out to me.

That's right, I'll follow him to the party looking dressed so beautiful and good looking. I took my graze to Lora and saw her staring at me with anger since I was taking time to reply to him.

"No, there's no problem."

"You can go keep them in your room." She said with a false smile while Annie was fuming in anger.

This is the reason why I told her, I get cherished by people because of my looks. I hope she burns out in anger, jealousy and hate. It's her problem and she hasn't seen anything yet.

I'll surely make myself look good and outstanding beyond their imaginations.

Annie is up with me and I will make her feel ugly like a nobody and as for Lora, the bet is on since she gave him the approval of taking me with him.

"I'll send some makeover artists tomorrow to get you ready for the party."

"Okay." I responded, laughing within me.

It really is a perfect idea for sending some makeover artists to come make me look good. I'm sure this is going to be a fun ride and an exciting one that's going to make some people jealous, bitter and sad.

"Jace, what about me? You didn't get anything for me."

"Don't worry Annie. It a business party but I still got another occasion and I promise to take you along.""

"Okay. If you say so."

"Uhm...Jace, why don't you let me handle her makeover. You know I'm good in that aspect?"

"I know you're perfect, Aunt but I want her to look more outstanding and I don't want you stressing yourself out."

"That's alright. I understand." She replied, gritting her teeth.

I know her plans pretty well. She doesn't want me to attend the party by doing an ugly makeover on my face but that's not happening because the moment she agreed to his demand, that's the moment she made a big mistake which is to my advantage.

"I'll be leaving now. I need to make other preparations for the party."

"Okay son. Send my regards to Lilian and Paul."

"I will, Aunt Lora. Bye."

"I will come pick you up tomorrow evening at 6 and make sure the makeover artists are already done getting you ready.." He added, referring to me.

"No problem. Thanks." I replied as he took his leave.

"There is no way you're going to attend that party. I regret ever giving him the approval in the first place." Lora ranted and stood on her foot.

"It all your fault mother. If you had come up with an excuse to tell Jace, this wouldn't have happened in the first place." Annie cried out with a soft whimper.

"Didn't you see the expensive dress and heels he got for her just for a party. I'm so pissed off right now."

"I'm sorry about it, dear. I will find a way to prevent her from attending the party."

"You've got to find a solution fast, mum."

This is really interesting watching them displaying their anger and pain and the worst is yet to come when I'm all dressed up like an angel.

"I'm sure you have brainwashed him into falling in love with you and I promise you won't get away with any of it."

"That's what you and your wretched daughter think and there is nothing you guys can do about it other than burn in anger, pain and bitterness." I lashed out in my mind.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day for me and a bad day for some people.