

Casabella's POV

"I still can't believe how they both met, mother." Annie exclaimed after Jace left not quite long.

"I also feel the same. I think she has been seeing him or must have enchanted him with her witch spell to make him fall in love with her."

"No aunt. I did no such thing with anyone. You and your daughter clearly heard what the man said so why accuse me out what I didn't do."

"I disagree with that. You must have done something to him because of his wealth. I guess you don't know whose son he is."

"Of course she wouldn't know, mother. Luxury isn't for people like her."

"Not for people of her class. Let me tell you who he is. He's one of the most influential and wealthiest business tycoon son here in New York, Paul Lawson and a business associate in my husband's company so he's no match for someone like you."

"She can only keep dreaming, mother." Annie laughed sarcastically.

I never imagined I would see him again not to talk of his relationship with my uncle and this two witches and to top all up, he was acting like we've known each other for long.

I just wish I never met him in the very beginning. He's such a crazy man.

"I don't care who he is or how much wealth his family has. I never asked him to bump into me in the first place."

"That's because you bumped into him because you're always clumsy and stupid in everything you're told to do."

"Can you just imagine what she just said? Seriously mum, wealth can't ever be for her and she's no class to brother Jace so it will be useless of him if he develops interest in her."

This tiny little bitch is getting on my nerves.

"Don't mind her words, darling. She doesn't know how it feels to be in so much wealth. Go back to the laundry." She ordered and I left them as they continue with their tiny gossip.

I really don't care what they think I have with the Jace guy. They can say whatever they feel like, I don't bloody give a shit because I never met the guy before until that first encounter.

Mark's POV

I stood in front of my glass window staring at her from the office. She did left me totally speechless with her presentation and intellectual knowledge in business.

I wasn't really expecting such presentation to be that good and coming from a woman was outstanding and even when she saw me staring at her during the presentation, she didn't lose focus with her doing.

"What's up buddy." Alex called out from behind.

"I told you she's going to clear those doubts on your head about the products, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did bro." I twirl around and took my seat.

"You've got to be listening to me all the time, buddy." He uttered and took a seat too.

"You wish."

"Let put that aside. How's my darling doing?" He inquired, referring to my little sister.

"She's doing great. Is something wrong with her? Didn't she tell you she's coming to say with me for a week?"

"She did but she keeps having those nightmares of that experience lately so am just worried if she's had it last night." He explained, sounding worried and sad.

"She was okay when I checked her out, she was okay. I can't believe it has surface again. Why didn't you inform me about it and she also didn't bother to tell me too."

"I guess she feels pained but I'm there to protect her, Mark. You don't have to take it personal. I just wish I could get my hands on all the men who did that immoral act to her."

"I'm still working on it, Alex but I promise I'll fish them all out and waste them in an unspeakable way most especially the mastermind."

"We've got to find them soon. I've got eyes in France who are fast looking into the problem."

"Thanks a lot buddy. You've been doing a lot for my sister."

"It nothing bro. You do you know how much I love your sister when we're still kids and till this moment."

"I really do, buddy. I remember vividly when you stole her first kiss at the playground." I smiled recalling the incident like it was just yesterday.

"Dude, I couldn't help it. I was blinded by her love." He laughed.

"Yeah, it is when you're with the right person who won't break you or betray but all that love stuff isn't in my case."

"Should I tell you something?"

"Go on, I'm all ears."

"I feel you're going to end up with the strange lady you said was rude to you because from my own aspect, no lady has ever spoken to you in that matter not to say how you're really determined to find out who she is."

"Screw you, Alex. There is no way I'll end up with any woman not to mention of that rude lady called, Casabella."

"Whoa! I guess you've already gotten her name and information. Buddy, you're going to change your cold ways towards people just because of her. I'm sure of it."

"Are you really my buddy or you've being brain washed to turn against me?"

"None of that, bro. I got a mind of it own that makes me look beyond people life affairs."

"Don't tell me you've turned into a fortunate teller?"

"You can say whatever you want but I believe in what I saw in your words with the lady."

"You're funny buddy." I laughed.

It really rare to have a best friend who's like a brother to you and to top it all, when he happens to be your sister lover. It a priceless luck for me to have come across such a good hearted person like him.

Madison's POV

"I still can't believe you rendered them speechless with the presentation most especially Mr Clinton."

"I did told you I'll give in my very best to leave them astonished."

"You sure did. Congratulations once more."

"Thanks babe. I'm really proud of myself. I've never felt this happy with other companies we've worked with."

"You deserve it, boss."

"I'm flattered." I chuckled.

"I do mean it, Miss Madison."


"Oh yes... Boss, since the signing of contract is done and successful when do we return back to London?" She asked suddenly.

"You've got to be kidding me, Mary. We just arrived yesterday so there's no way we're leaving early."

"Really?" How about the state of the company?"

"Dad is going to run the company until we arrive."

"That's awesome. How many days are we spending?"

"A week since have missed this country alot so I need to catch up with old friends and have fun."

"Yes! That means we're on a short vacation?"

"You can say that again also we're using this opportunity to celebrate the contract finalization."

"This is the best vacation I'll enjoy in a long while and in my dream country."

"You're bound to come to this place after all."

"That's right, boss."

"Let hit to a club and celebrate before taking a tour around. Are you in?"

"Absolutely in."

"Great. It going to be so much fun having to spend time and jest on personal stuff."

"I really don't know you do have fun this way."

"It once in a while but since have got you, we're going to spend it together and not just as an employer and her employee but as best friends."

"I feel honored. Thank you so much, boss"

"It nothing babe."


I picked a classic night club for Mary and I to hangout and spend together.

We were on our way to the club which was Manhattan club, a very popular club around New York and the very best to enjoy your moment in New York.

I was dressed in a black body hug top and a black short skirt with a white snickers while Mary was dressed in a black sweat pants and a black tank top with a white snickers too. I chose the colour of dress because Black stands for nobility and power and is perfect for night club hangouts.

We arrive at the club and alight from the car as two bodyguards stood behind us as we made our way inside the club.

The moment we walked in, everyone's graze fell on us as we both smiled to us and made to the cocktail bar to grab a drink.

"They look charming, beautiful and hot in dark clothes." A guy uttered behind us which made us smile and head to the bar counter and took a seat.

"Manhattan cocktail for two." I said to the bar man.

"This place looks dope. You're a great taste, boss."

"Shhh... We're off duty, call me by my name."

"I don't feel comfortable with it, you too know that in the first place that's why I prefer calling you, Boss."

"Like I said babe. We're best friends so we don't need to address ourselves like strangers. If you don't call me by my name then I won't talk to you again henceforth."

"Please don't do that. I'm sorry Madison. I just felt it isn't right to call my boss by her name."

"It's alright babe after all we're best friends."

"Yes, we are." She uttered with a smile.

"Much better." We both laughed.

"Here you go madams." The bar man said, dropping the cocktail in front of us.

"Shall we take the shot babe?"

"Yes, please." She replied and we both clicked glasses together and took the shot at once.