
Chapter 915: Tang 3, I am your uncle

Even though he was mentally prepared, he still felt heartache when he heard Tang Yuehua's hateful expression and disgusting words.

This feeling is really sad.

Although he hates Xu Ran, sometimes he also envy Xu Ran. Everyone around Xu Ran is close to him, trusts him, and admires him. And what about him Tang San? Everyone thought that Tang San was a despicable villain.

People who haven't experienced it will not understand this feeling.

Especially when I was hated and hated by my own relatives, I was really powerless at that time.

"Auntie, you misunderstood. Actually, I didn't kill them. It was Xu Ran. Xu Ran did everything." Tang San looked at Tang Yuehua in front of him and said.

"Huh? Xu Ran told me before. After you kill people, you like to throw dirty water on Xu Ran's body. Xu Ran also said, if one day you see me, the first thing you will do is to tell everything you did. All pushed to Xu Ran. Sure enough, Xu Ran was right."

"Bo Saixi and the others have already told me. You used this method to deceive Bo Saixi before, and it wasn't until later that Xu Ran exposed you." Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San and said coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"I, Tang San, may have such a fate."

"Okay, okay. Just pretend that I did all this, and it's okay."

Hearing Tang Yuehua's cold words, Tang San felt bitter in his heart, and laughed loudly up to the sky, making the tears that had already reached his eyes flow back.

Seeing Tang Yuehua's expression, he knew that he couldn't change Tang Yuehua's thoughts.

Tang Yuehua and Xu Ran had been together for too long, and they had been brainwashed too seriously.

"Tang San, if you're a man, you should boldly admit that you did those things. Don't put it all on Xu Ran. Dare to act like a man, don't provoke other people's relationships like a despicable villain." Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San angrily, her tone extremely cold.

These days, she and Bo Saixi have learned a lot.

Before, she had learned from Xiao Wu and the others about Tang San's bad past.

What would such a person do other than slander others?

"Hahaha. What if I did it? You are all satisfied that I did those things. I not only killed everyone in the Clear Sky Sect, but now I want to kill you." Tang San broke the defense , growling angrily.

He doesn't understand why the world is so harsh towards him?

When he told the truth, it was a slander against Xu Ran, and it was despicable and shameless.

He had to take all the things Xu Ran had done into his own body, which was what he should do?

Is he supposed to be this little guy?


What kind of **** aunt is this?

"Sure enough? Just admit it." Tang Yuehua looked at Tang San with a sneer. Hearing Tang San's own confession, she no longer had any doubts in her heart.

"Today, if you promise me never to interact with Xu Ran, I will spare your life. Otherwise, I will kill you." Tang San burst into endless Rakshasa thoughts, covering the entire room.

Terrifying killing intent and malicious intent enveloped Tang Yuehua, making her cheeks turn pale in an instant, looking at Tang San in horror.

But she knew that Tang San's strength was very strong. If he wasn't strong, how could he have killed her father, uncle, great-grandfather, and the thousands of members of the Clear Sky Sect?

"Dream, Tang San."

"You have killed all the thousands of people in the Clear Sky Sect, will you let me go? Even if you will let me go, I won't do that. Xu Ran is the best and most perfect person in my heart. You are completely different. What is there to fear about death?"

"You think you can make me betray Xu Ran by threatening my life? It's ridiculous. There are some things that a murderer like you can never understand. Those things are higher than life and everything. How can anyone who can kill a killer understand feelings?"

Tang Yuehua looked indifferent.

In his heart, Xu Ran could have such a lofty artistic achievement, which means that Xu Ran's character is elegant, definitely not something like Tang San's murderous madman can compare?

"Are you sure? If you really want to follow Xu Ran, I will really kill you, and I will definitely not show any mercy." Tang San looked at his aunt who had already fully believed in Xu Ran, feeling complicated.

For the honor of the family, he would not let his aunt be with this enemy.

That would be the greatest blasphemy against the Tang family.

He knew that it wasn't really his aunt's fault. He was late and didn't stop Xu Ran from getting to know her earlier. He is very clear about Xu Ran's ability to control women. As long as a woman gets close to Xu Ran, she will quickly lose her intelligence in a short period of time. This may be the so-called, women who fall in love have zero IQ.

"Tang San, don't be pretentious here. If you want to do it, do it quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome if you want to kill me again when Xu Ran comes." Tang Yuehua sneered.

Only Xu Ran could cure a villain like Tang San.

"Xu Ran?" Tang San's expression changed.

At this time, Xu Ran also happened to come to Tang Yuehua's side, suppressing all the Rakshasa aura on Tang San's body.

"Tang San, it's not good to shout and kill when you come to my place? This is your aunt! You actually want to kill your aunt, you're a beast like you're just mad." Xu Ran said righteously.

He had felt Tang San's existence since Tang San had just stepped into Heaven Dou City.

But he chose not to disturb Tang San after seeing Tang San entering Yuexuan, the purpose was to make Tang Yuehua's attitude towards Tang San completely plummet after seeing Tang San's face. Only in this way, Tang Yuehua would be extremely sure that those things were done by Tang San.

He was too familiar with Tang San~www.mtlnovel.com~ but when Tang San saw his family was misunderstood by Tang Yuehua again, he would definitely get emotional and become angry.

And now the time has come.

Tang San wants to kill Tang Yuehua, will Tang Yuehua still have a good impression of Tang San?

Tang San wants to kill her, and Tang San kills Tang Hao, Tang Chen, Tang Xiao, and this series of events that destroy the Haotian Sect will be linked together, making Tang Yuehua convinced that Tang San is a murderer.

"Crazy? Heh. Xu Ran, you still underestimate me by trying to provoke me in such a way." Tang San looked at Xu Ran with a dull expression. Now that he is calm, even if he is slandered by Xu Ran, he will remain calm.

He would not let Xu Ran take pleasure in it any longer.

"Yuehua is my woman. Logically speaking, I am your uncle. If you want to take action against Yuehua, it is too much to ignore my uncle. When you destroyed the Clear Sky Sect, I did not I can stop you, but now you don't want to shoot Yuehua right under my nose." Xu Ran said honestly with Tang Yuehua behind him.

"Uncle's ass? Xu Ran, don't be too shameless." Xu Ran sipped his uncle, making Tang San feel uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.